Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway
Trump Enters Uneasy Truce
with Deep State
Trump Meets Bush Dynasty Half Way to End Epic Feud
First, these are the
indisputable facts:
The State Funeral
for George H.W. Bush was held on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at
the Washington National Cathedral.
During the funeral, an extraordinary series of events took place
that continue to puzzle the Alt
Media to this very day. These events are described at the
following link: “THE ENVELOPE AFFAIR”: Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major
Series of Radical Events in Washington, D.C.
Then, just two days later, on
Friday, December 7, 2018, President Trump nominated Bush lawyer and close
confidante — William Barr — for Attorney General. (See screenshot from
Wikipedia below.) Barr previously served as Attorney General under
President George H.W. Bush.
KEY POINT: There’s
no question that William Barr was an elite fixer for Poppy Bush. He did things
that only an AG would do knowing that they could act with total impunity, which
he did. Because Barr was always a Bush inside man, he is privy to the
family secrets as only a ‘family attorney’ would be, so he is completely
trusted by them. Which
is why he is now Trump’s Attorney General.
William Barr was confirmed as
Attorney General on February 14, 2018. This pivotal AG appointment is the
single most important personnel change for the Trump administration in
2019. The true significance of this move will inevitably expose itself in
the months to come. In the meantime, the following narrative is presented
for those who really want to know what time it is RIGHT NOW.
really happened?
Everything points to a truce
proposition floated at the funeral by President Trump—a truce that was quickly
accepted by both sides of the epic feud.
The Bush political dynasty is
powerful and pervasive. Under W. Bush the family closely aligned with the
Neocon cabal and other influential Zionists.
President Trump is also
joined at the hip with both Christian and Israeli Zionists, and especially with
the Chabad organization through his Orthodox Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner.
It appears that Trump knew
that he would not have a moment’s peace for his remaining two years and
therefore reached out to the Bushes (and other leading crime syndicates) to
agree to a peace treaty of sorts.
All the biggest names in both
the Bush and Clinton Crime families were present during the Bush funeral.
In this way, Trump was able to disseminate the word to all of them that he
would no longer pursue his campaign promise to drain the swamp. If Trump
was to drain the D.C. swamp, all of them would be flushed down the tubes—FAST!
Clearly, whatever messages
were delivered to each of the representatives of the Bush, Clinton and Obama
camps at the funeral proved that Trump was dead serious. The biggest
message, of course, was that Trump would release highly sensitive information
and/or prosecute high crimes that would sink all of their ships in a day and a
night. Their various reactions during the “Envelope Affair” clearly
reflected a dire warning from Trump.
There’s much more intrigue and privileged info
associated with this high drama and its aftermath which are explained in
captivating detail at the following two links. It is with great certainty
that the “Envelope Affair” was staged and filmed by Team Trump to have
maximum effect. It may even be the case that both sides were in on it
from the beginning as a way of informing all the key players (and the public)
that a truce was offered which was decisively accepted. 

nearly 2 years on the job, Trump came to realize that you can’t fight city hall. Especially
when most of your enemies are invisible. No matter who he appoints, even
if they are truly white hats, he saw how easily any administration appointee or
government official can be turned against him. His sincere promise to
make peace with Russia was not only thwarted at every turn, it has been used
against him to portray him as a traitorous POTUS. He saw that the Military-Industrial Complex alone — a
big Trump supporter — would not permit a rapprochement with Russia as it’s
not good for business. The MIC always needs a boogeyman for the specter
of war to loom large in the collective American mind; after all, The
USA is the Military Arm of the New World Order.
major takeaways of this rapidly evolving state of affairs inside the swamp are
as follows:
Q and QAnon are LARPs* who
have posted massive amounts of hope porn regarding thousands of fictitious
sealed indictments. They don’t exist, and they never did. “The
PLAN” was never real and only a figment of someone’s fertile imagination who,
nonetheless, still has A VERY SERIOUS AGENDA (to deceitfully corral the Patriot
Movement into the warmongering Neocon Zionist camp). The Qs are really
working for one of the clandestine crime syndicates that currently backs Trump.
