Nothing better
illustrates Washington’s opposition to democracy and self-determination
than the blatantly public coup Washington has organized against the
properly elected president of Venezuela.
Washington has been trying to
overthrow the Venezuelan government for years. Washington
wants the state owned oil company to be privatized so that it can fall into the
hands of US oil companies. That would ensure Washington’s control over
Venezuela. Transferring the wealth out of the country would prevent any economic
development from inside the country. Every aspect of the economy would end up
in the hands of US corporations. The exploitation would be ruthless and brutal.
Venezuelans understand this,
which is why Washington, despite wrecking the Venezuelan economy and offering
enormous bribes to the Venezuelan military, has not yet been able to turn the
people and the troops against Maduro.
Moon of
Alabama’s explanation of Washington’s attack on Venezuela gives you a truer
picture that differs completely from the lies voiced by the American and
European politicians and presstitute media, a collection of whores who are
devoid of all integrity and all morality and lie for their living.
I am
not as confident as Moon of Alabama that Venezuela’s effort dating back to
Chavez to be a sovereign country independent of Washington’s control can
survive. Washington is determined to teach all of Latin America that it is
pointless to dream of self-determination. Washington simply will not permit it.
Maduro, despite being the duly
elected president with the mass of the people and military behind him,
apparently lacks the power to arrest the American puppet who, despite the
absence of any law or election as a basis, has declared himself to be
president, thus creating a Washington-backed “government” as an
alternative to the elected one. The inability of Maduro to defend democracy
from within is a sign of the weakness of his office. How can Maduro possibly be
a dictator when he is helpless in the face of open sedition?
If Russia and China quickly
established a military presence in Venezuela to protect their loans and oil
investments, Venezuela could be saved, and other countries that would like to
be independent would take heart that, although there is
no support for self-determination anywhere in the Western World, the former
authoritarian countries will support it. Other assertions of independence would
arise, and the Empire would collapse.
Venezuela is an
opportunity for Russia and China to assume the leadership of the world, but
I doubt the Russian and Chinese governments have the vision to seize the
opportunity and, thereby, fundamentally change the world.
is wasting his breath when he correctly criticizes Washington for its
violations of international law. In Washington’s view, law is what serves
American interest.
- U.S. Aid Gambit Fails - War Plans Lack Support..
February 07,
2019 "Information Clearing
House" - A day
after the U.S. coup attempt in Venezuela the U.S. game plan was already quite
The opposition in Venezuela will probably use access to that
'frozen' money to buy weapons and to create an army of mercenaries to fight a
'civil' war against the government and its followers. Like in Syria U.S.
special forces or some CIA 'contractors' will be eager to help. The supply line
for such a war would most likely run through Colombia. If, like 2011 in Syria,
a war on the ground is planned it will likely begin in the cities near that
The U.S. is
using the pretext of 'delivering humanitarian aid' from Columbia to Venezuela
to undermine the government and to establish a supply line for further
operations. It is another attempt to pull the military onto the coup
plotter's side:
[I]f the trucks do get across, the opposition can present
itself as an answer to Venezuela’s chronic suffering, while Mr. Maduro will
appear to have lost control of the country’s borders. That could accelerate
defections from the ruling party and the military.
Pantoulas, a political scientist in Caracas, called the opposition’s aid
delivery plan a high-stakes gamble....
“This is 99 percent about the military and one percent about the humanitarian aspects,” he said. “The opposition is testing the military’s loyalty, raising their cost of supporting Maduro. Are they with Maduro, or no? Will they reject the aid? If the answer is no, then Maduro’s hours are numbered.”
A New York Times op-ed by a right-wing former foreign minister of Mexico, Jorge G. Casta帽eda, details the escalation potential:
According to Mr. Guaid贸 and other sources, $20 million in
American medicines and food will be unloaded this week just outside Venezuelan
territory in C煤cuta, Colombia; Brazil, and on a Caribbean island — either Aruba
or Cura莽ao — near the Venezuelan coast.
military officials and troops in exile will then move these supplies into
Venezuela, where if all goes well, army troops still loyal to Mr. Maduro will
not stop their passage nor fire upon them. If they do, the Brazilian and
Colombian governments may be willing to back the anti-Maduro soldiers. The
threat of a firefight with their neighbors might just be the incentive the
Venezuelan military need to jettison Mr. Maduro, making the reality of combat
unnecessary.This escalation strategy is unlikely to work unless some additional provocation is involved. The Venezuelan government blocked the border bridge between C煤cuta in Colombia and San Cristobal in Venezuela. Its military stands ready to stop any violation of the country's border.
