Tuesday, January 22, 2019

URGENT Trump Deputize Millions Of Americans To Round-Up Deep State Traitors Named By Trump

Trump To Deputize Millions Of Americans To Round-Up Deep State Traitors Named By Trump?

he globalists’ “final solution” for America nears as Mike watches for these two triggering events which would be a “rise up” call to action for Americans… An urgent alert to all Americans: Prepare for emergency action in the 3D world.
New information has come to light that indicates the “final solution” of the globalist agenda to destroy America and enslave its citizens is drawing near.
The entire corporate-run media is a fact-free mental poisoning operation that fabricates fake news on a daily basis to lie about vaccines, GMOs, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and everything else that’s poisoning your body and mind. The lies about President Trump go even beyond the “usual” lies, consisting of wholly fabricated delusions about Russia that utterly lack any shred of evidence or factual basis. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BuzzFeed and all the rest are committing orchestrated treason against America, and they’re following orders from a rogue branch of the CIA which has, for decades, specialized in toppling foreign regimes and installing political puppets as “leaders.”
For the last two years, their goal has been to carry out a political coup against President Trump, no matter what the cost. The media has sacrificed every last shred of credibility to achieve this goal and now exists as nothing more than a delusions factory that produces daily fiction rigorously mislabeled “news.”
Roger Stone describes the full plan in this important story from InfoWars:
Political strategist Roger Stone says that the deep state is planning to remove both President Trump and VP Mike Pence from office so that they can install Nancy Pelosi as President as part of a coup that will eventually see Hillary Clinton return as President.
“The deep state seeks to fabricate some misdeed by the Trump campaign that is sold as Russian collusion,” said Stone.
“That way they can remove both Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, paving the way for Nancy Pelosi to become president.”
“Pelosi will then appoint Hillary Clinton to the vacant Vice Presidency after which Pelosi would resign as president allowing Hillary to take the White House which alluded her grasp in 2016.”

A plan will be initiated to arrest and handcuff President Trump, staged for CNN cameras

The media hacks have been ordered by globalist controllers to demand the impeachment of President Trump. With the help of anti-Trump insiders, they are planning to stage a physical coup to arrest and handcuff the President, then “perp walk” him in front of CNN’s cameras in a staged, theatrical ploy to make the president look guilty even when it’s the treasonous traitors who are the guilty ones.
The imminent death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg has accelerated the timeline of the anti-Trumpers throughout the deep state and the poisonous media. They have been ordered to pull out all the stops and do anything and everything necessary to eliminate Trump before Ginsburg is removed from the Supreme Court. Rumors are circulating that Ginsburg is already dead and that her death is being covered up to provide enough time for the deep state to arrest and remove President Trump from office, but those rumors have not been confirmed and may be mere conjecture. In any case, Ginsburg’s passing is very near, and this has underscored the perceived emergency on the Left which is willing to do absolutely anything to maintain authoritarian power over the American people.
Simultaneously, the evil tech giants have gone into full-blown censorship mode and have transformed into rogue tech companies that conspire to silence all pro-America, pro-Trump speech across the ‘net. It has become an urgent national security matter to now arrest the CEOs of Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other tech giants, as they are now committing treason on a daily basis, conspiring to see America’s democracy overturned while demanding that America itself be overrun with communists and illegal aliens in a mass land invasion.
Google, Apple and Facebook, in particular, have become the true “enemies of the state” and now answer solely to Communist China. These rogue corporate monstrosities must be dismantled and prevented from ever rising up again. They now operate as criminal enterprises in total violation of basic human humans, freedom of speech and the rule of law. Google is an enemy of America and must be destroyed if America is to survive.

Prepare to descend upon Washington to defend your nation, your president and your future

Action item for all Americans: If this political coup is triggered, descend upon Washington and start taking action to defend your nation with every means available. Defend your President. Defend your Constitution. Defend your borders. Under authorization from the Constitution itself, seek out and arrest the treasonous actors throughout the deep state and the CIA-run media who have orchestrated this planned destruction of our great nation.
It is now abundantly clear that the deep state cannot be defeated from within. It has become too strong, too dangerous and too bold to be restrained through any normal channel of law or regulation. The deep state must be halted in the physical world, through processes outside the control of the corrupt bureaucracy. This can only happen through direct action in the “3D world,” as it’s called, and it is the President himself who can initiate the authorization for citizens to carry out this action.
There are two trigger events that provide authorization for the citizens of America to rise up in the 3D world and converge on Washington D.C. to take their country back from the deep state traitors who are systematically destroying it:
Trigger event #1) An arrest or assassination of President Trump. This would be proof of an illegal coup which would trigger the Second Amendment defense of America.
Trigger event #2) President Trump announces authorization for citizens’ action against the deep state traitors, effectively “deputizing” millions of Americans to locate and round up deep state traitors named by the President.

Will Trump declassify damning evidence during his upcoming State of the Union address?

The upcoming State of the Union address may turn out to be President Trump reading and releasing previously-classified documents and calling for the mass arrest of traitors going all the way up to Barack Obama, a treasonous actor who conspired to destroy America while weaponizing the intelligence community to criminalize the incoming Trump administration. (The FBI actually inserted spies / actors into the Trump campaign in order to claim his campaign was “working with the Russians.”)
Haven’t you wondered why Nancy Pelosi is so desperate to stop Trump from speaking in a live, televised event?
My sources tell me an attempt at removing Trump from office will be made before the SOTU speech.
Should such an attempt take place, that is your authorization to take emergency action to save your nation from falling to the hands of the globalists and the poison-pushing news cartels that are now 100% aligned against our constitutional republic.
Pray for America and pray for your President. Just as importantly, prepare for emergency action in the 3D world, because that appears to be the last remaining option for saving America from the poisoners, the propagandists, the globalists, the media liars and the political assassins.