*LARP = Live Action Role-Playing and “is a type of interactive
role-playing game in which the participants portray characters through physical
action, often in costume and with props”.
With AG William Barr in place there will be no prosecutions of the Clintons,
the Bushes, the Obamas or any other crime family including the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers. Even career criminal George Soros will skate. The
nomination of Barr just 2 days after the funeral reflects the likelihood that
the truce offer was immediately accepted by both sides and that Barr would
enforce the non-prosecution agreement as Attorney General.
• The
swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained — not even a little — because any
prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families.
Convictions could even lead to the exposure of the Khazarian Mafia and Black Nobility that
really run the whole show as they have since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
and before. The Illuminati
crime families simply posses too much wealth to ever be taken down; LOTs
of money buys LOTs of power and influence.
The foreign policy of the Trump administration has been completely taken over
by warmongering Neocon Zionists. They have been given free rein to
execute regime changes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador and even
Cuba. They will also target Iran in the very near future as well as
continue to occupy Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Syria is also still in
their crosshairs for another day…after other “shock and awe” military conquests
have been successful. Just who are those Neocon Zionists?
Pence — Vice President
Bolton — National Security Advisor (United States)
Pompeo — Secretary of State
Haspel — Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Coats — Director of National Intelligence
Abrams — United States Special Representative for Venezuela
Carr — Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
Trump’s foreign policy is no longer under his control. Neither are his
major domestic policy decisions. He will appear to press on with the
border wall, replacing Obamacare, protecting the Second Amendment, and
outlawing abortion as a contraceptive, but these initiatives will only be given
lip service henceforth. None of them will be accomplished during the
remainder of his term in office.
It’s also quite likely that Donald Trump will NOT run again for office as part
of the deal. At this point, most of the crime syndicates that really run
the world do not want him as POTUS, except to
usher the USA through a highly controlled bankruptcy.
This will be his primary task should the power elite crash the stock market,
yet again, and then pull the plug on the global economy. That would
be THEIR FINAL SOLUTION if all else fails.
General William Barr
A number of significant
things have occurred since Barr was first nominated, as well as after he began
his new job at the DOJ. First, it was announced that Deputy AG Rod
Rosenstein would be leaving in March.
Special Counsel Mueller has
also indicated that his fake investigation was quickly coming to an end.
Much more importantly, it has been reported in multiple MSM news outlets that
the final report might not even be made public. And, that whatever
information was made available to the American people would likely be sanitized
and redacted ‘wherever appropriate’.
The upshot of all of this
posturing is, of course, that Barr will not release any info/data that would be
a contravention of the secret deal between the Trumps and the Bushes. As
the ultimate gatekeeper at DOJ, Barr will be sure to dampen any intentions that
Mueller originally had to implicate Trump a the Russiagate hoax. Nothing gets
out into the public domain via the Attorney General that will put the Mexican
standoff inside the Beltway in jeopardy.
An extremely concerning factoid about Barr is his history for
proposing the curtailment of the Second Amendment. This is in keeping with his
reputation for being a high-powered legal counsel for the power elite. No
matter who they are, they do not want the American people to possess
firearms. Gun Rights Groups: We Object to William Barr Being Confirmed as AG
There’s no question that Barr
was a key “fixer” for President George H.W. Bush.
And that his willingness to
provide legal cover as AG for so much Bush corruption was a function of his
being a longtime covert operative of the rogue C.I.A. Bush senior is notorious
for using the rogue C.I.A. to carry out many a black operation worldwide such
as the Iran-Contra affair—a covered up scandal that nearly brought down the
Reagan administration.