The U.S. responded to the blocking of the road with a sanctimonious tweet:
The Venezuelan people desperately need humanitarian aid. The U.S. & other countries are trying to help, but #Venezuela’s military under Maduro's orders is blocking aid with trucks and shipping tankers. The Maduro regime must LET THE AID REACH THE STARVING PEOPLE. #EstamosUnidosVE
The U.S. government, which actively helps to starve the people of Yemen into submission, is concerned about Venezuela where so far no one has died of starvation? The lady ain't gonna believe that.

The government of Venezuela does not reject aid that comes without political interference. Last year it accepted modest UN aid which consisted mostly of medical supplies from which Venezuela had been cut off due to U.S. sanctions. The UN claimed that around 12 percent of Venezuelans are undernourished. But such claims have been made for years while reports from Venezuela (vid) confirmed only some scarcity of specific products. There is no famine in Venezuela that would require immediate intervention.
The International Red Cross, the Catholic church's aid organization Caritas and the United Nations rejected U.S. requests to help deliver the currently planned 'aid' because it is so obviously politicized:
"Humanitarian action needs to be independent of
political, military or other objectives," UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric
told reporters in New York on Wednesday.
"What is important is that humanitarian aid be depoliticised and that the needs of the people should lead in terms of when and how humanitarian aid is used," Dujarric added.
Rejecting aid
out of political reasons is not unusual. When the hurricane Katrina in 2005
caused huge damage along the U.S. gulf coast, a number of countries offered
humanitarian and technical aid. U.S. President Bush accepted help from some
countries, but rejected aid from other ones:...
"What is important is that humanitarian aid be depoliticised and that the needs of the people should lead in terms of when and how humanitarian aid is used," Dujarric added.
An offer of aid from the Venezuelan president, Hugo Ch谩vez,
which included two mobile hospital units, 120 rescue and first aid experts and
50 tonnes of food, has been rejected, according to the civil rights leader,
Jesse Jackson.
Mr Jackson said
the offer from the Venezuelan leader, whom he recently met, included 10 water
purification plants, 18 power generation plants and 20 tonnes of bottled water.The U.S. intent to establish a 'humanitarian aid' supply line into Venezuela has a secondary purpose. Such aid is the ideal cover for weapon supplies. In the 1980s designated 'humanitarian aid' flights for Nicaragua were filled with weapons. The orders for those flights were given by Elliot Abrams who is now Trump's special envoy for Venezuela.
While the trucks from Colombia are blocked at the border other 'humanitarian aid' from the United States reached the country.
Officials in Venezuela have accused the US of sending a cache
of high-powered rifles and ammunition on a commercial cargo flight from Miami
so they would get into the hands of President Nicol谩s Maduro's opponents.
Members with the
Venezuelan National Guard [GNB] and the National Integrated Service of Customs
and Tax Administration [SENIAT] made the shocking discovery just two days after
the plane arrived at Arturo Michelena International Airport in Valencia.Inspectors found 19 rifles, 118 magazines and 90 wireless radios while investigating the flight which they said arrived Sunday afternoon. Monday's bust also netted four rifle stands, three rifle scopes and six iPhones.
The pictures show sufficient equipment for an infantry squad. Fifteen AR-15 assault rifles (5.56), one squad automatic weapon (7.62) with a drum magazine, and a Colt 7.62 sniper gun as well as accessory equipment. What is missing is the ammunition.
Where one such weapon transport is caught multiple are likely to go through. But to run a war against the government pure weapon supplies are not enough. The U.S. will have to establish a continuous supply line for heavy and bulky ammunition. That is where 'humanitarian aid' convoys come in.
Unless a large part of the Venezuelan military changes sides, any attempt to overthrow the Venezuelan government by force is likely doomed to fail. The U.S. could use its full military might to destroy the Venezuelan army. But the U.S. Senate is already quarreling about the potential use of U.S. forces in Venezuela. The Democrats strongly reject that.
