
Monday, March 4, 2019

URGENT🔴 America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun? Trump Is Impeached Or Removed In 2019?

America's Second Civil War Has Already Begun

In an excellent article by Jeff Lukens here on American Thinker, he asks the question, “Is a second civil war coming?”  In reply, I say that America’s second civil war has already begun.  Its opening shots were fired by Barack Obama when he stated, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Most of this country is center-right and never considered America a place that needed transformation.  Most people can think of things they would change but few believe the nation needs to be torn down and rebuilt.  Obama failed but the left soldiers on in its quest for a new America remade in their own image.
When Obama went on his world apology tour, he wasn’t apologizing forAmerica, he was apologizing for Americans.  This is the essence of this second civil war.  Leftists are demi-gods who believe they are America and that anyone who does not believe in them cannot lay legitimate claim to this country as their own.
Yes, this war has begun.  The opening skirmish was the Obama presidency itself, which history will see as a failure, despite what the media want us to believe in the here and now.  Sure, he passed ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, overregulated, and ruled by executive diktat to great media acclaim.  Yet, ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank have been whittled away by legislation and judicial rulings, while Trump has prioritized deregulation and reversed many of Obama’s illegal executive orders.
The war’s second battle was the 2016 presidential election when Hillary Clinton, Obama’s chosen successor, lost to a television personality whom very few took seriously as a candidate.  Trump won despite the Obama administration conspiring with the Clinton campaign to steal the election and has remained as president even as that conspiracy fundamentally transformed into a failed coup attempt to depose him.
Trump’s presidency has been the third battle and with his string of successes, the battle is being won.  This, despite near-universal acrimony and condemnation among the media, the Democrats, and the left., “what difference, at this point, does it make?” because these victories are pyrrhic.  As the eminent Michael Walsh said of the left, “they never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.”  Democrats are chipping away at this nation with their policies.  This is a war of attrition and we Americans are being attrited. 
For example, their “open borders” policy is effectively importing a new electorate -- one guaranteed to vote for them.  The left agrees with Obama, there is nothing wrong with America, it’s those damn Americans, so they are going to drown the conservative vote with new Democrats.  It’s the same with their policy of “everything should be free.”  Why vote for someone who promises equal opportunity when someone else promises a better outcome?
Nuclear winter became global warming became climate change became “we want total control over everything.”  The reason why Democrat candidates for the presidency so quickly signed on to my congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal is its promise of comprehensive control over every aspect of our lives.  Eliminating planes, trains, and automobiles will keep us close to our homes and jobs or for those “unwilling to work” in their basement enjoying their “universal basic income.”  Dependent people without mobility are easier to control. 
The 2020 election looms as the next battle and it will be hard fought because Democrats have myriad policies that may sound great but are really about control.  They have always been masters of micturating down our leg and telling us it is raining. 
Yet, they don’t need to trick us into acquiescence, because even should Trump win, without a complete reversal by the Democratic Party, a renewed free and fair media, and a return to the principles upon which this nation was founded, this war will continue, and it is only a matter of time before the left again wins the Presidency, or the House, or the Senate -- or all three.
When that happens, this civil war will become hot because the Democrats are going to come for our guns.  An armed citizenry is a free citizenry, and they can’t have that. 
The third most populated nation with 330,000,000 people, America has an estimated 350 million guns in circulation; any effort to seize them will call for the total mobilization of our armed forces, city and state police, and the National Guard. 
People are not going to turn in their guns and politicians who think they will do so are being naïve.  Fighting will surely ensue as the forces of the regime go door to door to try to take them.  
Many of those empowered to confiscate weapons won’t obey orders.  Defections will be common and there will be fighting in the streets, limited at first, but it will soon break out into open rebellion.  The regime will become increasingly strident and many states will refuse to comply.  Using Democratic-run “sanctuary cities” as an example of state nullification of federal law, talk of secession will become rife. 
The ruling leftists will, of course, be surprised, and orders will be given to the remaining loyalist forces to put down the rebellion.  In the end, the death toll will far exceed the 620,000 people who died in our first civil war. 
To people who say it can’t happen here, I say history is replete with examples of places that no longer exist where people believed “it can’t happen here.” 
It can’t happen here?  Open your eyes, it has already begun.


Has the Trump presidency exposed the need to implement a mechanism/policy that would prevent bad-faith Congressional investigations/witch-hunts?

