CRAFTY BEAVER:Deep State attempts to start a race war before
stealing the 2020 POTUS election
Obama” Kamala Harris Poses as a Deep
Co-conspirator to Inflame Racial Tensions Before
She Tries to Steal the 2020 POTUS Election
There is a rapidly unfolding Deep State conspiracy
afoot to rig and/or steal the 2020 POTUS election. But this election theft will
be preceded by an attempt to start a race war.
This subversive plot to incite a race war before the 2020
election has multiple goals and purposes which will be discussed in a
subsequent article.
“Crafty Beaver”
“Crafty Beaver” has two primary objectives; the first is to elect another
dyed-in-the-wool cultural marxist as POTUS. That would be California’s Kamala
Harris. Clearly she has been politically positioned to pick up the mantle of Cultural Marxism once
held by Obama.
Just like Obama, Senator Kamala Harris is a half black. Her
political ascension only occurred because she has been a truly “crafty beaver”
throughout her career in California government. Even her previous patrons and
bosses have spoken about what a crafty beaver she can be—WOW! See KAMALA
HARRIS: “The poster politician for all swamp creatures.”
The second objective, which must be accomplished before Harris
can be elected POTUS, is to restart the race war that Obama fomented over 8
long years. There are several reasons why the Democrats are desperate to
trigger a full-blown race war. As follows:
Why The Obama Administration Was So Determined To Start A Race War
With this critical understanding it’s quite easy to see how the
Democrat Party has been completely taken over by the cultural marxists and
transformed into a Communist Party in disguise. The preceding link lays bare
the entire treasonous scheme to collapse the American Republic that has been
insidiously advanced over several decades.
In candidate Kamala Harris the Democrats have fastidiously
fabricated a political persona who will aggressively promote both the fake
feminist agenda as well as the rapidly evolving race war strategy.
Senator Harris has already proven that she will do and say
anything that her masters demand of her — A N Y T H I N G!
See: The
Worst of Kamala Harris (Video)
Just as the Democrat Party got the first person of color elected
POTUS, the DNC is determined to see the first woman in the Oval Office. Whereas
Hillary Clinton was a total failure in this regard, Kamala Harris is their ace
in the hole—literally.
Just like Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, Harris is
the product of a decades-long CIA project to create another empty suit who will
faithfully carry out the highly destructive agenda of Cultural Marxism.
This is why she was set up to be such a “crafty beaver” from the very
beginning…just like Obama was.
How “Crafty Beaver” Kamala Harris really launched her political
What’s quite interesting is that Harris treats her illicit trysts
as a Feminazi badge of Cultural Marxism rather
than the “Scarlett Letter” that it truly is. This sordid Kamala Harris MO
reflects the extraordinarily twisted state of affairs that the Democrat Party
has become.
It also illustrates the sheer desperation of the Left to
preserve the very worst parts of the Obamanation and
at all costs. That especially includes maintaining their “Sodom and Gomorrah”
on both the Left Coast (LA & San Fran) and East Coast (NYC & D.C.).
These extremely degenerate and indispensable sanctuary cities are the cultural
marxists capitals that are used incessantly to implement the New
World Order globalist agenda both nationwide and worldwide.
Likewise, Smollett has been carefully set up by his Hollywood
handlers to play the role of the hate crime hoaxer. The following excerpt
explains further:
SOTN Editor’s Note: SOTN
is the first to admit that we do not know the exact details of the Deep
Stateconspiracy behind this juvenile conspiracy. However, the way
that this obvious hoax was immediately rolled out by the mainstream media (MSM)
as a hate crime tells it all (see
this video). It’s quite unlikely that Jussie Smollett put
together this childish scheme by himself. His Hollywood handlers may have first
put his acting job in jeopardy as the media reports have suggested. Then, his Deep
State masters threatened his job security and coerced him to
perpetrate the fake hate crime. What wouldn’t Jussie do to keep his EMPIRE
acting gig? By the way, Smollett’s character name on EMPIRE is “Jamal
Lyon”, as in lyin’.
