The Alt-Right Thinks 5G
Network Plans Are a Deep State Conspiracy Spearheaded By Google
Conspiracy theorists say they've found evidence
that Google is involved in the already-abandoned plan to build a nationalized
5G network.
alt-right has found itself a new baseless conspiracy, this time involving the
emergence of next-generation wireless broadband networks.
On its
surface, there’s not much that’s controversial about the nation’s efforts to
deploy fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. While the 5G standard isn’t
even completed yet, once these networks arrive (probably around 2020) they
should provide consumers with notably faster speeds, lower latency, and better
overall connection quality. Assuming you can afford it.
The most
controversial aspect of these deployments to date had been the way that ISP
marketing departments tend to unrealistically overhype 5G as a miraculous cure-all for
all of the nation’s broadband connectivity issues, instead of a natural
evolution of existing networks.
That all
changed recently when a leaked PowerPoint deck and memo produced
by a senior National Security Council official indicated that Trump advisors
had at least fleetingly eyed a proposal to nationalize America’s looming 5G
networks. The report notes the proposal was considered as part of a
conversation about shoring up the nation’s cyber-defenses.
best way to do this, the memo argues, is for the government to build a network
itself," the report states. "It would then rent access to carriers
like AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile."

After the
leaked proposal resulted in all manner of hand wringing in the media and among
political pundits, the Trump administration was quick to state that the
proposal was dated and never seriously considered. Trump’s
own FCC shot down the idea, and the official behind
the memo has already resigned from the administration and returned to the Air Force.
In an
ideal world, having a nationalized network that ISPs that come in and compete
to operate isn’t as horrible or crazy an idea as the resulting media hysteria
would have you believe. FCC studies have suggested that a
government-built core network that ISPs then provide service over (aka “open
access”) often results in lower prices and better service thanks to
And while
there would absolutely be privacy and security concerns with the creation of
such a government-operated network here in the surveillance-obsessed States,
there’s no indication that such a network was ever seriously considered in the
first place. And building such a nationalized network at this point in 5G’s
life cycle borders on the impossible.
and development of 5G networks is already well underway. Billions have already
been spent on numerous international efforts to develop the standard, set aside
necessary spectrum, and bring 5G to market by 2020. Suddenly nationalizing
these efforts would require seizing industry assets and spectrum, setting 5G
back years.
like AT&T and Verizon (and the think tanks they pay to parrot their policies) utterly loathe the
idea, since they’ve already spent billions on the necessary spectrum and 5G
network trials. And with the House and Senate slathered with telecom campaign
contributions, such an effort had a snowball’s chance in hell of ever actually
Even the
most progressive of U.S. leaders have yet to seriously propose “nationalizing”
the nation’s 5G networks. The proposal, at the end of the day, was little more
than an offhand pipe dream by a member of Trump’s National Security Council. One
apparently not well versed with the economic and political realities of the
telecom market.
As such,
the entire story, based entirely on a dated and discarded proposal by one
individual, probably deserved about a quarter of the attention it received.
"This would create a system by which deep state could
backdoor in whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted"
Yet the
story has now found new life among alt-right conspiracy theorists who pretty
clearly have a less-than-flimsy understanding of how these networks would
actually work.
Pundit, for example, published a piece recently proclaiming that the quest to nationalize 5G networks was a
nefarious plan being driven by Google and the “deep state.” A cornerstone of
this conspiracy rests upon recent reports that Eric Schmidt “discussed 5G with at least one West Wing
official” sometime during the last few months.
admission that they would use this new infrastructure to go after those who
‘sow division’ sounds an awful lot like they would be planning to target
political dissidents, in a time when Facebook and other tech giants have
already been accused of attempting to silence conservatives,” the website
“informed” its readers.
The report
was quickly repeated by those eager to believe that Google was part of a vast
web of a diabolical intent to socialize the internet and erode consumer
privacy; it even got the alt-right cartoon treatment, which is embedded above.
Posobiec, conspiratorial mouthpiece for the gullible, was quick to post a breathless and
indignant Periscope video where he too claimed Google was leading the charge for the
creation of a “socialized” nationwide wireless network.