Investors Beware: World Economy Headed For Recession In 2019 Unless Something Happens

Things do not look good right now as economic numbers from all over the globe just get bleaker and bleaker. Here’s just how bad the economy has become…Global economic activity has been slowing down dramatically in recent months, and now the mainstream media is filled with dire warnings that a global recession is dead ahead in 2019.  And without a doubt, things do not look good right now as economic numbers from all over the globe just get bleaker and bleaker.  China’s trade numbers are imploding, Germany is “careening towards recession”, and the government shutdown in the United States is taking a huge toll on the U.S. economy.  In past years, the mainstream media usually tried to put a positive spin on any bad numbers, but now their mood seems completely different.  For example, in a Daily Mail article that was just posted we are told that “the world economy is headed for a recession in 2019 unless something happens”…
Global growth is slowing and the world economy is headed for a recession in 2019 unless something happens to give it renewed momentum.
The OECD’s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) leading indicator fell to just 99.3 points in November, its lowest since October 2012, and down from a peak of 100.5 at the end of 2017.
It appears that we are at a critical level on that OECD index, because whenever that number has fallen under 99.3 a recession has almost always followed
In the last 50 years, whenever the index has fallen below 99.3, there has almost always been a recession in the United States (1970, 1974, 1980, 1981, 1990, 2001 and 2008).
The one exception was the weakening of the index in 1998, when the United States continued to grow, despite the weakening global economy in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis.
Will we beat the odds this time?
I wouldn’t bet on it.
Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley’s chief equity strategist is warning of a potential recession and telling us that we should “embrace it”.  The following comes from CNN
The S&P 500 will soon suffer a retest of the lows from Christmas Eve because of shrinking earnings estimates and mounting economic concerns, the investment bank warned in a Monday report titled “Don’t fear a potential recession; Embrace it.”
“Should the hard data deteriorate further, as we expect, we think the market will quickly return to pricing in a recession and rate cuts,” wrote Michael Wilson, Morgan Stanley’s chief US equity strategist.
When the “too big to fail” banks are warning that a recession is coming, you know that it is late in the game.
Also, a top economist at Moody’s Analytics just told Maryland’s Budget and Taxation Committee that they should be getting prepared for the coming recession
An economist has warned Maryland Senators that a recession is coming and that they should begin to prepare for it. The economist said that the indicators point to the recession happening in mid-2020, perhaps sooner.
Dan White, director of government consulting and fiscal policy research for Moody’s Analytics, told members of the Senate’s Budget and Taxation Committee that there are financial indicators of an upcoming recession according to the Baltimore Sun.
And the latest housing numbers seem to confirm that a recession may be coming sooner rather than later.  In the month of December, U.S. home sales were down 11 percent
The median US home price rose 1.2% to $289,800 in December, the slowest monthly pace since March 2012, when the housing market was just beginning to climb out of the hole left by the collapse. Meanwhile, sales dropped by 11%, the biggest drop for any one month since 2016, according to a report released by real estate company Redfin said. This follows a drop in the hottest markets, like San Jose, California, where prices dropped 7.3%.
As BBG explains, the housing market is softening after years of rapidly rising prices as the shortage in homes is beginning to wane. With interest rates on the rise, mortgages are becoming more expensive, which is cutting in to demand.
But just because a recession is coming does not mean that we should be afraid.
You may have noticed that I write about a lot of hard things on The Economic Collapse Blog and End Of The American Dream.  But my wife and I are not negative people at all.  We are not down, we are not depressed, and we are not on any pills.  We are excited about the future and we believe that our greatest days are still to come.
However, we are definitely realists.  We are greatly saddened by what is happening to this country, but we also know that it is not going to be avoided.  So we want to be in a position to make it through what is ahead, and we want to fulfill the purpose for why we were put on this planet.
Anxiety, fear and panic are for those that get their meaning in life from material possessions, that don’t understand what is happening, and that are going to totally freak out when everything falls apart.  For example, the following comes from an article by a member of the Council on Foreign Relations named Christian H. Cooper
My most recent annual salary was over $700,000. I am a Truman National Security Fellow and a term member at the Council on Foreign Relations. My publisher has just released my latest book series on quantitative finance in worldwide distribution.
None of it feels like enough. I feel as though I am wired for a permanent state of fight or flight, waiting for the other shoe to drop, or the metaphorical week when I don’t eat. I’ve chosen not to have children, partly because—despite any success—I still don’t feel I have a safety net. I have a huge minimum checking account balance in mind before I would ever consider having children. If you knew me personally, you might get glimpses of stress, self-doubt, anxiety, and depression.
People like that are not going to be able to handle what is coming.
But if we understand the changes that are taking place and we have our priorities in order, we will be in a much better position to respond calmly to a world that is becoming more chaotic with each passing day.



  1. ...Where is your proof to back up your claims? I can't tell you how many point to something on a computer screen without referencing what it is they're pointing toward with no details specific enough to be any real bibliography or anything else. I can't find Any real proof to your claims.
    I so get that the world is pretty jacked up right now as are a number of things here, in the U.S. But there are some pretty questionanle stoies about many others as well. I'm not necessarily happy about many things I read about a lot of things or people. However, yours is an exceptionally embroiled topic that could very likely speculative, if not wishful ideaology, depending upon your political affiliation. Calling upon civil unrest during what may be a perceived crisis.

  2. https://freshlightsource.com/endtimes/martiallawcomingtous.html

  3. You need to share the video, because this link is being blocked....
