criticizes border wall deal: 'Can't say I'm happy'
on Tuesday knocked a bipartisan deal to avert a government
shutdown, but suggested he could still get his long-desired border wall
built and expressed confidence the government would remain open.
“I’m not happy about it. It’s not doing the trick,” Trump told
reporters during a Cabinet meeting at the White House.
“I’m adding things to it, and when you add whatever I have to
add, it’s all going to happen where we’re going to build a beautiful, big, strong
wall,” the president continued.
The government will enter another partial shutdown on Saturday
if Trump does not sign the agreement, which was struck by Capitol Hill
negotiators just one day earlier and contains only a fraction of the money
he demanded for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Trump predicted there would not be a shutdown but added “if you
did have it, it's the Democrats fault.”
“I would hope that there won’t be a shutdown,” he said. “I am
extremely unhappy with what the Democrats have given us. It’s sad. They’re
doing the country no favors.”
Trump’s comments added fresh uncertainty to the emerging
compromise, which must be signed into law by midnight Friday. Roughly one
quarter of the federal government, including the Department of Homeland
Security, will shut down for the second time this year if the deal fails.
The proposal would provide $1.375 billion in funding for roughly
55 miles of new barriers along the southern border, well short of the $5.7
billion Trump demanded.
In exchange, Democrats dropped their insistence that Congress
place a hard cap on the number of immigrants that Immigration and Customs
Enforcement is allowed to detain at a given time.
A bipartisan committee reached the deal on Monday night after
talks appeared to have reached a stalemate over the weekend amid an intense
fight over whether the number of detention beds should be capped. Negotiators
cast the deal as the best solution to avert a shutdown.
“You know, would I like to have done more? Absolutely. But in
negotiations, you give and take, and we think overall it’s a pretty good deal,”
said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.).
Trump did not say how he would add to the budget deal but he
appeared to open the door to redirecting certain federal funding dedicated for
other projects toward the wall, a move recently floated by White House advisers
to begin wall construction while stopping short of making a controversial
national emergency declaration.
“I am not happy. But am I happy with where we’re going? I’m
thrilled because we’re supplementing things and moving things around and we’re
doing things that are fantastic and taking from far less important areas and
the bottom line is we’re building a lot of wall,” Trump said.
Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said
Sunday he has already found funds in other accounts that could be repurposed
for wall construction, but did not identify specific sources.
“There’s pots of money where presidents, all presidents, have
access to without a national emergency. And there’s ones that he will not have
access to without that declaration,” Mulvaney
said on NBC News’s “Meet the Press.”
The president also did not rule out declaring a national
emergency to circumvent Congress to build the wall, saying “I’m considering
But those moves could face legal challenges that could stymie
any attempt to build a wall using the executive authority.
The deal, and Trump’s response to it, came under attack from
conservatives who said it would not result in getting the wall built, one of
the president’s core campaign promises from 2016.
“Trump talks a good game on the border wall but it's
increasingly clear he's afraid to fight for it. Call this his ‘Yellow New
Deal,’ ” right-wing commentator Ann Coulter tweeted on Tuesday around the same
time Trump was speaking.
Trump triggered the last shutdown in December after
conservatives blasted him for initially backing a spending deal that included
no wall funding. Trump has repeatedly defended his decision, even though it
resulted in a massive hit for his approval ratings.
“I'm proud of what we've accomplished because people learned
during that shutdown all about the problems coming in from the southern
border,” he said. “I accept it. I've always accepted it. But this one, I would
never accept it if it happens, but I don't think it's going to happen. But this
would be totally on the Democrats.”
Trump was also facing pressure from congressional Republicans
who are eager to avoid another shutdown. Polls showed GOP lawmakers also received
heavy blame for the last funding lapse, which lasted 35 days, caused roughly
800,000 federal workers to miss two paychecks and resulted in major disruptions
at airports and national parks.
“I told the president I thought he, as well as all of us, ought
to wait until we've actually read the final deal. I have recommended that if it
becomes what we think it is, I do recommend he sign it,” said Senate Majority
Leader Mitch
McConnell (R-Ky.)
“I think the experience is sufficient to show them this does no
good at all,” said Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.).
While Trump’s remarks suggested he may reluctantly accept the
deal, lawmakers were taking a wait-and-see approach. Republicans were caught
off-guard in late December when the president reversed himself and decided not
to sign the budget agreement.
