
Sunday, February 3, 2019

URGENT🔴 Federal Reserve Bank Colludes with Deep State to Crash Stock Market In Feb 2019

Federal Reserve Bank Colludes with Deep State to Crash Stock Market..The FED Is the Real Enemy
of the American People

It’s either We the People or the Federal Reserve;
there’s no room for both in a free nation.

How many times has it been said … … …
That Deep State is the enemy of the people.
That the Mainstream Media is the enemy of the people.
That the C.I.A. is the enemy of the people.
That the FBI is the enemy of the people.
The NSA is the enemy of the people.
That the DOJ is the enemy of the people.
That the Democrats and RINOs are the enemy of the people.
That most of the U.S. Congress is the enemy of the people.
That the whole SES (Senior Executive Service) is the enemy of the people.
Virtually the entire Legal Class (i.e. BAR attorneys) is the enemy of the people.

Who can argue with any of these self-evident statements?

Each one is entirely true as the election of Donald Trump has revealed.
In fact, Trump tweets alone have exposed the whole bloody system for what it truly is:


However …

And it’s a HUGE however, mind you!
It’s the FED, and especially the Central Banks worldwide, that are the REAL enemy of the people.
In fact, the whole world is now witnessing just how dangerous and deadly, reckless and feckless the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) can be.
Only the initiated really understand that the FED has always been this dangerous throughout its entire existence … … … as we all watch FED Chairman Jerome Powell intentionally trigger a stock market crash in real-time.
As a matter of historical fact, every stock market crash and economic depression has been caused directly by the actions (and inactions) of the central banks … and before central banks by the large private banks that constituted the International Banking Cartel.
The many bankster institutions that make up the current Rothschild Crime Syndicate are only the latest incarnation of a draconian system of currency control and manipulation that goes back over 5000 years.  Before the Rothschild clan there was the Black Nobility of Northern Italy in the late 1200s. And way before them there was the Babylonian Brotherhood of the ancient Middle East with many other bankster entities in between.

2018: The Year the FED Exposed Itself

True to form, President Trump has once again taken to Twitter to expose the single biggest scam in world history—the utterly fake Federal Reserve System.
Truly, it doesn’t get any bigger than the Central Banking Racket.  It also doesn’t get any more perilous since it is these international banksters who have purposefully engineered every single war in modern history.
That’s just what these perennial perps do: they look for new ways of wealth creation and it just so happens that war is a really great business.  The globalists also thrive on the disaster capitalism that results after the wars.  They also take advantage of war opportunities to put into practice their primary MO — Ordo ab chao — with which to fabricate new nations and societies.
This is why there is such a chorus of disagreement with Trump’s troop pull-out from Syria and Afghanistan.  The banksters need and want war to fuel their artificially propped up perpetual war economy the world over.
This is also why Powell has no reservations about triggering a full-blown stock market crash — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — this Christmas.  Nowadays the banksters don’t even care that the American people see their premeditated collapse of the entire Global Economic & Financial System.
That’s right: Powell is completely unconcerned that everyone knows he is carrying out the devastation of the various markets and national economies worldwide.  The FED has always exercised this much power and influence but surreptitiously implemented their secret agendas of monetary destruction under the radar…way under.
Not so anymore as people everywhere watch Powell insidiously raise the interest rate at a time of extreme instability and increasing insecurity, great risks and growing uncertainty, as well as general fear, apprehension and anxiety permeating the global investment community.  What a ‘perfect time’ to jack up the FED interest rate!
Why, pray tell, would the FED Chair make such a stupid move?  Actually a series of stupid moves throughout 2018.
Because he’s been told to by his Deep State handlers who have been coerced by their International Banking Cartel masters, that’s why.
As FED Chairman, Powell, himself, has no real power… it’s all perceived power.  In fact the POTUS can fire him in a heartbeat if he feels the necessity to do so. See: “Legally the President can fire the Chairman of the Federal Reserve under a specified cause” but Deep State would have us believe otherwise.