Really, you can’t make
this stuff up…which is why Hollywood was contracted by the rogue C.I.A. to make
this stuff up.
Except that the whole operation — Operation “Crafty Beaver” — inconveniently got exposed—BIG TIME ! !
Clearly, Smollett and Harris
are joined at the hip as this exposé reveals. The funny thing is that these two
juvenile co-conspirators may not even know it. Isn’t that exactly how CIA black
ops are run—both on a strictly need-to-know basis and in a highly compartmentalized
The Jussie Smolletts–Kamala Harris Connection Exposed
The Jussie Smollett piece of this psyop, however, is much more
complex and convoluted than meets the eye. See: The
Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Explained in One Video (Must View)
Crafty Beaver Home Center is
where the paid assailants bought the ‘noose’ rope that Jussie Smollett had
around his neck when he arrived home after staging the hoax attack.
It’s entirely true: Jussie Smollett is nothing but a paid crisis
actor in the employ of a Democrat Party taken over by hardcore communists,
socialists and bolsheviks. Except that he screwed up so much so that he was
forced to hire a crisis management team. If you really want to see how these
traitors to the Republic operate just watch the Democrat lawyers liars lie their way out
of this unmitigated PR disaster, especially to salvage the absurd candidacies
of Kamala Harris and Cory ‘Spartacus’ Booker.
The much bigger story here is that this is only one false flag
hoax perpetrated by these agents provocateur. There are literally hundreds of
similar staged psyops happening all over the country for years. For this
reason, it’s crucial to watch every major media event between now and November
3, 2020. Here’s why: Jussie Smollett’s Hate Crime Hoax is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
“Crafty Beaver” Conspiracy
the conspiracy?
Well, that the CIA’s treacherous Mockingbird
Media ran with the Smollett fake ‘hate crime’ story with a
vengeance was the first sure sign of a massive conspiracy. Every MSM organ of
propaganda and disinfo was clued into this scheme to blame a fake hate crime on
the MAGA Movement. How BIG is that, especially in the lead-up to the 2020
election cycle?!
The size and complexity of this Deep State conspiracy
between the Democrat Party, the Mainstream
Media, Hollywood and Big Social Media is truly staggering. Were
one to analyze the timeline of media reports and how they were perfectly
synchronized with social media posts by all the usual suspects within America’s
celebrity society, it becomes evident that this was a highly coordinated scheme
TO START A RACE WAR. As always, Trump’s MAGA
Movement was quickly and unjustly blamed for a crime that the Left meticulously
planned out and shamelessly committed. Even today Smollett is hiring a team of
fixers to get him out of his perfidious mess.
Smollett Shuffles Attorneys, Hires Crisis Management Firm As
Scandal Deepens
The seditious Harris-Smollett conspiracy has likely been on the
drawing board for months but only carried out after Harris declared her
candidacy for POTUS. The precise timing of this hate crime hoax within the 2020
election cycle couldn’t have been better executed, particularly after the all-engrossing
Super Bowl which was also deliberately used to stoke the flames of racial
tensions across the USA.
It’s crucial to comprehend that this was to be Harris’s ticket
to the White House. Only with the help of a race war could she win given so
much ugly baggage both personal and political . Harris is such a flawed
candidate and repugnant personality that the DNC knew it had to “shock
and awe” her way to the presidency. And so they will try!
POINT: The Right should be careful not to underestimate the Democrat
determination to start a race war. They have absolutely no one to run against
Trump. What they do have is an exceedingly repulsive freak show the likes of
which features the very scary Kamala Harris. For this reason, the DEMs need to
pull off something quite HUGE to sufficiently distract the electorate in order
to steal the 2020 election. Only a brewing race war would provide the necessary
context for their chosen “Oreo” Kamala Harris to swoop in and deceptively ‘save
the day’.
As for the deep conspiracy here, every day brings new
revelations about the true relationship between Kamala Harris and Jussie
Smolletts. The Kamala Harris-Cory Booker lynching legislation is particularly
suspicious in light of the timing of both race-baiting events.
until now, it appeared that politicians such as Harris (and Booker) couldn’t
have known much about the phony plot and probably just glommed onto the
controversy for political advantage the way a lot of politicians do. But
Nasheed has pictures of them campaigning together, and even more important,
notes that Harris and Booker brought out an anti-lynching bill just
coincidentally timed ahead of the attack, as if to ensure passage as the
momentum built from public outrage (until the attack was exposed as phony).
