Confused About The US Economy? Hype &
Reality Explained In One Tweet Versus One Paragraph
Do we really have a booming US economy? Judge
for yourself in this one single Tweet versus one single paragraph about the
exact same news…
And then the paragraph from the Steel Dynamics
press release of its announcement (bold and red boldadded
for emphasis):

The company currently expects to
locate the facility in the southwestern United States, to cost effectivelyserve
not only the southern United States, but also the underserved Mexican
flat roll steel market. Determination of the final site
location is subject to state and local government infrastructure
andincentive support. Upon final site
selection and the receipt of required environmental and operating permits, the company would expect to begin construction in 2020, followed by
the commencement
of operations in the second half of 2021.
So let’s break it down in layman’s terms:
Steel Dynamics may or may not build a steel mill somewhere in
the Southwestern US, depending on the amount of welfare provided by state and
local governments, and the operation of the steel mill wouldn’t even begin
until late 2021.
Will President Trump even be President if and when operations
commence at the proposed Steel Dynamics mill?
What if we enter recession by then?
I think those questions are valid.
As for a little analysis, if ‘Ol Half Dollar was a bettin’ man,
he would put his money on El Paso, Texas as the location of choice.
I’ll answer that with a question: What are the average wages of
a production (i.e. steel mill) worker in El Paso?
$13.74 per hour.
But don’t take ‘Ol Half Dollar’s word for it, see for yourself.
That said, there are really several reasons which come to mind
as to why Steel Dynamics would chose El Paso –
1. Low
wages as stated (hence Steel Dynamic’s stated desire to “cost effectively”).
2. A
generous local government (El Paso, Beto O’rourke is US Rep from there) that
hikes taxes to directly subsidize businesses (See El Paso Chihuahuas as a
recent example).
3. Ability
to use undocumented (i.e. illegal aliens) for labor, with the appropriate kick-backs
given to the right politicians, regulators and authorities of course, and if
the bribes and corruption fail, then H1B visa workers because somehow they just
can’t find the right kind of labor for the mill.
4. If
they really want to sell steel to Mexico, then El Paso is the place to locate
the mill being right there on the border.
What can learn from the single Tweet and the single paragraph?
There is a lot of hype, but in reality, hype is all we have.
In a nutshell, there may or may not be 600 jobs, jobs which
would be taxpayer funded and government subsidized in one way or another,
available somewhere in the Southwestern United States, in late 2021, and the
way things are going now (see GM for example), companies are learning to
promise one thing in order to get on President Trump’s good side, as well as to
get the free publicity that goes along with getting on the President’s good
side, but when push comes to shove, those same companies will simply renege on
their promises.
Or am I seeing this wrong?
I don’t know.
I’m asking.
Because it sure looks that way to me.
But then again, I don’t see a booming US economy at all.
I see a fast-approaching economic collapse.
If I’m wrong, and if we do have a booming economy, then there is
nothing to worry about.
But if I’m right about the economic collapse?
That’s a rhetorical question.
Stack accordingly…
Hugo Salinas Price Open Letter To Trump: MAKE
“…the joy and steadfast political support of
the millions of Americans who have purchased these silver ounces, when you
announce that…” Mr. President Trump,
Sir: you are working tirelessly, against tremendous odds, to
carry out your mission in life, which is to “Make America Great Again”.
I propose to you a measure fully in accord with your vision of a
great, united nation of America, working for prosperity; a measure that conveys
a fundamental message of inspiration for the American people. The greatness of
a nation flowers when its moral stature is elevated, and such is the object of
the measure that I suggest to you.
I suggest that you restore to Americans the use of silver money
as a means of savings, to grant Americans the peace of mind that such savings
provide, immune to the ravages of inflation which now decimate the savings of
the whole world.
If you should take up the challenge which such a measure involves,
you would, without any doubt, be accorded a stature of greatness as President
of the United States of America, not seen since the time of Andrew Jackson.
And not only that: you would achieve a landslide electoral
victory in your re-election as President in 2020.
Furthermore, thanks to the moral significance of having created
silver money for your Nation, you would win over to the United States the
goodwill of the whole of the Western Hemisphere, which for centuries and up to
the early 20th Century,
labored with the use of silver money: the whole Hemisphere would follow your
glorious example.
I am not, by any means, suggesting the abandonment of your
established system of paper money: I am suggesting silver money that will
operate in parallel with paper money, for the exclusive use of silver money as
a means of saving.
Silver money disappeared from circulation in the whole world,
because silver money traditionally bore a stamped monetary value, and when the
price of silver began to rise as a consequence of the general inflation of
prices caused by paper money, the silver in the coinage became worth more than
its stamped value. This caused the disappearance of the world´s silver money,
which in the United States took place in the early 60’s.