“I think this thing’s a long way from being over. Nobody should
start humming ‘One Shining Moment’ yet,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.),
referring to the Luther Vandross song that is played on television at the end
of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament.
Emperor Trump Conquers Italy While Terror Stricken European
Socialists Cower In FearAn interesting new Security Council (SC)
report circulating in the Kremlin today confirming that there
are no
plans for President Putin to meet with President Trump,
states that this a normal occurrence as both Russian and United
States leaders throughout modern times have kept a distance from each
other during times of European Union chaos and upheaval so as
not to be accused of interference—but that Trump has
stunningly and inadvertently been thrust into the volatile center of
after over 600,000 peoples attending
the Carnevale Di Viargeggio festival in Viareggio-Italy burst
into ecstatic cheers upon seeing in their midst a nearly 50-foot statue
called “God Emperor Trump”—and to the horror and
fear of cowering European socialists, had in its right hand a
sword with a ring of blue Twitter birdies on its hilt having
the Latin phrase “Dazi Vostri”, which translates
to “your taxes”—and had inscribed on its blade the Latin phrase
“Cazzi Vostri”—an expression that is actually a play on words
meaning “none of your fucking business” 
According to this report, last week President
Trump vowed to his peoples that he would never
allow America to become a socialist nation—a vow immediately met with his approval rating
soaring among likely voters to its best in 23-months at 52%--and that echoed into the European Union where Trump’s approval rating already towers over all of
its socialist leaders—such as French
President Macron only having a 27% approval rating, British
Prime Minister May only having an approval rating of 28%, and German Chancellor Merkel only
having an approval rating at 29%. 
By President Trump being the most popular Western leader in the European Union, this report explains, socialist leaders throughout Europe continue to tremble in fear over the impact this will have on their upcoming 2019 European Parliament Election—where between the dates of 23-26 May 2019, a total of 751 Members of the European Parliament currently representing more than 512 million people from 28 member states will be elected to power.

Having lived for nearly 70-years under near continuous tyrannical socialist rule, this report continues, the European peoples were mesmerized in 2016 by the election of President Trump—whom their socialist leaders and propaganda media first told them could never be elected, but when he was were then told he would, in essence, destroy the American economy.
Most unfortunately for these socialist European leaders, however, this report notes, is that upon taking power, President Trump has created one of the greatest economic miracles ever seen in modern times—and today sees him having made the United States the most economically powerful nation our world has ever seen—a fact not lost on the European peoples being economically strangled to death by high taxes and thousands of petty regulations—and in France has led to their now unstoppable Yellow Vest protest movement demanding that their socialist leaders start following Trump’s policies—and whom today are being stopped by police to prevent them from entering Italy—and whose reasons for wanting to get into Italy is so they can join forces with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, (who dominates the government in Rome) who has just declared to Trump “I can be your closest ally in Europe”.

Along with Italian Deputy Prime Minister Salvini rushing to aid President Trump in freeing the European peoples from tyrannical socialist rule, this reports says, is Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, who will meet Trump later this month at the White House, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who has just announced seven family-friendly government programmes that will encourage Hungarians to have children as the country rejects the European Union’s progressive mass migration agenda.
Most ingeniously being done by President Trump to free the European peoples from tyrannical socialist rule, however, this report states, is his having created for them a mass media establishment that’s been able to break through leftist mainstream propaganda—that on one side is anchored by top Trump aid Steve Bannon through his “Movement” organization spread throughout Europe—and on the other side is anchored by the Gatestone Institute—that has flooded Europe with hundreds of national-populist truth telling websites, and is headed by Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton.

The greatest fear underlying President Trump and his allies actions in freeing Europe from tyrannical socialist rule, this report explains, is their knowing that throughout history, the end result of socialist politically correct identity politics policies is genocide—as best exampled last century by the National Socialists Workers’ Party of Germany (Nazis), whose rampage across Europe to destroy capitalism caused the deaths of tens-of-millions—most particularly those deemed as “deplorables”, who happened to be Jewish peoples—and whose fears of happening again is even being noted by Germany’s powerful Frankfurter Allgemeiner newspaper—who explicitly touches the ‘”live rail” in their op-ed titled “A Nazi EU?” [English] where they openly speculated on whether or not the present European Union, dominated by Germany, should be understood as a lineal extension of German National Socialism..