With Smollett a black and gay supposed victim and everyone slathing sympathy on
him, who could refuse to vote for the anti-lynching bill, which just happens to
have had some gay language inserted at the last minute? Trump lynchers were
simply everywhere, according to the narrative, even in zero degree Chicago cold
weather, lurking and looking for someone black and gay to assault and of course
it was a national problem just waiting for Harris to pass a law as the person
who “fixes problems” which is how she is repeatedly identified herself to
Not only did this new lynching legislation come out of nowhere
(wasn’t that a 20th century issue), it was perfectly timed with the hate crime
hoax. However, even Harris herself knows that the cat is out of the bag. LYNCHING
LEGISLATION: Why now? Conspiracy falls apart!
Truly, Operation “Crafty Beaver” has become a
great gift that just keeps on giving. Even the Democrat machine of Chicago is reeling
from the fallout. It’s quite rare to have a State’s Attorney recuse herself
from a case without providing a legitimate reason. Well that’s what just
happened in Cook County.
County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx recused herself from the investigation into
the alleged attack into “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett.
Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats will be the acting state’s attorney
for the matter, a spokesperson said in an emailed statement Tuesday. No further
explanation was given as to why Foxx recused herself.
“Out of an abundance of
caution, the decision to recuse herself was made to address potential questions
of impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses in the case,”
the spokesperson said in an email.
(Source: HUGE Democrat Conspiracy Behind Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Exposed)
(Source: HUGE Democrat Conspiracy Behind Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax Exposed)
Were it not for the investigative reporting of the Alt
Media and Fifth Estate, Operation “Crafty Beaver” would
never have come to light. In point of fact, the communist plot to take over
America has been transpiring at breakneck speed for many years but mostly under
the radar.
Nowadays, as soon as a major manufactured event jumps off, it’s
investigated and scrutinized until the dots are properly connected which
invariably present a picture that looks like this:

Some folks have wondered why SOTN have given so much site space
to the “Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax”. Here’s why:
This Deep State black operation was the central
pillar of the Democrat 2020 secret platform which is why it had to be blown
wide open. After all, it represents a key component of their dimwitted strategy
to both start a full-scale race war as well as elect Manchurian
Candidate 2.0—Kamala Harris.
the event that the Democrats are compelled to abort a Kamala Harris candidacy,
there’s a very serious Plan B which fits perfectly into their race war
State of the Nation
February 19, 2019
February 19, 2019
Author’s Note
SOTN posted more articles than any other Alt
Media site on the Internet about how the Democrats would steal
every election in sight during the 2018 midterms. Which
they did! And which they got away with scot-free, except here in
Florida. Now here we go again: almost two years before Election Day 2020 and we
have already issued warning after warning about a stolen POTUS election. This
particular piece actually lays bare the general details of just one Deep
State scheme that’s was in the works. Please, people, get this
exposé out there so that the Right is
aware of the dangers that lurk right around the corner. THINK: What
will happen to this country if the Democrats steal the POTUS election in
2020?!?! It’s all over. The Democrats will lock
the whole place down. So, please, help us disseminate this radioactive report.
We just caught them—TWICE—before they conducted their nefarious machinations.
Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway
Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State
Trump Meets Bush Dynasty Half Way to End Epic Feud
First, these are the indisputable facts:
The State Funeral for George H.W. Bush was held on
Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at the Washington National Cathedral.
During the funeral, an extraordinary series of events took place
that continue to puzzle the Alt Media to
this very day. These events are described at the following link: “THE
ENVELOPE AFFAIR”: Bush Funeral Service Foreshadows a Major Series of Radical
Events in Washington, D.C.
Then, just two days later, on Friday, December 7, 2018,
President Trump nominated Bush lawyer and close confidante — William Barr — for
Attorney General. (See screenshot from Wikipedia below.) Barr previously
served as Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush.