The Democratic-controlled House is obsessed with bringing down President Trump and removing him from office. When Republicans controlled the House and Senate, there was a system of checks and balances in place that “served” to prevent partisan and “bad-faith” investigations from going forward. This is not to say that Republicans were there to stymy legitimate investigations. Rather, they were there to prevent/curtail investigations and conduct that solely reeked of partisanship and vengeance. Now that Democrats control the House, multiple investigations are moving forward at a rapid pace. Sadly, there does not appear to be a strong and reliable mechanism in place to prevent these types of seemingly partisan and bad-faith investigations from going forward. Perhaps there should be.
Democrats have been quite vocal about their goals. An article in the Washington Examiner set forth their plans once they took control, stating:
The New York Times reports Democrats are planning for political revenge, with a blitzkrieg of “investigations into nearly every corner of the Trump administration.” Large numbers of House Democrats are likely to push for impeachment either of Trump or, following Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s lead, of newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.”
It doesn’t matter that, with the Senate probably firmly in Republican hands, there would be no chance of securing the two-thirds vote needed there to remove either one from office. The very effort to impeach would dominate House activity and headlines, further ratchet up a toxic political atmosphere, detract from any ability to handle even the most basic legislation, and cause political and cultural instability that could shake the U.S. economy and undermine the country’s international standing.
The fundamental problem with endless Congressional investigations and/or investigations stemming from partisanship and/or bad-faith is that there is no apparent system of checks and balances in place to prevent abuse. Moreover, there does not appear to be a way to prevent these types of investigations/conduct from taking place and/or moving forward.
For example, Congressional Democrats have threatened to impeach the president for years. While the Constitution provides a safety net before a president can actually be removed, it does not necessarily provide a mechanism within which to prevent one party from initiating (and pursuing) partisan or bad-faith impeachment proceedings. Therefore, if Democrats in the House decided to prepare articles of impeachment (no matter how weak or baseless the grounds), Republicans would be virtually powerless until later on in the process. Until then, a long and expensive investigation would take place and the government would be at a standstill, as virtually nothing would get done. While Democrats have not pursued impeachment yet, they are facing mounting pressure from some of their bigger donors, who expect them to do.
Another similar area of concern involves the House Intelligence Committee, which is now controlled by the Democrats. According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Committee recently indicated that it intended to expand its work to look into any alleged foreign influence over the president by Russia or any other country. In doing so, Democrats could potentially look into the president’s personal finances and the Trump Organization. According to Jack Langer, a spokesman for Republicans on the Committee, “[t]his is a gross abuse of a committee that was created to do oversight of the intelligence community, not to conduct sprawling, endless investigations of one party’s political opponents.”
Ironically, not only did the Democratic-controlled Committee decide to expand its inquiry, it also voted to send copies of various transcripts of its closed-door interviews to Robert Mueller, who happens to be investigating the president. Given that Democrats now control the Committee, Republicans on the Committee are somewhat limited when it comes to stopping the Committee’s seemingly partisan “investigations” against the president and/or those associated with him.
It would not be unreasonable to implement additional and/or new measures to prevent bad-faith, partisan or meritless Congressional claims/investigations. Such measures exist in the legal context, where there are laws/rules in place that penalize litigants and/or their lawyers from pursuing meritless claims or engaging in “bad-faith” litigation. In the federal context, for example, Rule 11 serves this purpose.
While Congress’ power is immense, there must be a way to prevent the abuse of such power when it becomes self-evident. The confirmation process involving Justice Kavanaugh is but one example of how some in Congress can abuse their power and pursue partisan and bad-faith investigations without any significant risks.
If there were stronger policies, laws or mechanisms in place, perhaps those choosing to pursue such partisan and bad-faith investigations would think twice. That would be a positive development no matter what side of the political aisle one sits on.


Which Hillary Clinton Should We Believe? The One Who Tells Us To Reject Trump’s Attempts To Divide Us With Fear, Or The One Who Tells Us “We Are Living Through a Full-Fledged Crisis Of Our Democracy?”
Hillary Clinton is hitting the panic button over Trump, telling an audience “we are living though a full-fledged crisis in our democracy.”
“We are living through a full-fledged crisis in our democracy,” Hillary Clinton says at this voting rights/unity breakfast. Says we’re living in a time when “racist and white supremacist views are lifted up in the media and the White House.”
Damn! That’s scary! Like…super scary.
Is this really the same Hillary who told the world over and over again that Trump was trying to divide the nation through fear?


MEDIA SILENCE CONTINUES: Clinton Foundation Connected AGT Forwarded Top Secret US Intel to RUSSIA – Made Bribes to Seal Deals – FBI/DOJ Covered It Up – Part VI

A 2016 DOJ criminal investigation was suppressed and buried by the DOJ/FBI that involved a major NY Democratic power broker and the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

The investigation revolved around the illegal sale of controlled US Homeland Security technology to Russia and China in the years before the 2016 election by a company named AGT.

The DOJ terminated its internal investigation in 2016 despite clear and irrefutable evidence of criminal activity and hid it from the public!