In support of these fears that socialism is about to yet again blossom into full Nazism in the European Union, this report warns, radical socialist forces in France opposing Yellow Vest protesters have begun a campaign of attacks against Jewish peoples, monuments and businesses—the most chilling of which was when the word “Juden” was spray painted on a Jewish bakery in Paris—and was a vile act shockingly supported by socialist Democrat Party US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar who then proceeded to go on a Twitter rampage against Jewish peoples the like of which has never been seen.

Trying at all costs to stop President Trump from freeing the European peoples from socialist tyranny, this report concludes, is globalist-socialist multi-billionaire George Soros—a self admitted collaborator with the Nazis during World War II, who in 1992 masterminded “Black Wednesday” to crash the British economy, and in 2016 became the “puppetmaster” hidden behind the scene to pull strings for Hillary Clinton and her Democrat Party—but who today lives in terror of what’s soon to come, and as evidenced in the words he just issued that, in part, say:
Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion, and the people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late.
If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Neither our leaders nor ordinary citizens seem to understand that we are experiencing a revolutionary moment, that the range of possibilities is very broad, and that the eventual outcome is thus highly uncertain.
The next inflection point will be the elections for the European Parliament in May 2019. Unfortunately, anti-European forces will enjoy a competitive advantage in the balloting.
It is difficult to see how the pro-European parties can emerge victorious from the election in May unless they put Europe’s interests ahead of their own. One can still make a case for preserving the EU in order radically to reinvent it.
But that would require a change of heart in the EU.
The current leadership is reminiscent of the politburo when the Soviet Union collapsed – continuing to issue proclimations as if they were still relevant.

President Trump's SOTU
Affirmed Liberty to Unresponsive Subversives
An hour before Pres. Donald Trump's State
of the Union Address, I opened my mail. It included a thank-you note
regarding a contribution I had made to a right-wing
organization. The author of the note quoted Nikita Khrushchev, who
said, "You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept
communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until
you finally wake up and find you already have communism." The
author of the thank-you note was revolted by this remark by N.K. and knew I
would be as well.
I grew up during the Cold War and
understood that communism was not merely an alternative theory of politics and
economics to that held by most Americans, but was a living and breathing threat
to our freedom emanating 24-7 from the USSR, the PRC, and a determined fifth
column of traitorous leftists living in these United States. Our
conflict with communism was not a mere academic or drawing room debate between
gentleman-scholars. Rather, the ardent supporters of communism
wished to extract the essence of our freedom and opportunities from our
In the name of curbing the rich, they wish
to curb us all, grab power, assert governmental force over every area of our
lives, and make themselves arbiters of every life decision we make – where we
live, what kind of work each of us does, where and when we can and cannot
travel, how to heat our homes or even build our homes, where to go to school,
how many children to have, how long we live and under what conditions we live,
and even the thoughts we think. Almost all that we now consider
"private" they would refashion and reconfigure to be seen as
"public." Our individual rights would be subsumed under
collective rights.
As Richard Overy relates in his remarkable
volume, The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia, under
the Soviet Union system of law, a person could be deemed guilty of a crime
simply because he was documented to have had thoughts similar
to the thoughts of those who actually plotted and committed a crime
even if he had had no part in planning or carrying out the
crime. Thus, when I see Bernie Sanders's bespectacled face, I see
not just another person with whom I have some differences of opinion, but,
behind his college professor visage, a hideous expression of hatred for all
that we hold dear. In like manner do I perceive the other leftists
of the Democratic Party with their pro-communism agenda despite their attempts
to present those views as mainstream or make them sound less threatening by
calling them socialistic.