The solution to the problem lies in creating silver money
without a stamped monetary value; the monetary value will be imparted to the
coinage by means of a monetary quote, to be issued by your Treasury. This quote
would include a profit for the Treasury, over the cost of the silver in the
coins. The quote would rise with rises in the dollar value of industrial
silver, but never be diminished in the event of falls in the value of silver.
Over the whole course of History, the creation of money has been
the exclusive right of Government, and in assigning to your Treasury the
function of creating silver money by means of a quote, you would be following a
centuries’ old practice that operated until the usurpation of the creation of
money by a cabal of bankers.
in the period from 1986 to the present, the American people have
purchased 463,411,000 ounces of silver for their savings. These savings are in
the form of “Eagle” silver ounces, which are stamped “One Dollar”.
Just like Stocks or Bonds which bear a printed value when issued,
but whose daily value depends on the quote given to them by the Market, so the
“Eagle” ounces can be monetized by means of a quote higher than the “One
Dollar” stamped on these coins. (New issues of “Eagle” coins would omit the
words “One Dollar”)
I suggest that the Treasury issue an Edict which would establish
that the monetary value of the “Eagle” ounce is, for the time being, $30
Dollars, and will never be less, but may be worth considerably more as the
price of silver rises.
The Edict would simply state that all debts to the Treasury of
the United States are payable both in Federal Reserve Notes or in
silver “Eagle” coins at the quoted monetary value assigned to them by the
Treasury. This statement turns the “Eagle” ounces – all 463 million of them –
into silver money.
Mr. President Trump: please imagine for a moment, the joy and
steadfast political support of the millions of Americans who have purchased
these silver ounces, when you announce that their ounces are now worth, as
money, $30 Dollars each. At one stroke you
will have demolished negative attitudes of millions of Democrats by granting
them, as well as your millions of Republican supporters, an immensely important
gift: silver money which will increase in monetary value, as the price of
silver rises – a gift which will cost your Treasury nothing! On the contrary,
your Treasury will be making a profit on all further coinage of silver
Mr. President Trump: I have outlined in a few words, a plan that
if pursued, will immediately invigorate the United States of America, as each
American does his very best to work and produce the wherewithal to become the
owner of silver ounces, for his and his family’s wellbeing.
Mr. President Trump, Sir: Do
you have it in you, to achieve such greatness as President, as will endure for
centuries in the collective memory of the United States of America? Then –
Apocalyptic Debt Crisis In
America: 63 Of America’s Largest 75 Cities Are COMPLETELY BROKE
debt crisis in the United States of America has reached apocalyptic
proportions. A new and horrifying report out details the reason why 63 of
America’s largest cities are completely broke: debt and overspending.
According to a recent analysis of
the 75 most populous cities in the United States, 63 of them can’t pay their
bills and the total amount of unfunded debt among them is nearly $330
billion. Most of the
debt is due to unfunded retiree benefits such as pension and health care
costs. That means those depending on that money, likely won’t see a dime
of it.
“This year, pension debt accounts
for $189.1 billion, and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) – mainly retiree
health care liabilities – totaled $139.2 billion,” the third annual “Financial State of the Cities”
report produced by the Chicago-based research organization, Truth in Accounting (TIA), states. TIA is
a nonprofit, politically unaffiliated organization composed of business,
community, and academic leaders interested in improving government financial
“Many state and local governments are not in good shape,
despite the economic and financial market recovery since 2009,” Bill
Bergman, director of research at TIA, told
The top five cities in the worst
financial shape are New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Honolulu, and San
Francisco. These cities, in addition to Dallas, Oakland, and Portland, all
received “F” grades. In New York City, for example, only $4.7 billion has
been set aside to fund $100.6 billion of promised retiree health care benefits.
In Philadelphia, every taxpayer would have to pay $27,900 to cover the city’s
debt. In San Francisco, it would cost $22,600 per taxpayer.
By the end of Fiscal Year 2017, 63 cities did not have enough
money to pay all of their bills, the report states, meaning debts outweigh
revenue. In order to appear to balance budgets, TIA notes, elected officials
“have not included the true costs of the government in their budget calculations
and have pushed costs onto future taxpayers.” –Hartford
City News Times
To say that more simply: your
children have been sold into debt slavery and owned by the governments; both
local and federal. The government is officially punishing the unborn for their
inability to handle money. What a time to be alive…
One major problem area TIA
identifies is that city leaders are lying. (What a shock! A lying politician…)
These political masters have acquired massive debts despite the balanced budget
requirements imposed on them by scamming the public and enslaving them.
“Unfortunately, some elected
officials have used portions of the money that is owed to pension funds to keep
taxes low and pay for politically popular programs,” TIA states. “This is like
charging earned benefits to a credit card without having the money to pay off
the debt. Instead of funding promised benefits now, they have been charged to
future taxpayers. Shifting the payment of employee benefits to future taxpayers
allows the budget to appear balanced, while municipal debt is increasing.”
It’s only a matter of time until
this system built on debt and theft comes crashing to the ground. How
prepared are you?
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