A Senate resolution to back Venezuelan opposition leader Juan
Guaido, once expected to get unanimous support, has been torpedoed by a
disagreement over the use of military force, according to aides and senators
working on the issue.
“I think it’s important for the Senate to express itself on democracy in Venezuela, supporting interim President Guaido and supporting humanitarian assistance. But I also think it should be very clear in fact that support stops short of any type of military intervention,” [Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J.] told NBC News.
It is unlikely
that Trump would order a military intervention without bipartisan support....
“I think it’s important for the Senate to express itself on democracy in Venezuela, supporting interim President Guaido and supporting humanitarian assistance. But I also think it should be very clear in fact that support stops short of any type of military intervention,” [Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J.] told NBC News.
The a clandestine insertion of a mercenary 'guerrilla' force into Venezuela is surely possible. Minor supply lines can be established by secret means. But, as the war on Syria demonstrates, such plans can not be successful unless the people welcome the anti-government force.
Under the current government most people in Venezuela are still better off than under the pre-Chavez governments. This lecture and this thread explain the economic history of Venezuela and the enormous progress that was made under Chavez and Maduro. The people will not forget that even when the economic situation will become more difficult. They know who is pulling the strings behind the Random Guy Guaido who now claims the presidency. They know well that these rich people are unlikely to better their plight.
U.S. politicians are making the same mistakes with regards to Venezuela as they made with the regime change wars on Iraq and Syria. They believes that all people are as corrupt and nihilistic as they are. They believe that others will not fight for their own believes and their own style of life. They will again be proven wrong.
This article was originally published by "Moon Of Alabama" -
Juan Guaid贸: The Man Who Would Be President of Venezuela Doesn’t Have a Constitutional Leg to Stand On.. February 08, 2019 "Information Clearing House" - Donald Trump imagines Juan Guaid贸 is the rightful president of Venezuela. Mr. Guaid贸, a man of impeccable illegitimacy, was exposed by Cohen and Blumenthal as “a product of a decade-long project overseen by Washington’s elite regime change trainers.” Argentinian sociologist Marco Teruggi described Guaid贸 in the same article as “a character that has been created for this circumstance” of regime change. Here, his constitutional credentials to be interim president of Venezuela are deconstructed.
Educated at George Washington University in DC, Guaid贸 was virtually unknown in his native Venezuela before being thrust on to the world stage in a rapidly unfolding series of events. In a pollconducted a little more than a week before Guaid贸 appointed himself president of the country, 81% of Venezuelans had never even heard of the 35-year-old.
To make a short story shorter, US Vice President Pence phoned Guaid贸 on the evening of January 22rd and presumably asked him how’d he like to be made president of Venezuela. The next day, Guaid贸 announced that he considered himself president of Venezuela, followed within minutes by US President Trump confirming the self-appointment.
A few weeks before on January 5, Guaid贸 had been installed as president of Venezuela’s National Assembly, their unicameral legislature. He had been elected to the assembly from a coastal district with 26% of the vote. It was his party’s turn for the presidency of the body, and he was hand-picked for the position. Guaid贸, even within his own party, was not in the top leadership.
Guaid贸’s party, Popular Will, is a far-right marginal group whose most enthusiastic boosters are John Bolton, Elliott Abrams, and Mike Pompeo. Popular Will had adopted a strategy of regime change by extra-parliamentary means rather than engage in the democratic electoral process and had not participated in recent Venezuelan elections.
Although anointed by Trump and company, Guaid贸’s Popular Will Party is not representative of the “Venezuelan opposition,” which is a fractious bunch whose hatred of Maduro is only matched by their abhorrence of each other. Leading opposition candidate Henri Falc贸n, who ran against Maduro in 2018 on a neoliberal austerity platform, had been vehemently opposed by Popular Will who demanded that he join their US-backed boycott of the election.