“Why does
Google have anything to say about the 5G plan,” Posobiec pondered. “Because
Google isn’t usually an internet service provider, they’re considered an edge
provider...they provide you with Gmail, they provide you with YouTube, but
they’re not providing you with the infrastructure behind it.”
already patently false.
Google of
course has plenty of reasons to be interested in 5G networks and the regulation
of them, given it’s conducting numerous trials across a wide variety of spectrum,
including millimeter wave. Google’s also looking to wireless as a cheaper, more flexible alternative to the high
costs of deploying fiber to the home under its Google Fiber division.
the fact the original Axios report offers absolutely no indication
Schmidt’s meeting had anything to do with the 5G privatization plan, Posobiec
stumbles forward with claims that the former CEOs presence at the White House
was proof of Google spearheading the entire, unholy cabal.
would create a system by which deep state could backdoor in whatever they
wanted, whenever they wanted, and quite frankly this is something where NSA
wouldn’t need to have a partnership with the telephone company,” Posobiec
warned viewers.
again, might be scary if such a nationalized 5G network was something that had
even a remote chance of actually happening. But like AT&T and Verizon,
Google has very little interest in actually seeing such a network materialize,
since building it would involve seizing Google network assets and dictating how
the company does business. There is no evidence whatsoever that Google had any
role in the original proposal, which, again, was quickly dismissed.
Google is,
however, interested in ensuring government regulation of 5G networks doesn’t
disrupt its attempts to use wireless to help drive Google Fiber into additional
markets. So while there’s plenty to criticize Google for on numerous fronts
(like its apathy toward protecting net neutrality), spearheading a nationalized
5G surveillance cabal isn’t among them.
Google’s power does raise all manner of other, legitimate privacy concerns.
Yes, Google’s dedication to consumer welfare is looking a little frayed around the edgesthese days as it
shifts from disruption to legacy turf protection. But no, Google doesn’t want
the U.S. government seizing telecom industry assets in a ham-fisted attempt at
The irony
is there’s plenty of very real-yet bonkers privacy-related issues for alt-right
figures to get upset about, from the fact we can no longer tell where companies
like AT&T end and the NSA begins, to ongoing efforts
by the government to demonize encryption and backdoor the ‘net, putting everybody’s privacy and security at risk.
folks like Posobiec have created a profitable cottage industry based on pulling
fabricated concoctions wholesale out of their posteriors, breathlessly fanning
unnecessary hysteria, and pushing a universe of conspiracies with only a
fleeting, tangential connection to anything vaguely resembling reality.
Will Deep State Disclose Buried Antarctic Civilization to
Distract from Looming Mass Arrests?
Multiple independent sources have claimed that the Deep State has
authorized disclosure of a buried civilization in Antarctica as a means of
distracting the mainstream media and general public from looming mass arrests,
which will involve charges of subversion, child trafficking and a host of other
serious crimes against compromised government officials according to the
military intelligence group Q Anon.
A large Octagon shaped structure that is estimated to be 62 acres
in size and buried under 50 feet of ice near the Beardsmore Glacier in West
Antarctica appears to be the catalyst for such an announcement. Two
whistleblowers, a Navy Seal and a US Marine Corps special operator, using the
pseudonym Spartan 1 and Spartan 2 have emerged and shared their testimonies
with veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe about the Octagon and the buried
technological wonders of Antarctica.
Spartan 1 described entering the Octagon in 2003 to extract a
scientist in a video released by Howe on January 23, 2018.
Spartan 1’s account of the ancient age and advanced technologies found in the
structure, which had multiple layers stretching deep down into the two mile ice
sheet was covered in an
earlier article.
In the live
streaming on February 20, where more of Spartan 1’s testimony was
released, he described how a submarine was used to travel from the coastline
under the ice sheet to enter the structure at an entry point approximately two
miles beneath the ice. This corroborates historic claims that submarines
where initially used by Nazi Germany to travel from the
Antarctic coast line deep under the ice sheets to establish hidden bases in
naturally formed caverns since the early 1940’s.
