
Saturday, February 2, 2019

URGENT🔴 Congress to Be Arrested After Trump Announces Gold-Backed US Note?

Congress to Be Arrested After Trump Announces Gold-Backed US Note?

Would three fourths of Congress be under arrest after the State of the Union Address on Feb. 5? Or would something happen to make sure that President Trump couldn’t give his address to the nation?
In his State of the Union President Trump was expected to announce the (freedom from debt to the Cabal) GESARA Law and a return of US currency to a gold/asset-backed standard. Trump indicated in a Jan. 29 tweet that our global economy was already gold backed. His State of the Union Address would likely contain an official announcement of a new gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note. 
There was good reason for Trump to be blocked from giving the State of the Union. The Address to the nation required that Congress vote itself in recess, making it legal for members under indictment to be arrested. There have been over 71,000 sealed federal indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since President Trump took office. 
An estimated 80 to 140 Congress people were said named on those indictments (85% to 95% of whom were estimated to be Democrats and thought to include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her part in the crooked Uranium One Deal). Charges included High Treason, Election Fraud, Child Sex Trafficking, Murder, Pornography, Money Laundering, Bribery, Perjury, US Taxpayer funds misappropriation, plus crimes of Uranium One, 9/11, Fukushima Nuclear Disaster and Benghazi Massacres. 
Serving arrest warrants on political elite in public venues has not been unprecedented during the Trump Administration. On the same day that former Presidents Bush, Obama, Clintons, VP Biden and other political elites received (were served?) strange envelops at former President H.W. Bush’s funeral (said to be the US head of the Cabal), it was announced that General Flynn would receive no jail time, while an unnamed whistleblower had exposed intelligence in over 6,000 documents on the Clinton Foundation. 
This financial transition was all part of a Global Currency Reset based on gold/asset backed currencies taking place for 209 nations as a result of the BRICS Alliance. BRICS was organized in 2008 by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa after the Federal Reserve took out bankruptcy on their fiat US dollar. The Federal Reserve and IRS have been operating without a license since 2009. 
On Feb. 4 the Powers That Be were said to have planned to roll Federal Reserve/IRS collected taxpayer monies into the new US Treasury in Reno. 
It has been said that the USTN was to be live on bank screens and the fiat Federal Reserve US dollar retired by 4:30 am EST on Feb.1. The fiat dollar could be traded in for the USTN at a 1:1, with an estimated at least a year to bring in and retire all fiat Federal Reserve US dollars.
On Jan. 30 President Trump tweeted that three separate and large caravans were marching toward the Mexican border. He was not about to give concessions on building the Border Wall, while Democrats weren’t about to give in on funding it (perhaps because of the indictments?). The Feb. 15 deadline could easily result in another government shutdown and/or declaration to implement Martial Law.
Martial Law could also be declared in the UK. It was reported that President Trump has agreed to formally collapse the Federal Reserve on Feb. 15 – the deadline he set with Queen Elizabeth for full collapse of both the British (with Brexit) and American (with the Federal Reserve and IRS) financial system that has been run by private bankers in what is known as the Cabal since the1800s.
The transition could go smoothly, or catastrophes could happen. Both the US and UK could declare Martial Law to handle the chaos. Watch for a possible Super Sunday Flash Bang event, or other catastrophes around the world planned by the leaders of the old Cabal financial system. 
The Stock Market has been on the brink of extinction since Oct. 1 2018, functioning in or near the red zone ever since. With the Fed. going down, the economy would be stabilized through the Global Currency Reset, plus USTN and GESARA announcements in Trump’s State of the Union Address on Feb. 5.
More surprises were coming very soon. On Feb. 8 a FBI anonymous leak was to be made public about indictments of ex CIA Chief John Brennan and former FBI Director James Comey.
The Cabal-owned USA Inc. rule over the US and global monetary systems was said to have actually ended on Sun. Jan. 20 at midnight, with the official restoration of the US Republic and original Constitution in force by Mon. Jan. 21. The U.S. military, along with the Chinese and Russians, have taken over the Global Collateral Accounts that backed the global financial system – meaning that as of Jan. 21 the Cabal’s Bank of London, Vatican Bank, IRS, Federal Reserve and Central Banks were no longer being funded by US Taxpayers and the Cabal’s fiat US Dollar.