The Venezuelan news outlet, Ultimas Noticias, reported that prominent opposition politician Henrique Capriles, who had run against Maduro in 2013, “affirmed during an interview that the majority of opposition parties did not agree with the self-swearing in of Juan Guaid贸 as interim president of the country.” Claudio Fermin, president of the party Solutions for Venezuela, wrote “we believe in the vote, in dialogue, we believe in coming to an understanding, we believe Venezuelans need to part ways with the extremist sectors that only offer hatred, revenge, lynching.” Key opposition governor of the State of T谩chira, Laidy G贸mez, has rejected Guaid贸’s support of intervention by the US, warning that it “would generate death of Venezuelans.”
The Guaid贸/Trump cabal does not reflect the democratic consensus in Venezuela, where polls consistently show super majorities oppose outside intervention. Popular opinion in Venezuela supports negotiations between the government and the opposition as proposed by Mexico, Uruguay, and the Vatican. The Maduro administration has embraced the negotiations as a peaceful solution to the crisis facing Venezuela.
The US government rejects a negotiated solution, in the words of Vice President Pence: “This is no time for dialogue; this is time for action.” This intransigent position is faithfully echoed by Guaid贸. So while most Venezuelans want peace, the self-appointed president, backed by the full force of US military power, wrote in a New York Times op-ed that it was possible to “end the Maduro regime with a minimum of bloodshed.”
The Guaid贸/Trump cabal’s fig leaf for legitimacy is based on the bogus argument that Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution gives the National Assembly the power to declare a national president’s “abandonment” of the office. In which case, the president of the National Assembly can serve as an interim national president, until presidential elections are held. The inconvenient truth is that Maduro has shown no inclination to abandon his post, and the constitution says no such thing.
In fact, the grounds for replacing a president are very clearly laid out in the first paragraph of Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution and do not include fraudulent or illegitimate election, which is what the cabal has been claiming. In the convoluted logic of the US government and its epigones, if the people elect someone the cabal doesn’t like, the election is by definition fraudulent and the democratically elected winner is ipso facto a dictator.
The function of adjudicating the validity of an election, as in any country, is to be dealt with through court challenges, not by turning to Donald Trump for his approval. And certainly not by anointing an individual from a party that could have run in the 2018 election but decided to boycott.
The Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ), which is the separate supreme court branch of the Venezuelan government has certified Maduro’s reelection, as have independent international observers. Further, no appeal was filed by any of the boycotting parties, while all participating parties – including opposition ones – signed off on the validity of the election after the polls closed.
The far-right opposition has boycotted the high court as well as the electoral process. They contest the legitimacy of the TSJ because some members of the TSJ were appointed by a lame duck National Assembly favorable to Maduro, after a new National Assembly with a majority in opposition had been elected in December 2015 but not yet seated.
Even if President Maduro were somehow deemed to have experienced what is termed a falta absoluta (i.e., some sort of void in the presidency due to death, insanity, absence, etc.), the National Assembly president is only authorized to take over if the falta absoluta occurs before the lawful president “takes possession.” However, Maduro was already “in possession” before the January 10, 2019 presidential inauguration and even before the May 10, 2018 presidential election. Maduro had won the presidency in the 2013 election and ran and won reelection last May.
If the falta absoluta is deemed to have occurred during the first four years of the presidential term, the vice president takes over. Then the constitution decrees that a snap election for the presidency must be held within 30 days. This is what happened when President Hugo Ch谩vez died while in office in 2013. Then Vice President Nicol谩s Maduro succeeded to the presidency, called for new elections, and was elected by the people of Venezuela.
If it is deemed that the falta absoluta occurred during the last two years of the six-year presidential term, the vice president serves until the end of the term, according to the Venezuelan constitution. And if the time of the alleged falta absoluta is unclear – when Maduro presided over “illegitimate” elections in 2018, as is claimed by the far-right opposition – it is up to the TSJ to decide, not the head of the National Assembly or even such an august authority as US Senator Marco Rubio. Or the craven US press (too numerous to cite), which without bothering to read the plain language of the Bolivarian Constitution, repeatedly refers to Guaid贸 as the “constitutionally authorized” or “legitimate” president.
As Alfred de Zayas, United Nations independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, tweeted: “Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution is inapplicable and cannot be twisted into legitimizing Guaid贸’s self-proclamation as interim President. A coup is a coup.”
Roger Harris with the Task Force on the Americas and the Campaign to End US/Canada Sanctions Against Venezuela.
This article was originally published by "The Council on Hemispheric Affairs" -
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