POINT: There’s no question that William Barr was an elite fixer
for Poppy Bush. He did things that only an AG would do knowing that they could
act with total impunity, which he did. Because Barr was always a Bush
inside man, he is privy to the family secrets as only a ‘family attorney’ would
be, so he is completely trusted by them. Which
is why he is now Trump’s Attorney General.
William Barr was confirmed as
Attorney General on February 14, 2018. This pivotal AG appointment is the
single most important personnel change for the Trump administration in
2019. The true significance of this move will inevitably expose itself in
the months to come. In the meantime, the following narrative is presented
for those who really want to know what time it is RIGHT NOW.
really happened?
Everything points to a truce proposition floated at the funeral
by President Trump—a truce that was quickly accepted by both sides of the epic
The Bush political dynasty is powerful and pervasive.
Under W. Bush the family closely aligned with the Neocon cabal and other
influential Zionists.
President Trump is also joined at the hip with both Christian
and Israeli Zionists, and especially with the Chabad organization through his
Orthodox Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner.
It appears that Trump knew that he would not have a moment’s
peace for his remaining two years and therefore reached out to the Bushes (and
other leading crime syndicates) to agree to a peace treaty of sorts.
All the biggest names in both the Bush and Clinton Crime
families were present during the Bush funeral. In this way, Trump was
able to disseminate the word to all of them that he would no longer pursue his
campaign promise to drain the swamp. If Trump was to drain the D.C.
swamp, all of them would be flushed down the tubes—FAST!
Clearly, whatever messages were delivered to each of the
representatives of the Bush, Clinton and Obama camps at the funeral proved that
Trump was dead serious. The biggest message, of course, was that Trump
would release highly sensitive information and/or prosecute high crimes that
would sink all of their ships in a day and a night. Their various
reactions during the “Envelope Affair” clearly reflected a dire warning from
There’s much more intrigue and privileged info
associated with this high drama and its aftermath which are explained in
captivating detail at the following two links. It is with great certainty
that the “Envelope Affair” was staged and filmed by Team Trump to have
maximum effect. It may even be the case that both sides were in on it
from the beginning as a way of informing all the key players (and the public)
that a truce was offered which was decisively accepted. KEY POINTS: After
nearly 2 years on the job, Trump came to realize that you
can’t fight city hall. Especially when most of your
enemies are invisible. No matter who he appoints, even if they are truly
white hats, he saw how easily any administration appointee or government
official can be turned against him. His sincere promise to make peace
with Russia was not only thwarted at every turn, it has been used against him
to portray him as a traitorous POTUS. He saw that the Military-Industrial
Complex alone — a big Trump supporter — would not permit
a rapprochement with Russia as it’s not good for business. The MIC
always needs a boogeyman for the specter of war to loom large in the collective
American mind; after all, The USA is the Military Arm of the New World Order.
major takeaways of this rapidly evolving state of affairs inside the swamp are
as follows:
Q and QAnon are LARPs* who have posted massive amounts of hope porn regarding
thousands of fictitious sealed indictments. They don’t exist, and they
never did. “The PLAN” was never real and only a figment of someone’s
fertile imagination who, nonetheless, still has A VERY SERIOUS AGENDA (to
deceitfully corral the Patriot Movement into the warmongering Neocon Zionist
camp). The Qs are really working for one of the clandestine crime
syndicates that currently backs Trump.
*LARP = Live Action Role-Playing and “is a type of interactive role-playing game in which the
participants portray characters through physical action, often in costume and
with props”.
With AG William Barr in place there will be no prosecutions of the Clintons,
the Bushes, the Obamas or any other crime family including the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers. Even career criminal George Soros will skate. The
nomination of Barr just 2 days after the funeral reflects the likelihood that
the truce offer was immediately accepted by both sides and that Barr would
enforce the non-prosecution agreement as Attorney General.
• The
swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained — not even a little — because any
prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families.