Back to the list above

However, it’s the extensive list posted above, each culprit of which is clearly an “enemy of the people”, which must be reconsidered in light of this critical analysis.
You see, each and every one of those exceedingly dangerous institutions runs on money.  With regular funding, they can carry out their nefarious deeds with impunity and then cover them up for decades.  And so they have… at the request of the banksters.
As the notorious and prototypical “enemy of the people” Mayer Amshel Rothschild once said:

December 2018: The Month of HUGE Happenings

Who can deny that this December has seen a blitz of major events and radioactive revelations?  The George H.W. Bush funeral alone has got people talking like never before. 
Of course, before that unparalleled psyop, the American people were provided with indisputable evidence of a statewide black operation conducted in California. It’s all spelled out at SMOKING GUN: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide and Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned.
Then the nation was treated to a rapid series of Trump tweets and Deep State-busting initiatives that the Righthas correctly perceived as a Christmas present.  Each of these unprecedented moves and maneuvers was designed for the upcoming BIG EVENT.
Even the well-timed government shutdown will have many unintended benefits for We the People.  Not only is this brilliant political move revealing the Democrats and RINOs as stone-cold traitors to the American Republic, it’s giving the Trump administration the legitimate pretext to jumpstart the military tribunals for mass treason.  The FED chairman and his fellow governors ought to be the first on the docket.

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Good! Keep it shut down so that We the People …
… can see how worthless, wasteful and woeful it is.

KEY POINT: The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, it’s supranational.  There’s no reserve; it’s actually in deep debt.  The FED is really not even a bank; it’s a printing press that makes Federal Reserve Notes, which are debt instruments not assets with real value, out of thin air.



Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3

Now the reader understands why the FED is truly the enemy of the people.
We are all watching it wreck and ruin the U.S. economy in real time and with purposeful design.
Therefore, Trump’s only alternative is to: Fire Powell Now … BEFORE HE CRASHES THE MARKETS!  And, to do so before a market crash sets up a cataclysmic domino effect that has been pre-planned by the New World Orderglobalist cabal for decades.

In light of these stark realities, there is one immediate response that must be taken to prevent the “THEIR FINAL SOLUTION” from manifesting.

Special Note: It’s true that the stock market is nothing but a rich man’s casino.  It’s actually a global gambling casino where the house always wins and the bettor always loses…even when they think they won.  In this way the New York Stock Exchange, as well as all the other exchanges, serve to transfer massive amounts of wealth from the small investors to the moneyed class.  The degree of insider trading alone that’s done by the power elite is staggering as it translates into trillions of dollars of profits every year.  Truly, the world will be a much better place when the markets collapse, once and for all.  At the end of the day, it will be the 4 “Ds” that take down the system for good as explained in this prescient piece: The ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ Herald the Death Knell of Global Economic & Financial System

State of the Nation
December 24, 2018
DISCLAIMER: “… It is the Federal Reserve System, and its fatally flawed practice of debt-driven, fractional reserve banking that is the object of our scorn and derision. Likewise, it is the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) that deserves our condemnation and searing criticism. Why? Because the FED is not legitimate. It is not a properly constituted or correctly legislated organ of government, and it’s actually a privately owned consortium of banking agents whose ownership is more foreign than domestic. The FED is legally unfit to conduct business on behalf of the American people since, as a private entity, it lacks the congressional oversight necessary when appropriated funds have been allocated by the legislative branch of government. The printing presses of the FED produce notes – as in promissory notes – which are nothing but instruments of indebtedness for all who possess them. Not too unlike credit cards, actually. Therefore, the money that it prints is counterfeit. Is it surprising that an international, privately owned crime syndicate, which issues fake money, would be the biggest player in the worldwide funny money monopoly game that is bringing the entire world of commerce, finance and business to a virtual standstill? We are talking about the greatest ongoing financial crisis in recorded history. And the FED is institutional PUBLIC ENEMY #1 responsible for this multi-decade crime spree.

FED Chairman Jerome Powell is a
Deep State Operative
Whose Assigned Mission is to
Sabotage Trump’s MAGA Agenda

For anyone who doubts the title of this post, or the subtitle, please consider the articles below posted under “Google Results“.
As for the FED’s role in this ongoing and wholly engineered train wreck — the Market Crash of 2018 

Is The Federal Reserve Actually TRYING To Cause A Stock Market Crash?