How a dovish Fed sparked a stock-market rally and tanked the U.S. dollar

Was move overdue or did Fed go overboard? The Federal Reserve and its chairman, Jerome Powell, changed their tune Wednesday, striking a surprisingly dovish tone that sparked a stock-market rally, tanked the U.S. dollar and roiled other financial markets.
The Fed hinted that it may be at the end of its rate-hike cycle and further surprised investors by issuing a separate statement regarding its balance sheet, indicating that its efforts to reduce the $4 trillion asset portfolio could end sooner than expected. The tone was seen as an about-face from the Fed’s hawkishly received December meeting when it delivered its fourth rate increase of 2018.
“This is one of the most dovish turnarounds by a Fed chair that I have ever seen in my 30-year career,” said Tom di Galoma, managing director at Seaport Global Holdings.
And the initial reaction across markets appeared in keeping with the perceived shift.
The message delivered by the Fed “just couldn’t be much better for both bonds and equities and for the credit markets that track Treasurys,” said Mark Grant, chief global strategist at B. Riley FBR, in a note.
Here’s a rundown of how markets reacted:
Time (EST)S&P 500 Index10:0011:0012:001:002:003:004:00
Equities soared, surging in the wake of the Fed’s statement and during Powell’s news conference before trimming gains, but still ending sharply higher. The S&P 500 SPX, +0.09% closed up 1.6% at 2,681.05, a nearly seven-week high. The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.26%  ended 434.90 points higher at 25,014.86, a gain of 1.8%.
For the S&P 500, it was the biggest one-day gain on the final day of a Fed meeting since December 2014, according to Dow Jones Market Data.
Stock-index futures pointed to a mixed start for Wall Street on Thursday.
Time (EST)U.S. 2 Year Treasury Note8:001 Feb4:008:0012:004:00
The remarks sparked a Treasury rally that saw yields (which move in the opposite direction of price) drop, particularly at the short end, leaving the yield curve — a line plotting yields across all maturities — to steepen. Yields at the short end are more sensitive to expectations surrounding Fed policy. The yield on the two-year Treasury note TMUBMUSD02Y, +0.00%  fell 4.4 basis points to 2.524%, while the 10-year yield TMUBMUSD10Y, +0.00%  declined 1.8 basis points to 2.694%.
The dollar
Time (EST)U.S. Dollar Index (DXY)8:001 Feb4:008:0012:004:00
The U.S. dollar may have bore the brunt of the market reaction, selling off across the board after the Fed’s dovish surprise. The euro EURUSD, +0.0873%  and the Japanese yen USDJPY, +0.59%  both strengthened sharply, leaving the ICE U.S. Dollar Index DXY, +0.06% a measure of the currency against a basket of six major rivals, erasing gains to turn lower.  
The dollar remained under pressure early Thursday.
Now what?
Not everyone was popping the champagne. Some economists feared the Fed had eroded its credibility, caving in to market pressure.
“Talk about a Fed put,” said Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, in a note, referring to the idea that central bank policy makers have grown increasingly sensitive over the years to stock-market declines and stand ready to intervene in an effort to provide calm. (In real life, a put is an option that gives the caller the right, but not the obligation, to sell an asset at a set price by a certain time, a potentially valuable hedge if the underlying asset heads south).
Shepherdson, who described the Fed as “excessively” dovish, said the degree of steepening of the two- versus 30-year yield curve “suggests that not all bond investors are thrilled with the speed at which the Fed has backed away from its previous position.”
The meeting shows policy makers are “going all-in on the slowdown story, despite the incredibly tight labor market, accelerating wages and rising business price expectations,” he said, which could force policy makers to “spin on a dime” and resume tightening around midyear in order to avoid a “serious policy error” if the economy holds up.
Others played down the Fed’s rhetorical shift. Eric Winograd, senior economist at AB, described it as a completion of the Fed’s pivot from policy “normalization” to a “data-dependent” stance, which he termed “entirely appropriate” given signs the economy is slowing.
“Honestly, I don’t think things are much different after the meeting than before,” he said in a note. “The committee did not want to repeat the debacle that was the December meeting and so were thoroughly dovish. The more dovish they are today, the better the economic outlook becomes and thus the higher the probability is that they will eventually have to start raising rates again. I continue to expect that to happen, but not until the second half of the year.”

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