Convictions could even lead to the exposure of the Khazarian
Mafia and Black Nobility that
really run the whole show as they have since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913
and before. The Illuminati
crime families simply posses too much wealth to ever be
taken down; LOTs of money buys LOTs of power and influence.
The foreign policy of the Trump administration has been completely taken over
by warmongering Neocon Zionists. They have been given free rein to
execute regime changes in Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador and even
Cuba. They will also target Iran in the very near future as well as
continue to occupy Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Syria is also still in
their crosshairs for another day…after other “shock and awe” military conquests
have been successful. Just who are those Neocon Zionists?
Mike Pence — Vice
John Bolton — National
Security Advisor (United States)
Mike Pompeo — Secretary
of State
Gina Haspel — Director
of the Central Intelligence Agency
Dan Coats — Director of
National Intelligence
Elliot Abrams — United
States Special Representative for Venezuela
Elan Carr — Special Envoy
To Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
Trump’s foreign policy is no longer under his control. Neither are his
major domestic policy decisions. He will appear to press on with the
border wall, replacing Obamacare, protecting the Second Amendment, and
outlawing abortion as a contraceptive, but these initiatives will only be given
lip service henceforth. None of them will be accomplished during the
remainder of his term in office. See: Trump
was even unable to stop infanticide being legalized
It’s also quite likely that Donald Trump will NOT run again for office as part
of the deal. At this point, most of the crime syndicates that really run
the world do not want him as POTUS, except to
usher the USA through a highly controlled bankruptcy. This
will be his primary task should the power elite crash the stock market, yet
again, and then pull the plug on the global economy. That would be THEIR
FINAL SOLUTION if all else fails.
General William Barr
A number of significant things have occurred since Barr was
first nominated, as well as after he began his new job at the DOJ. First,
it was announced that Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein would be leaving in March.
Special Counsel Mueller has also indicated that his fake
investigation was quickly coming to an end. Much more importantly, it has
been reported in multiple MSM news outlets that the final report might not even
be made public. And, that whatever information was made available to the
American people would likely be sanitized and redacted ‘wherever appropriate’.
The upshot of all of this posturing is, of course, that Barr
will not release any info/data that would be a contravention of the secret deal
between the Trumps and the Bushes. As the ultimate gatekeeper at DOJ,
Barr will be sure to dampen any intentions that Mueller originally had to
implicate Trump a the Russiagate hoax. Nothing gets out into the public
domain via the Attorney General that will put the Mexican standoff inside the
Beltway in jeopardy.
An extremely concerning factoid about Barr is his history for
proposing the curtailment of the Second Amendment. This is in keeping with his
reputation for being a high-powered legal counsel for the power elite. No
matter who they are, they do not want the American people to possess firearms. Gun
Rights Groups: We Object to William Barr Being Confirmed as AG
There’s no question that Barr was a key “fixer” for President
George H.W. Bush.
And that his
willingness to provide legal cover as AG for so much Bush corruption was a
function of his being a longtime covert operative of the rogue C.I.A. Bush
senior is notorious for using the rogue C.I.A. to carry out many a black
operation worldwide such as the Iran-Contra affair—a covered up scandal that
nearly brought down the Reagan administration.
CIA Covert Operative William
Barr Nominated by Trump for Attorney General. His Role in the Iran Contra
In light of this irrefutable history, everything points to Barr
maintaining the status quo inside the swamp. Because the Bush Crime Syndicate
and Clinton Crime Family are joined at the hip, he will do nothing to upset
that critical relationship, especially because they are both essential to the
funding and running of the rogue C.I.A. The
Clinton Foundation: A Typical ‘CIA-Directed NGO’ That Is Completely Above The
Truly, Williams Barr’s hands are now tied as no other AG in U.S.
history. Just like Jeff Sessions was “A
Bush plant, SES pawn and agent of Deep State“, so, too, will
Barr prove to be an agent of Deep State perfectly
positioned to keep the swamp from being drained. Just as Sessions
expanded the outrageous Civil Asset Forfeiture laws, Barr will likely push for
new federal statutes that protect the few wealthy elites at the expense of We
the People.