It is insanity to raise interest rates when stocks are already crashing, but the Federal Reserve did it anyway
Michael Snyder | Economic Collapse
The Federal Reserve has decided not to come to the rescue this time.  All of the economic numbers tell us that the economy is slowing down, and on Wednesday Fed Chair Jerome Powell even admitted that economic conditions are “softening”, but the Federal Reserve raised interest rates anyway.  As one top economist put it, raising rates as we head into an economic downturn is “economic malpractice”.  They know that higher rates will slow down the economy even more, but it isn’t as if the Fed was divided on this move.  In fact, it was a unanimous vote to raise rates.  They clearly have an agenda, and that agenda is definitely not about helping the American people.
Early on Wednesday, Wall Street seemed to believe that the Federal Reserve would do the right thing, and the Dow was up nearly 400 points.  But then the announcement came, and the market began sinking dramatically.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 720 points in just two hours, and the Dow ended the day down a total of 351 points.  This is the lowest that the Dow has been all year, 60 percent of the stocks listed on the S&P 500 are in bear market territory, and at this point approximately four trillion dollars of stock market wealth has been wiped out.
We haven’t seen anything like this since the last financial crisis.  This is officially the worst quarter for the stock market since the fourth quarter of 2008, and it is the worst December that Wall Street has experienced since 1931.
It is insanity to raise interest rates when stocks are already crashing, but the Federal Reserve did it anyway.
They knew what kind of reaction this would cause on Wall Street and in other global markets, but that didn’t stop them.  The financial world is in utter turmoil, and this move by the Fed has definitely added fuel to the fire.
Could it be possible that they actually want a stock market crash?
Some are suggesting that the reason why the vote was unanimous was because they wanted to send a “strong signal” to President Trump.  He has been extremely critical of the Federal Reserve in recent weeks, and this could be a way for the Fed to show Trump who is really in charge.
They are calling this “the Trump economy”, but that is simply not true.  And when Barack Obama was in the White House, it wasn’t “the Obama economy” either.  Ultimately, it is the Federal Reserve that is running the economy, and they fiercely guard their independence and their authority.
President Trump knows that the only way that he is going to win in 2020 is if the economy is doing well, and he also understands that higher interest rates will slow the economy down.
So essentially the Federal Reserve has a tremendous amount of political power in their hands.
During the Obama era, the Fed pushed interest rates all the way to the floor and kept them there for many years.
But now the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates seven times since Donald Trump took office, and four of those rate hikes have been under current Fed Chair Jerome Powell.
Needless to say, it certainly doesn’t take a lot of imagination to figure out how Donald Trump is feeling about Powell at this moment.
Meanwhile, we continue to get more indications that the U.S. economy is heading for difficult times.  Just consider the following news about FedEx
FedEx shares are plunging after what Morgan Stanley called a “jarring” cut to its annual forecasts, suggesting global growth is slowing far more than most expect – in fact, the bank hinted at the possibility of a “severe recession”unfolding – and prompting expectations of an “uber-dovish hike” by the Fed.
The global logistics bellwether slashed its outlook just three months after raising the view, reflecting an unexpected and abrupt change in the company’s view of the global economy amid rising trade tensions between the U.S. and China. Not only were the cuts were deeper than the Street expected according to Morgan Stanley analyst Ravi Shanker, but everyone is pointing to the following comment from the press release: “Global trade has slowed in recent months and leading indicators point to ongoing deceleration in global trade near-term.”
To see the term “severe recession” used in such a context is more than just a little bit alarming.
The last time the U.S. economy went through a recession, millions of Americans lost their jobs and we saw a wave of mortgage defaults unlike anything we had ever seen before in modern American history.
Are we about to go through something similar?
Earlier today, a CNN article also used the term “recession”, and it discussed the fact that investors now want big corporations to focus on paying down their debts instead of buying back shares of stock…
Fears of an economic slowdown — or even recession — have turned a spotlight on the debt that businesses piled up during the past decade, when borrowing costs were historically low.
For the first time since the Great Recession, investors want companies to prioritize paying down debt rather than investing in the future or share buybacks and dividends, according to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch survey of global fund managers.
But stock buybacks are one of the only things that has been propping up the stock market.  The only way for the bubble to continue is for corporations to go into dizzying amounts of debt in order to fund massive stock buybacks, because the Federal Reserve clearly does not intend to support the markets right now.
At least for the short-term, the Federal Reserve could have calmed the markets and encouraged economic activity by leaving interest rates alone.
In the end, they decided not to do that, and that makes one wonder what they are really trying to achieve.
When you’re done with that informative piece, here’s another short take on the FED’s role in deliberately triggering a stock market collapse. The FED is engineering a stock market collapse in real time.
In other words, the once hallowed Federal Reserve Bank is conspiring with key agents of Deep State to bring about the tanking the entire U.S. economy.

Powell is Deep State’s inside man to execute the nuclear option—aka an engineered stock market crash!

