
Thursday, February 14, 2019

(Q Anon) Issues Warning To All Americans !!Deep State Bankers ON THE HOOK!


This Might End With Prison Time

The middle class is furious and I totally understand their frustration. Any government that cheats its most significant demographic is going to have to meet its maker at some point.

The truth is that the Federal Reserve and the Deep State parasite in Washington, along with the self-serving elitists, have essentially drained the wealth from the American financial system – far in excess of what it is naturally built to deliver.

Check this out:
The real economy is in growth mode, but it's very slow and, basically, crawling.

You can't cheat forever. The only way to achieve such lucrative asset price appreciation – while the hard stats are only creeping up – is by issuing cheap debt, and funneling it to the bankers and their friends first. This allows asset inflation to enrich the equity holders, while suppressing the middle-class with stagnant wages and tax increases.

Outsourcing without regard to negative social consequences has allowed multinational corporations to become unbelievably profitable; they take advantage of tax havens around the world to stash their huge cash hoards, instead of repatriating their boosted capital and using it to employ millions of people and raise their respective wages.

The rubber meets the road eventually; Europe's economic activity has come to a screeching halt. There simply comes a point when issuing new debt no longer stimulates the economy.

Take a look:
In the context of profitability and corporate leadership, U.S. corporations remain a beacon of light to the rest of the globe, the way I see it. However, a look at the big picture shows that our collective economy is officially shrinking.

The historic indicators that have reliably forecasted slowdowns are all flashing red. For example, the Baltic Dry Index fell to its lowest level in almost three years this week and is now down 44% year-over-year. Another measure of global trade volumes fell by 1.3%, its biggest slide since mid-2015.
From our current starting point of extremely low interest rates for all central banks, there's absolutely nothing that policy-makers can do to stave off the next downturn. It would take a miracle to experience an orderly decline and a moderate recession.

When the shit hits the fan this time around, the general population will want blood. They'll seek indictments and will not settle for less than jail time for those who take the fall. In Europe, there's a centuries-long tradition of not granting mercy to those who have plundered and conspired against the population.

The working class has been promised that monetary policy will help them prosper.

It has been a decade since the Great Recession and the only things that have risen without fail are the stock market and the real estate markets. That is NOT a coincidence. It's a premeditated plan that uses the levers of central banking. The top 10% of the population owns 90% of the stock market holdings in our society.