In Part I of our series we discussed the Clinton Foundation and the donations to the Foundation from the COB (Martin L. Edelman) and CEO (Mati Kochavi) of AGT International as well as from Sheikhs in the UAE. These donations in the millions of dollars were for favors from the Clintons. In return the Clintons helped promote AGT –
In Part II of our series we discussed the illegal actions that AGT International took to generate revenues around the globe. Highly sensitive US defense technology and ITAR classified products were provided to China, Russia and other countries in the name of sales growth. These actions were beyond criminal, they were treasonous.
(Below is an AGT article about its premier defense software from its company 4D Security Solutions.)
In Part III of our series we discussed the investigation that the FBI/DOJ started into AGT and the Clinton Foundation but then terminated and covered up before the 2016 Presidential election despite irrefutable crimes!
In Part IV of our series we discussed the activities by individuals associated with AGT in obtaining entrance to a highly sensitive US Intel facility circumventing the controls in place that prevent illegal entries to the facility.
In Part V of our series we discussed the efforts by AGT to obtain top secret US Intel for the sole purpose of selling to the Russians.  AGT personnel used the information as a means to entice sales from US adversaries.  AGT offered Russians the ability to conduct counter-Intel operations (e.g. cell phone intercepts, object and vehicle tracking, etc.).  All of this information provided to the Russians was highly classified and never should have been placed in their hands. This information was provided by AGT senior managers like Gadi Lenz, a US national who also held a key executive position at the US based defense contractor 4D Security Solutions.

Below image shows the LinkedIn profile of Gadi Lenz that identifies him as a CTO at 4D Security Solutions and a chief scientist at AGT.
Below is an image showing a Cyber Security solution AGT offered to the Russian government –
Image below shows an AGT C4I system deployed in Liaoyuan China. The system among other things was designed to automatically track and create a detailed pattern of motion of vehicles belonging to western embassies.

Today we’ll continue with our series and show the shady efforts AGT took to obtain contracts in the US.  AGT utilized its COB and the Clintons to gain access to highly placed Law Enforcement Agents (LEA’s) and former Federal and political figures in order to open doors and gain access to  federal, state, and political leads that helped the company penetrate the US market.
What would another Clinton scandal be without the likes of former Clinton Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson?  For example, in a meeting designed help an AGT company (3i-MIND) sell to the US law enforcement market, Thomas Betro, the head of 3i-MIND’s Global Law Enforcement practice and the former National Counterintelligence Executive arranged for some “Consulting” Services with the following participants:
1.    John Magaw– President Clinton’s Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) from 1993 to 1999. Prior to that he was Director of the United States Secret Service from 1992 to 1993. Magaw took over the ATF after the Waco siege that ended when the FBI attempted to overrun the Branch Davidian compound resulting in a fire that killed more than 70 people.
2.    Bradley Buckles– President Clinton’s former Director of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives beginning in 1999.  Buckles followed Magaw in this role.
3.    Governor Bill Richardson– President Clinton’s Former U.S. Ambassador to United Nations and former U.S. Secretary of Energy, Richardson was later elected Governor of New Mexico.
While Secretary of Energy, Richardson’s Energy Department was marred by an incident where a Chinese man by the name of  Wen Ho Lee was charged with spying at the Los Alamos National Laboratories.  Later a couple of computer drives were found missing at the same location.  After delays in providing information on the lost drives, in June 2000 the FBI baled Richardson out –
Two highly sensitive computer hard drives that were missing from the Los Alamos National Laboratories earlier this year never left the premises, and the FBI has uncovered no hints of espionage in the case, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson told a Senate committee Wednesday.
Richardson was later considered for a position on the Obama Administration but Richardson withdrew his nomination because of an investigation into whether he exchanged New Mexico state government contracts for campaign financing.  Obama’s Department of  Justice eventually killed the investigation into these pay-for-play allegations.
It seems expected that Clinton Foundation donors Edelman and Kochavi would involve the likes of Richardson and the Clintons in their efforts to promote their company – AGT.  On August 3rd and August 9th, 2011, AGT held meetings with the three experts above.
As a result of these meetings, AGT lined up contracts in the following police departments around the country –
·         Tucson
·         Newark
·         Boston
·         Colorado Springs
·         San Diego
·         Riverside
·         Memphis
·         Jacksonville
AGT regularly utilized and paid off highly placed former military, LEA and former Federal and political figures to open doors to obtain classified information.  For example, below is an image showing a cash envelope used to pay off officials in one Asia Pacific country –

The AGT family of companies participated in numerous suspect, if not criminal activities. The leaders of the company were Clinton friends and major donors to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons in turn helped promote AGT.

AGT then participated in numerous shady and criminal activities, the worst of which were selling US ITAR regulated products and information to the Russians and Chinese.

The DOJ/FBI started an investigation of AGT but then covered it up. The investigation into the Clinton Foundation and AGT was material to the 2016 US election and yet the FBI and DOJ concealed it from the American public.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  The Clinton Foundation and the DOJ and FBI must be investigated and the crimes committed by these entities must be brought to justice!

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