POINT: Some have argued that the Attorney General is the most
powerful position in American government. It’s true that the AG can bring
down any other government official including the POTUS, VPOTUS, and any member
of the SCOTUS. Likewise, the U.S. Attorney General can take down any head
of state, corporate CEO and/or President, and NGO Director. Therefore,
it’s the single most critical appointment that the President can make.
After two disastrous years of the willfully incompetent Jeff Sessions,
Trump was brutally aware of the necessity of making the right choice to replace
him. And so he did … … … for survival’s sake.
The POTUS has been completely taken over by forces that are way
too powerful for any one individual to take on.
The current composition of his cabinet clearly indicates that
his major campaign promises will not be fulfilled. The number of Neocon
warmongers alone is enough to start World War III. His war cabinet
was quite purposefully constituted to advance the fascist side of the New
World Order agenda. While the communist side is being humbled
like never before, their control of the major pillars of Deep
State have made them an implacable foe for Trump.
Therefore, the theater of war that involves the Mainstream Media
(MSM), the U.S. Intelligence Community, Big Tech and Big Social Media will not
demilitarize. Trump has exposed the MSM “fake news” like no other leader
in world history; he has also taken his wrecking ball to the other primary
pillars of Deep State. The Powers That Be (TPTB)
will not forget the irreparable damage that he inflicted; nor will those
individual power players forgive Trump’s unparalleled truth-telling about their
sedition and sellouts, sins and shortcomings.
This “uneasy truce” is also why the President is zealously
promoting, not only the extremely dangerous 5G roll-out, but also a future 6G
technology paradigm. Israel has kept their 3G networks frozen in place
because Tel Aviv acknowledges the inherent health dangers and risks; and yet
they were the primary developers of 5G technology. Why, then, is Trump
pushing a completely untested 5G model? See 5G
ROLL-OUT CATASTROPHE: An Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump
POINT: Just because there is a truce in effect does not mean that Deep
State won’t keep up the constant pressure on Trump. A
promise not to impeach, or do an Amendment 25, or assassinate him, is one
thing; the determination to prevent his re-election is quite another.
Therefore, the MSM madness will continue forthwith as the incessant fake news
insanity also supports the ever-present “divide and conquer” strategy
employed by the Black Nobility over the
centuries. The outworking of this in-your-face vendetta by the CIA’s Mockingbird
Media against Trump for exposing fake news is, after all, an
integral part of their stealthy scheme
to destroy the American Republic. TPTB aim to make a
flaming example of him so that no other leader even thinks about leaving the
reservation of political correctness.
There is no defeating Deep State except
by the sheer force of people power and posing the very real threat of violence
against the 1%. The Shadow Government has had the planet in total
lockdown for centuries so how can one man possibly bring down such a deep and
wide power structure, especially when most of it operates completely under the
Many folks within the Truth Movement will dismiss this analysis
just as ever-hopeful Trumpians will attempt to debunk it at their own
peril. It was President Trump, himself, who fastidiously choreographed
this perfectly executed series of [TELLING] events. Hence, it is the
POTUS who is effectively delivering this message to you—PATRIOT.
He is telling US that he is now being held captive with very few opportunities
to escape from the Deep State prison. Consequently, he
needs our help — the entire Patriot Movement — like never before. Can he
even count on the U.S. military flag officers anymore after all the generals who
have been fired or relieved of their commands since Inauguration Day? Please
read: What’s really going on with Trump?
State of the Nation
February 23, 2019
February 23, 2019
Special Note
In light of these extraordinary developments, the Patriot
Movement is highly encouraged to comprehend the seriousness of this Inescapable
Trump Reality Check. From this point forward, events will
move in a manner that defy normal analysis. The deeper we get into the
2020 election cycle, the crazier things will get; and the more radical the
response will be required from the Right.
Particularly in view of the extreme actions by the Left(See: OPERATION CRAFTY BEAVER: Deep State attempts to start a race war
before stealing the 2020 POTUS election) will conservatives be
compelled to think completely outside the political box. At the very
minimum, the following possibility MUST BE SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED—post-haste: What happens if President
Trump does not run in 2020?
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