Howe also released the testimony of Spartan 2 who referred to
Antarctica containing “wonders beyond what most can comprehend” with “ties to
space and technology beyond belief”. [Timestamp 22:06]
New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock released his own
video of Howe’s stunning interview with Spartan 1 and 2, which quickly amassed
over 300,000 views by time of writing. After the release of his video, Wilcock
was told by his insider sources that an official
announcement about the Antarctic discovery had finally been authorized by the
Deep State:
Additionally, just since this video went
live, we have gotten additional briefings that the Deep State folks are
apparently indeed moving forward with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and
undersea ruins disclosure in the near future. We heard for some time that they
might do this when they are really in trouble, and that time is now.
early 2017, secret space program insider Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica
where he got to see first-hand the flash frozen civilization that had been
discovered in Antarctica. Goode said that in 2002, scientists and archeologists
were allowed to visit the buried artifacts and begin excavations and study the
remains. This is consistent with what Spartan 1 later revealed about his August
2003 mission to go and retrieve a government scientist who had been earlier
dropped off at the buried Octagon structure to study it.
was the first to claim that the Antarctic ruins and
excavations would be revealed in a partial disclosure initiative in order to
distract the mass media from looming mass arrests and criminal cases involving
Deep State officials:
The Partial Disclosure plan includes … The unveiling of ancient,
high-tech ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will prove
that “Atlantis” was very real, and far more advanced than we thought….
The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human
trafficking rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The
Cabal has run out of time – and they know it.
For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to distract
and inspire the public if the full nature of their crimes were to become known.
Another researcher with his own independent insider sources about
recent discoveries in Antarctica is author Steve Quayle who told radio host,
Dave Hodges about what his sources are telling him about an impending
announcement, which was also a political deception contrived by the Deep
State. Hodges
announced in a February 22 video that:
… there is a great deception coming and it has to do with
revelation about aliens, but it’s not going to be a real revelation, it’s going
to be a fake revelation. There is going to be announced fossilized findings,
geological findings that connect Antarctica to Mars… It’s a political purpose,
it’s great deception…. I don’t know when they are going to release this. Steve
got a heads up that it’s coming from inside sources.
In sum, Wilcock, Goode and Quayle all claim that an announcement
about ruins discovered in Antarctica are impending, and that this is related to
a political deception of some kind.
As to the question of why the time appears to have arrived for a
political deception involving disclosure of discovered Antarctic ruins, we can
turn to Q Anon who has described the great changes that are about to occur.
Q has posted (#2856) that once the Robert Mueller investigation delivers its report
of alleged Russian subversion of the 2016 Presidential election, that many
long-awaited events will occur:
The Mueller Report is expected to open the door to
declassification [DECLAS] of multiple documents including unredacted versions
of the FISA applications based on the contrived Steele Dossier which was used
to justify surveillance of the Trump Presidential campaign.
This will not only expose Deep State officials involved concocting
an “insurance policy” in case Trump won the election, but will also expose the roles
of Britain and Australia – not Russia – in subverting the outcome
of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.
Next in Q’s sequence of predicted events is the release of the
unedited original version of the June 14, 2018, Office
of Inspector General (OIG) report on FBI and Department of
Justice (DOJ) actions relating to the 2016 election.
The release of these and other documents will lay out the “Truth”
about the Deep State’s effort to subvert the 2016 election, and the criminal
actions taken by compromised officials.
This in turn will lead to the final stage in Q’s predicted
sequence of events, “Justice”, which will involve the US Attorney for Utah,
John Huber, moving forward with the release
of up to 60,000 sealed indictments. This is expected to trigger
the prosecution of thousands of former officials and Deep State figures
involved in a variety of crimes including subversion, human trafficking, and
pedophilia in both military and civilian courts.
In a February 18, post (#2803), Q
outlined the ramifications of all the information about to be released to the
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.
On February 26, as President Trump landed in Vietnam for a summit
with North Korea’s Kim Jung Un, Q posted [#2903] that the next 21 days were going to be historic:
It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.