Pres. Donald Trump spat in the face of the
socialists and socialists in sheep's clothing of the Democratic Party during
Tuesday evening's State of the Union address. "America was founded on liberty and independence and not
government coercion, domination, and control," he said to Republican
applause. He continued, "We are born free and we will stay
free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a
socialist country." These sentences cleared the
air. There is no hiding from the truth encapsulated in these
words. Fresh air blew through the hall and could be felt over the
The Democrats should be repudiating the
extreme leftists in their party; instead, they are embracing the far left
ideology. During the 1930s and 1940s, the Democrats went through a
crisis where they had to repudiate the extreme left wing of the party, which
roughly can be designated as those led by Henry Wallace. President
Harry Truman fired Wallace from his position as secretary of commerce because
he perceived Wallace as being too conciliatory toward the Soviet
Union. Wallace subsequently formed the Progressive Party and ran for
president against Truman and the Republican candidate, Thomas Dewey, in 1948
but garnered only 2.4% of the vote. Here was a case where the
Democratic Party's leader repudiated the far-left wing of that
party. Nevertheless, it was an ironic and striking reality that a
large percentage of the Socialist Party platform of 1912 had been implemented
in the U.S., including the graduated income tax, by the time Wallace was
rejected. Most of the implementation came during the New Deal under
President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Only in their program of
"Collective Ownership" were the goals of the Socialist Party not met
over time. The people of the U.S. decided on regulation instead of
ownership. The socialists wanted ownership of all banks, all
transportation, all mines, all means of communication, and all land.
Similar trends can be seen in the labor
movement in the 1940s era. Many unions that had been strongly
supportive of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt because of his initiative in getting the
Wagner Act through Congress at the same time tried to purge their ranks of
communist leadership. My own father was a union activist with the
Transport Workers' Union. That union had been formed both by men who
were communist unionists and by non-communist unionists. Under the
leadership of Michael Quill, whose base was staunchly Irish Catholic and still
held many so-called "bourgeois values," repudiated and kicked out the communist wing of the union, also in 1948, as the
Cold War picked up a head of steam.
Earlier in the century, Eugene V. Debs had
run for president three times as leader of the Socialist Party, but his aggressive objection to World War I led to his imprisonment and severely
set back the socialist-communist agenda in the U.S.
Make no mistake about it: the Socialist
Party was adamantly against private ownership of property. One need
only read its platform of 1912 to see that. Labeling themselves
socialists to distinguish themselves from communists should be taken with a
grain of salt. Early on, the socialists realized that the word
"communism" had so many negative connotations for Americans that the
term "socialism" would be more palatable to the
citizenry. However, their desire to control (not merely regulate)
all major industries was explicit, with control of smaller industries and
businesses implied.
By the last presidential election of 2016,
the platform of the socialists had morphed into 248 bullet points, a veritable stew of
negativism that advocated for intense federal controls to invade almost every
area of American life. Today's Democrats are no longer repudiating
communist ideas and ideals, but are embracing in ever greater numbers its calls
for universal Medicare, universal free higher education, open borders under the
rubric of compassion, elimination of the electoral college, and an embrace of
worldwide climate change agendas with a massive redistribution of wealth to the
Third World and ever increasing government controls over every detail of daily
life. These policy themes that would require a tremendous
curtailment of freedom are being embraced and advocated by Democrats rather
than repudiated.
The communist focus of 1948 was repudiated
by the Democrats of 1948, but it is being incorporated as the mainstream ideas
and ideals of that party today, and individual choice and individual
property rights are disparaged. During the State of the Union
address, President Trump spoke forcefully and directly into the faces of
subversion. Although many on the left were dressed in white, they
represented the dark side of humanity. All the purity was in Trump's
liberty-loving remarks.
The Hijacking of a
Presidential Election
In January of 2017, the Federal Election
Commission reported that in the 2016 general election Mrs. Clinton received
65,853,516 votes and Mr. Trump received 62,984,825 votes. Clinton therefore
beat Trump by 2,868,691 popular votes.
President Trump has said that if the illegal votes were deducted that he would have won the popular vote. If
one looks at that FEC report, one sees that in California, the state with the most illegal
aliens, Clinton got 8,753,788 votes, while Trump got 4,483,810 votes. So
Clinton beat Trump in California by 4,269,978 votes.
What’s interesting is that Clinton beat
Trump by more votes in California than she did nationwide, precisely 1,401,287
more votes. Though Trump’s claim that illegal voting threw the popular vote to
Clinton is sheer speculation, we can say that if we exclude California that
Trump did in fact win the popular vote in the rest of the nation, and by
exactly 1,401,287 votes.
Because Trump didn’t get any electoral
votes in California and New York, when we subtract the electoral votes of those
two states, Clinton won just 143 electoral votes in the rest of the nation
while Trump’s electoral total remains unchanged at 304. In the Electoral
College, which is what we use to elect our presidents, Trump beats Clinton by
more than 2-to-1 when California and New York are excluded. Even if the votes
of the seven faithless electors were given to Clinton, Trump would still have
trounced Clinton by more than 2-1 in the 48 states of “real America.”