CIA Covert Operative William Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney
General. His Role in the Iran Contra Affair
In light of this irrefutable history, everything points to Barr
maintaining the status quo inside the swamp. Because the Bush Crime Syndicate
and Clinton Crime Family are joined at the hip, he will do nothing to upset
that critical relationship, especially because they are both essential to the
funding and running of the rogue C.I.A. The
Clinton Foundation: A Typical ‘CIA-Directed NGO’ That Is Completely Above The
Truly, Williams Barr’s hands are now tied as no other AG in U.S.
history. Just like Jeff Sessions was “A
Bush plant, SES pawn and agent of Deep State“,
so, too, will Barr prove to be an agent of Deep State perfectly positioned to keep the
swamp from being drained. Just as Sessions expanded the outrageous Civil
Asset Forfeiture laws, Barr will likely push for new federal statutes that
protect the few wealthy elites at the expense of We the People.
have argued that the Attorney General is the most powerful position in American
government. It’s true that the AG can bring down any other government
official including the POTUS, VPOTUS, and any member of the SCOTUS.
Likewise, the U.S. Attorney General can take down any head of state, corporate
CEO and/or President, and NGO Director. Therefore, it’s the single most
critical appointment that the President can make. After two
disastrous years of the willfully incompetent Jeff Sessions, Trump was brutally
aware of the necessity of making the right choice to replace him. And so
he did … … … for survival’s sake.
The POTUS has been completely
taken over by forces that are way too powerful for any one individual to take
The current composition of his cabinet clearly indicates that
his major campaign promises will not be fulfilled. The number of Neocon
warmongers alone is enough to start World War III. His war cabinet
was quite purposefully constituted to advance the fascist side of the New World Order agenda. While the
communist side is being humbled like never before, their control of the major
pillars of Deep State have
made them an implacable foe for Trump.
Therefore, the theater of war that involves the Mainstream Media
(MSM), the U.S. Intelligence Community, Big Tech and Big Social Media will not
demilitarize. Trump has exposed the MSM “fake news” like no other leader
in world history; he has also taken his wrecking ball to the other primary
pillars of Deep State. The Powers That Be (TPTB) will not forget
the irreparable damage that he inflicted; nor will those individual power
players forgive Trump’s unparalleled truth-telling about their sedition and
sellouts, sins and shortcomings.
This “uneasy truce” is also
why the President is zealously promoting, not only the extremely dangerous 5G
roll-out, but also a future 6G technology paradigm. Israel has kept their
3G networks frozen in place because Tel Aviv acknowledges the inherent health
dangers and risks; and yet they were the primary developers of 5G
technology. Why, then, is Trump pushing a completely untested 5G model?
because there is a truce in effect does not mean that Deep State won’t keep up the constant pressure
on Trump. A promise not to impeach, or do an Amendment 25, or assassinate
him, is one thing; the determination to prevent his re-election is quite
another. Therefore, the MSM madness will continue forthwith as the
incessant fake news insanity also supports the ever-present “divide and conquer” strategy employed by
the Black Nobility over
the centuries. The outworking of this in-your-face vendetta by the
CIA’s Mockingbird Media against
Trump for exposing fake news is, after all, an integral part of their
stealthy scheme to destroy the American Republic.
TPTB aim to make a flaming example of him so that no other leader even thinks
about leaving the reservation of political correctness.
There is no defeating Deep
State except by the sheer force of people power and posing the very
real threat of violence against the 1%. The Shadow Government has had the
planet in total lockdown for centuries so how can one man possibly bring down
such a deep and wide power structure, especially when most of it operates
completely under the radar.
Many folks within the Truth Movement will dismiss this analysis
just as ever-hopeful Trumpians will attempt to debunk it at their own
peril. It was President Trump, himself, who fastidiously choreographed
this perfectly executed series of [TELLING] events. Hence, it is the
POTUS who is effectively delivering this message to you—PATRIOT. He is telling US that he is now
being held captive with very few opportunities to escape from the Deep State prison. Consequently, he
needs our help — the entire Patriot Movement — like never before. Can he
even count on the U.S. military flag officers anymore after all the generals
who have been fired or relieved of their commands since Inauguration Day?