In conclusion, according to Q Anon, we are on the verge of
witnessing the collapse of the Deep State’s efforts to subvert the Trump
administration, and the exposure of the criminal actions of many former FBI and
DOJ officials in these efforts. In addition, the role of British and Australian
Deep State officials in the subversion efforts will only serve to accentuate an
anticipated world wide media frenzy over what is about to be revealed.

The simultaneous public emergence of two military insiders,
Spartan 1 and 2, discussing technological wonders discovered in Antarctica,
including a 62 acre Octagon shaped structure lying only fifty feet below the
ice, raises the possibility that this may be among the first of the ancient
artifacts about to be revealed by the Deep State.
While any official announcement concerning discovery of an
advanced ancient civilization buried in Antarctica is to be welcomed, it’s always
important to be mindful of the political agenda behind such disclosures.
Prepare For Trump To Call Upon US Citizens To
Defend Republic Against Lawless Deep State
Mike Adams says there are millions of
patriots ready to aid in Trump’s defense of America. Here’s how he could call
on US Citizens to defend the republic… Even
though Robert Mueller is repeatedly indicting former Trump associates for lying
to the government — a “process crime” – James Comey just gave testimony to Congress in which he lied hundreds of
times. Yet nothing has happened to James Comey (yet).
President Trump may soon be indicted for “campaign finance violations,” warn
lawless Democrats, yet Hillary
Clinton pre-sold White House influence to foreign oligarchs for
hundreds of millions of dollars on the assumption that Democrats had
successfully stolen the 2016 election. Why are there no arrests of Clinton
Foundation associates or Hillary Clinton herself?
Robert Mueller’s entire appointment to special counsel was based
on a LIE and an illegally leaked memo from James Comey himself,
a friend and associate of Robert Mueller, who served as the FBI
director when Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One scandal was
deliberately swept under the rug, allowing U.S. uranium resources to be
funneled to Russia and Iran. Yet, somehow, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Hillary
Clinton and even Barack Obama — who carried out massive international money
laundering to fly actual pallets of cash to the Iranian regime —
are all apparently immune to scrutiny or prosecution. Only Trump associates are accused of
crimes, while the real criminals of America — the deep state —
appear to be immune to any prosecution or investigation.
The deep state Democrats, it turns out, have criminalized politics.
No crimes committed by Democrats are investigated or prosecuted, yet
Republicans are condemned as criminals merely for engaging in conservative,
pro-America politics. (Read the book The Russia Hoax by Gregg Jarrett,
or Spygate by
Dan Bongino, for an astonishing overview of the damning evidence against the
deep state.)
How the deep state could be exposed and dismantled
Soon, that situation may be turned on its head. President Trump
is holding all the cards right now, sitting on mountains of currently classified
evidence that reveal a
pattern of deep, deliberate criminality and treason among
deep state operatives like Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey, Hillary
Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan and others. At the right moment, President Trump is
likely to declassify and release a tsunami of once-secret documents that reveal
the truth about the FISA warrant fraud, Obama’s abuse of government power,
Hillary’s treasonous corruption and selling of government influence, treason
within the DOJ and FBI, and much more.
This will be the most significant document dump in the history
of the Republic. It will reveal a pattern of astonishing criminality, deception
and lawlessness by deep state operatives like Mueller, Comey, Obama and
But are there enough honest people still remaining in the
bureaucracy to call for the arrest and prosecution of those deep state
criminals when the truth comes out?
Perhaps there are. The evidence will be damning. Huber and
Horowitz have not been idle, and now that a new Attorney General is on the way,
the “good” people inside the FBI and DOJ who have been silenced for years have
an actionable channel to pursue the criminal indictments of bad actors who have
committed numerous felony crimes, including treason. But regardless of what
happens at the federal level, Trump has another card to play as a last resort
if the deep state criminals somehow avoid arrest: Activating the citizens to defend
the Republic by confronting and defeating the deep state.
How President Trump could call upon the citizenry to defend
America against an illegal political coup run by a lawless anti-America mafia
President Trump may already be aware of this, but there are
millions of patriotic citizens ready to aid in his defense of America. They are
unlikely to act without authorization, however. To take action, they will need
to be granted presidential authority.