Pity Jerome Powell.
The Fed Chairman, who as a reminder has been at his job for less than a year, inherited a legacy of poor choices and even worse consequences. As One River Asset Management correctly wrote in its weekly note, Powell’s predecessors left him with mission impossible: the Fed chair faces a dire dilemma of on one hand either continuing the failed policies of the past decade that have resulted in the “everything bubble”…
… or biting the bullet and at least trying to stick with the painful “renormalization” pathway of rising rates and shrinking balance sheet that has already resulted in the biggest market drop since the financial crisis, and has reportedly promptrf calls by president Trump for Powell’s head.
Only it’s not just Trump: so habituated is the market to the constant presence of the Fed’s training wheels, that one week after the op-ed by prominent “hawks” Stanley Druckenmiller and Kevin Warsh urging the Fed to halt its tightening cycle, a chorus of cautions has emerged on Wall Street, warning that the Fed has done a “policy error”, while calls that the Fed may have gone too far in raising borrowing costs are gathering momentum, with some going so far as accusing Powell of being at “peak error” right now.
Courtesy of Bloomberg, here’s a collection of those of who have been sounding the alarm on Fed policy beyond Trump:
Priya Misra, head of global rates strategy at TD Securities LLC in New York
“I think it’s a notion of a Fed policy mistake. The Fed is signaling continued hikes, which is a mistake. The market was already worried about that. Unfortunately the Fed didn’t alleviate many of those fears.”
Scott Minerd, chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners
“As the curve keeps flattening on us, it’s telling us that monetary policy is being too restrictive and that we don’t have enough reserves in the system to stimulate the economy.”
Donald Selkin, chief market strategist at Newbridge Securities, in an interview earlier this week
“The issue is whether the Fed is providing tough love to the market. He’s saying everything is great, the economy is doing great, but the market, which is forward looking, is dropping. Something’s not right. The Fed has made many policy mistakes in the past. I guess when the fourth quarter earnings come out, whether there’s lower guidance, that’s what everyone will look for.”
David Bianco, chief investment officer at Deutsche Asset Management, in a note to clients
“The Fed must make the right decision for the economy, not its credibility or autonomy. The ability to raise interest rates is an awesome power and no hike should be made without careful consideration of the risks to growth, wealth and the jobs at stake. This new Fed Chair and committee must stop treating higher rates as no big deal and more clearly answer these questions to regain market confidence: What are the benefits of further hikes? What are the risks? Which inflation indicator gives you the most concern?”
Gene Tannuzzo, deputy global head of fixed income for Columbia Threadneedle Investments
“I think they’ve done bit of a disservice by trying to minimize the impact of the balance sheet that’s going on in the background.”
Jim Bianco, president of Bianco Research LLC in Chicago
“The Fed sees the market is solidly screaming at them ’wrong policy’ and they are trying to understand that. Not Trump. And if they do not get the messaging to the markets right, stock go down further and Wall Street will turn on Powell.
Michael Churchill, research analyst at Churchill Research
The Fed is “probably at peak error right now,” he wrote in a note. “The Fed’s intellectual and policy posture is so bad now that it can probably only get better. The Fed’s errors are easy to demonstrate, which makes it likely they will be rectified sooner rather than later.”
Of course, the simple truth is that it’s not Powell who is at peak error: Powell is merely on the receiving end of a late-cycle expansion which after initially levitating thanks to trillions in easy monetary policy, was artificially boosted for the past two years with the tailwind of Trump’s fiscal stimulus which however is not only fading now, but leaving the economy facing the pernicious consequences of accelerating (and delayed) wage growth and a labor market in which there are simply not enough vacant positions, while stocks are pricing in the tighter financial conditions that accompany central banks soaking up liquidity.
The result is that Powell is now blamed for the sins of his predecessors, and that his forced departure would only make matters worse sending stocks crashing even more, ultimately culminating with Trump becoming the fall guy for years and decades of disastrous monetary policy which started with Alan Greenspan’s bubble blowing ways and extended not just with Bernanke and Yellen, but spread globally into China’s unprecedented credit expansion as well as the ultra-easy monetary policies of the ECB, BOE, SNB and so on.
Alas the party is now ending, whether with or without Powell, and the only hope Trump may have to kick the can a little but longer and have the Fed launch one final QE episode, is to crush the market, unleashing another round of ultra-easy policy. Considering the overnight events, Trump may have finally figured out that to save the market, he will first have to destroy it.

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