Changes in the Trump Presidency: THE HIDDEN BACK STORY (Part I)
Neocons ‘Taking Over The White
House’: WSJ’s Kissel Joins Trump Administration
BATTLE FOR WORLD / SPUTNIK NEWS – November 29, 2018:
The article highlights that the decision by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
to give former Wall Street Journal editorial writer Mary Kissel a senior
position at the department, despite her previous clashes with US President Donald
Trump, shows that neoconservatives are moving in on
the administration, investigative reporter Dave Lindorff told Sputnik.
“That could be one answer…
the other one could be that this kind of neocon person, which she is, are
basically taking over the White House. I wouldn’t have called Trump a neocon
when he was running for office, but I think his policies are at this point
pretty much in the neocon playbook on foreign policy.”
Deep State in confusion: Bush
Dynasty called for truce and offer a Peace Settlement to President Trump
BATTLE FOR WORLD | February 20, 2019:
The second week in December 2018, before 12th, the Bush family in the circle of
the One World Order, after the death of George W. H. Bush on November 30, 2018,
called a meeting regarding their continued support to bring about a One World
Order – globalization. Members of the Bush family with other like-minded elites
are now realizing that their input, contributing to worldwide chaos and
destruction to bring about a fascist world dictatorship order with the United
States at the center is now in a phase of breakdown due to challenge of other
emerging power centers – namely Russia and China.
The Bush family was faced
with the decision of continuing the fight, which would lead to the ouster of
Trump…and pushing on with the vision of world dictatorship using the
Republicans and Democrats, to which they chance facing war crimes, of the
destruction of people and planet, because they have been outgunned. Realizing
this the Bush faction has pulled back and have come to an agreement, privately,
with President Trump.
The Rockefeller family
withdrew long ago from the quest for world dictatorship. And so you now have
the Rothschild family thinking it over; but the Zionist faction in the United
States is still adamant to fulfill world dictatorship along with their
Bolshevik ally. Their current adventure…in South America with Venezuela using
Bush family Deep State and
President Trump called Truce – Part 1
February 20, 2019: The video highlights Rick Wiles having a private
conversation with someone unnamed, who gave him insight.
Rick Wiles: I
was given an educational seminar on what’s going on. Let me just put it like
this … so I’ve been talking here that the old New World Order is dying and
that has been a theme of ours here (at TruNews). And when I say the old New
World Order I am talking about the one that most of us has been talking about
for decades, which was David Rockefeller, Kissinger, the Bush family, etc. and
we are all saying that they are all dying off and the ones that are left only
have one foot in the grave. They did not accomplish their big dream – they had
gotten close several times but they did not get it done and now it’s falling
apart. Their’s a populist revolt around the world, the
whole thing is collapsing, nothing is going their way anymore and they are old, they are in their nineties
or hundred, and they are dying off. And it did not work – (i.e. their vision to
bring about worldwide dictatorship). So that is what we have been seeing.
What we are also seeing,
there’s a new New World Order coming … someone else is going to pick up the
I think that in the East, China, Asia, their’s another New World
Order that’s going to rise up. (BattleForWolrd:
And it is different and has nothing in common with the West’s old New World
Order dictatorship vision. The West is being very unfriendly to Russia and
China. And some expect both to forgive the West for all that hate and massive
lies just like that, after all the media fake news attacks to destroy their
Now, the question is, can
anybody here in America, in the West, can they pick up the pieces of this old
dying New World Order. And what we have been watching for the past two years,
what we are calling the Deep State, that is in this country, the political
network of the (old) New World Order that has been fighting Donald Trump,
because he was not supposed to be elected president; it was supposed to have
been Jeb Bush, not Hillary Clinton.
Jeb Bush was supposed to have
won, but he got knocked out by Donald Trump, so then they had to make a
decision, and Hillary was the next best thing they had going for them. But the
ruling elites really don’t care for the Clintons. OK, there are factions inside
this thing; competing factions; it is not monolithic.