If activated by the President in defense of the nation, they
would rally in Washington D.C. and assist Trump-appointed Federal Marshals (or
other law enforcement officials) in locating and arresting deep state traitors
throughout the bureaucracy, including those currently committing treason inside
the FBI, DOJ and DHS.
Trump would merely need to reactivate all former federal
officials and former military personnel, all of whom have sworn an oath to
“protect and defend the United States of America against all enemies, foreign
and domestic.” That oath is a lifetime oath; it does not expire just because
you retire or leave federal service. Further, the limitations of posse comitatus do
not restrict the deployment of active duty military personnel on U.S.
soil if defending
the nation against enemy combatants operating within the United States.
Thus, Trump could also deploy Military Police or even active duty military
personnel to seek out and arrest enemy combatants who are operating inside the
U.S. government.
For the record, those “enemy combatants” must include a long
list of currently-serving U.S. Senators and House Representatives who are
anti-America communists. Almost all of them pretend to be “socialists” or
“democratic socialists,” but they all have the same goal: The overthrow of the
American republic and a sweeping new authoritarian, communist government in
charge of everything. See the film “Enemies Within” by Trevor Louden for a
detailed list of who needs to be arrested, indicted and prosecuted.
Why deep state traitors are enemy combatants
Deep state traitors such as Robert Mueller and Barack Obama can
arguably be designated enemy combatants by the President. There is more than
enough evidence to be declassified that clearly supports this designation. For
example, Obama directly financed the nuclear weapons program of Iran, the world’s
No. 1 state sponsor of terrorism and a sworn enemy of the United States. Robert
Mueller had a hand in funneling uranium to Iran, through Russia, while
launching the “Russia hoax” investigation to clear Hillary Clinton while
falsely accusing President Trump of almost the exact crimes that Democrats have
Furthermore, a rational person could argue that the Founding
Fathers of America have already authorized the citizens to rise up against
tyranny when treasonous criminals seize control of the bureaucracy and
weaponize the government against the People. The Second Amendment, in particular, was
clearly written for the purpose of arming the citizenry as a means to confront
and halt the usurpation of power by corrupt government that has become
weaponized against the People. Thus, concerned citizens who see their country
under siege from within are already well aware that they may be called upon to
restore the rule of law by defeating the deep state criminals who have set it
aside for their own quest for absolute power.
To be clear, I personally hope we never see blood spilled in any
power struggle in the United States. The preferable solution to all this is
that the “wheels of justice” would expose the real criminals, and the media
would report the truth about shine the light of transparency on the crimes of
the Clintons, Obamas and their underlings who represent a “political mafia”
deep state. But we all know that’s likely impossible. The media is run by the
deep state. The “wheels of justice” are controlled by traitors. Every
institution upon which reasonable people might rely to honor the rule of law
has been compromised — even overrun — by deep state traitors.
The idea that the deep state will investigate and indict itself
for the crimes it has committed against America is absurd. The lawless
bureaucrats have achieved so much control over the government, the media and
even the internet that there is likely no defeating them from within. It seems
apparent that the
only way to defeat the deep state is for the citizens to be called upon to
support a small, loyal federal task force in arresting, indicting and
prosecuting the traitors who have very nearly overthrown
the rule of law and turned America into a banana republic.
Will President Trump call upon the citizenry to defend America
against the deep state? Will the deep state successfully impeach or even
assassinate the President before he can take such actions? Would an impeachment
of Trump set off a citizens’ revolt anyway? These are important questions for
us all to consider.
In my podcast today, I discuss why the activation of citizens to
defend the Republic is legal and justified under the U.S. Constitution. I also
argue that it may be needed in order to restore law and order to a nation where
lawlessness and tyranny have run amok, and where the treasonous criminals
remain in charge of nearly everything. The only way to defeat them may be for
the people to join forces with the President to take America back from those
who actively seek to destroy it.
How you can prepare yourself for what may be coming
If President Trump unleashes against the deep state — an outcome
that seems inevitable before the 2020 election — you will need to be prepared
for chaos nationwide as left-wing radical terrorist groups such as Antifa attempt to wage a civil
war against patriotic Americans.
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