It takes a bare minimum of 270 electoral
votes to win the presidency. Had Clinton received all 46 electoral votes in
the blue wall states of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, she would
have gotten 273 electoral votes. She then could afford to lose only the least
populous of those three states, Wisconsin, and still prevail, but only if she
were also awarded all seven votes of the faithless electors. In which case,
Clinton would have won with a grand total of 270 electoral votes.
Government officials have assured us that
Russians did not change the vote counts in 2016. Elections are conducted by the
states, and each state has its own separate election system, so changing the
votes would be enormously difficult. And besides, “there is no serious person
out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s
elections, in part because they’re so decentralized.” We were told this by no less than Obama
Himself, (so it must be true).
Obama fails to see the obvious. If the
Russians wanted to throw the popular vote to Trump in 2016, all they would have
needed to change is the popular vote in just one state, California with its 55
electoral votes… not the entire country. Trump could have
even lost his three “blue wall” states and still have won had he gotten
California, and he’d have had an even greater total at 313 electoral votes.
Some progressives think we should junk the
Electoral College and elect presidents with the popular vote. Other
progressives think we should rejigger the College and allocate its votes in a
way that is closer to the popular vote. But if one believes in federalism, the
above data argues just the opposite. We can’t have the preferences of two
populous coastal states being imposed on the other 48 states merely because
they have some tiny majority. That’s especially so when those two states are so
very different from the rest of the country. Let California have its tent
cities, its free healthcare for illegal aliens, and its San Francisco values, but leave us “hicks” in the heartland alone.

One of the safeguards to ensuring the
integrity of the popular vote is voter registration. But the states are failing
at this important task. Recently, California came under fire for registering
illegal aliens at the Department of Motor Vehicles.
On October 8, the San Francisco Chronicle ran
“California DMV may have registered noncitizens to vote” by Melody Gutierrez, who quoted
Assemblyman Jim Patterson of Fresno:
“There is
much more to see here than what the DMV is admitting to,” Patterson said. “They
have either been hiding the truth from the public or are completely unaware of
this voter registration disaster -- either should be a startling realization
for this governor and the public... We cannot trust the current management to
fix the very problems they created.”
(But what does Patterson know, he’s an
Anglo. He might even have a MAGA hat.)
The Secretary of State has responsibility
for voter registration in California. But despite the snafus in his office,
Secy. Alex Padilla was re-elected in November, and in a landslide.
On October 10, the New York Times reported in its “California Today” series: “At the center of the controversy is
California’s new Motor Voter program, which automatically registers eligible
voters who visit the D.M.V. to renew or replace their drivers’ licenses.”
On January 7, Stephen Dinan of the
Washington Times reported on a settlement to a suit brought by Judicial Watch (video) in which Los Angeles County agreed to purge its
voter registries of inactive voters perhaps numbering 1.5 million:
Watch said it targeted Los Angeles after finding the county’s total voter
population was higher than the number of people the Census Bureau estimates to
be citizens of voting age in the county. That’s true for the state overall,
which Judicial Watch said has a 101 percent registration rate for its eligible
adult population.
Here’s the thing about California’s voter
registries: a federal law enacted 23 years ago mandates that only citizens can
vote for federal officials. It was called the “Illegal Immigration Reform and
Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996.” For the operative language, see SEC. 216
on page 26 of the pdf of the entire act, or if you want the short sweet excision,
click 18 U.S. Code § 611. Voting by aliens.
Since they’re corrupted, can California’s
voter registries be used in the election of a federal official? The problem of
illegal aliens on California voter registries isn’t just a problem at the DMV,
as voter registration in California asks for only the last four digits
of one’s SSN. California isn’t doing even the most basic vetting to comply with
the requirement that voters for federal officials be citizens.
California is by no means unique, however,
as none of the states really verify registrants’ citizenship, not even in Kris Kobach’s Kansas. Perhaps the Electoral College should reject a state’s
votes if that state cannot demonstrate that all of its registrants and voters
are citizens.
The vulnerability of our federal elections
to fraud is just fine and dandy with the Democrats because they’ve been
planning to steal the 2020 election anyway. Why do you suppose the Dems hate
voter ID laws and love open borders? Democrats don’t want President Trump’s
wall precisely because it keeps their voters out. The illegal alien vote is the
Democrats’ “insurance policy.”
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