Remember George W. H. Bush
funeral? Remember the piece of paper, the envelope, I (Rick Wiles) am not going
to tell you yet what I have been told about what was in the envelope.
The Trump faction and the
Bush faction had been at war for two years, OK. Number forty-one, George H. W.
Bush was running the New World Order. He was the man in charge. He was calling
the shots, right up to his death. He was the godfather. Then the family: the
boys, the sons, did not want it after the father died. They did not want that
mantle on them to continue the throne.
There was an ultimatum that
came at the funeral, directly after the funeral, and a truce was signed.
After that you began to hear
the phase from the Trump people about a Liberal World Order. There was a truce,
there was an agreement that the Trump faction would not prosecute the Bush
faction, along with the Clintons.
What was on that paper has to
do with the truce, stayed tuned, said Rick Wiles.
Attorney General William Barr
is the Bush family emissary to enforce the truce. This is why Robert Mueller is
packing up and leaving. (The Bush dogs [the flunkies] are being called off.)
Who’s Robert Mueller, who did he worked for, the Bush faction. It’s all
over. The whole resist Trump campaign, take Trump down operation of the Deep
State, it’s over.
Trump and the New World Order
have reached a settlement, and understanding that they (the Trump faction)
would not take down key members of it, in return for the hounds of hell being
called off.
Robert Mueller was told to
pack up and go home, to not even issue a report.
Andrew McCabe et al … those
are the flunkies in the operation who are realizing that they are getting
burned and used.
The war against Mr. Trump is
over from the Deep State in the Bush Republican side of the Deep State. (The
truce brings into force a big cover up.) Donald Trump is not going to be
removed. And there’s not going to be a Republican challenge against him in
(Flunkies:) Adam Schiff is
still going to be out there; Nancy Pelosi is still going to be blowing
smoke; they are going to continue…its all for show.
Congress already laying
groundwork for impeachment
The article highlights that last week (the first week in February), no fewer
than six committees of the House of Representatives were investigating
potential grounds for impeaching President Donald Trump.
The committees do not use
the word “impeachment,” because they were instructed by the House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi to describe their work in narrower, less inflammatory terms.
But the question that is
always close is: Does Trump’s record of norm-busting, rule-bending and apparent
law-breaking, from conflicts of interest to murky connections with foreign
governments, justify removing him from office?
Pelosi said recently, “We
have to see what the facts are.” And we “We shouldn’t be impeaching for a
political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason. So
we’ll just have to see how it comes.”
The beginning phase is termed
“pre-impeachment” and Pelosi and her committee chairs, all Democrats, are doing
what they need to do to make impeaching Trump possible.
Some Democrats
pushing for impeachment are more impatient, and
California billionaire Tom Steyer has
vowed to spend money in next year’s (2020) Democratic primaries to punish
members of Congress, including committee chairs, who
don’t move as quickly as he’d like.
But such a move is
short-sighted, and an impeachment resolution now would surely backfire — is the
opinion. That it would create a zero-sum fight between the two tribes of
American politics — the DINO and the RINO. It would make winning Republican
support almost impossible — and could help re-elect Trump.

Trump’s not in charge – neocons
calling the shots
AMERICA | February 6, 2019: The video highlights that it’s clear National Security Advisor John Bolton and U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo are determining Washington’s moves in places the
United States has occupied, including Syria, Iraq
and Afghanistan, etc. And former Pentagon official Michael Maloof comments.
(BattleForWorld: The Neocons
are in charge of Trump’s foreign policy and will have him deceptively backtrack
on promises. To make America great again is the continued pursuit of “empire” –
world domination. If the RINO [Republican In Name Only] Neocons and their
DINO [Democrat In Name Only] counterpart are able to get away with misusing
Trump, some see no reason why he cannot be reelected for a second term to
continue the folly. They will suck America dry until the country collapse.)
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