As investors, we are, above all, concerned with preserving capital and with hedging against the upcoming crisis. But we also want to prosper, as recession-proof industries become more strategic for investors. That's exactly what I'm focused on at present and we'll be publishing critical reports on this subject throughout February.
The Deep Hurt: Lessons From American Coups. February 13, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -  As the world watches aghast at another US and allies’ attempt to engineer a coup in Venezuela, I would like to offer a few insights from Stephen Kinzer’ provocative chapter, “The deep hurt,” (pp. 227-250) in his book, The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of the American Empire (2017). This remarkable text carries some hope and lessons for all of us. It tells the story of the great conflict around the turn of 20thcentury about the role that the US might play in either dominating the world or building a cosmopolitan democracy where all people feel secure that they reside in one country, the earth. Indeed, Kinzer states: “Anti-imperialists decisively influenced American history by helping to ensure that the first burst of American annexation would be the last” (p. 228).
Even swash-buckling Teddy Roosevelt was influenced, losing his zest for the idea of conquest.  When he charged into the White House he held two views simultaneously, intervene to help other people, without oppressing them. Kinzer thinks that this dichotomy “torments our national psyche” (p. 229). In the early parts of the book Kinzer sets out the anti-imperialist (Mark Twain) and pro-imperialist visions (Henry Cabot Lodge). These speeches are worth gathering round for reflection.
During the following hundred years much of what the anti-imperialists predicted has come to pass. The United States has become an “actively interventionist power. It has projected military or covert power into dozens of countries on every continent except Antarctica”(ibid.).  George Frisbie Hoar was right, Kinzer points out, when he “warned that intervening in other lands would turn the United States into a ‘vulgar, commonplace empire founded upon physical force”” (ibid.).
Anti-imperialists also predicted that an “aggressive foreign policy would have pernicious effects at home” (ibid.). Military budgets have soared to heights unimaginable in the days of fervent expansionism in the 1898 war with the Philippines. The armaments industries wield extraordinary clout. The wealth-soaked elites dominate politics. The invasion and overthrowing of distant regimes resides in the hands of a few decision-makers. And militaristic values and rituals saturate American life and expunge peaceful ones.
To be sure, American intervention brought some material blessings (good schools and orderly systems of justice, etc) and rising American power was perceived as “good for everyone simply because it means strengthening the world’s most beneficent nation” (p. 230). The expansionists of 1898 believed that America was “inherently benevolent,” and subject nations would rally around the May pole in celebratory dance. “The opposite happened….Carl Schurz was right when he warned that dominating foreigners would ultimately force Americans to ‘shoot them down because they stand up for their independence’” (p. 231).
Kinzer states that: “In the face of profound new challenges, Americans are once again debating the role of the United States in the world. Should it intervene violently in other countries? This remains what Senator William V. Allen called it in 1899: ‘The greatest question that has ever been presented to the American people’” (p. 231). American culture carries a current of anti-imperialism and commitment to an international legal order. They played a big role in the establishment of the UN and nurturing global governance. They remain the world’s only superpower with enormous capacity to move towards building the cosmopolitan world order. What is evident now in this dark moment of history is that the world as it is, is not the way it has to be.
It is difficult, I think, for the United States with its inordinate military might and present delusionary self-understanding to wrench itself free from wanting to intervene for political and economic reasons. Many in the post-WW I world had placed their bet for a better world on the Presbyterian professor Woodrow Wilson. Famously, Wilson triggered immense hopefulness to the disenfranchised in the colonies of European powers. He preached that they should “choose the sovereignty under which the shall live” (p. 232). In office, American troops were dispatched to intervene in Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Russia….Like his predecessors—and successors—Wilson insisted that he was doing it for the good of the target countries. Americans would leave them alone, he promised, as soon as they learned ‘to elect good men’” (ibid.). Today scholars speak of the “shattered peace” of the post-WW I world. Was the desire to begin building, slowly, carefully, a cosmopolitan world order, as Jan Smuts thought, an “impossible dream”?
Kinzer observes that “this most compassionate of presidents not only invaded countries that defied the United States, but studiously ignored appeals from colonized people outside Europe, notably in Egypt, India, Korea, and Indochina. His hypocrisy set the stage for generations of war and upheaval” (ibid.). Margaret MacMillan’s lively and densely detailed book, Paris 1919 (2001)provides the stories for these outcast colonized countries. Today, the US has intervened one more time. The difference now may well be that there is little pretence that the US is engaging in the bully politics of “might is right.” They don’t care two hoots about what the world thinks. They do not give a damn about the self-determination of all countries and peoples. This invasion is stripped of any moral or legal justification. The US has decided to declare the Speaker of the House, Juan Guaido, president. This is unheard of! And Canada has forsaken the best of its liberal and social democratic traditions of adherence to rule of law to hitch its caboose to the US’s rampaging imperialist train.
There are several lessons that Kinzer draws from American history of intervention that our worth careful reflection.
1) American imperialists (and many Americans) truly believe that they are superior and that the world would become a better place if nations submitted to their leadership. The United States would be better off, Kinzer says, if it became a learning nation and not a teaching one.
2) Early promoters of American intervention were zealous patriots. They proclaimed love of country and loyalty to the flag. Yet they could not imagine that people from non-white countries might feel just as patriotic. Love of country was a mark of civilization. Lesser peoples, therefore, couldn’t grasp it.
3) Americans have been said to be ignorant about the world. They are, says Kinzer, but so are other peoples. The difference is that American leaders, puffed with a sense of mission, acted on ignorance. American leaders see little reason to bother learning about the nations whose affairs they intrude.
4) Violent intervention in other countries always produces unintended consequences. Cuba was turned into a protectorate in 1901. A fine idea? It led ultimately to a bitter anti-American regime. Intervention in the Philippines sparked waves of nationalism across East Asia that contributed to the Communist revolution in China in 1949. Later American interventions also had terrible results planners never anticipated. From Iran and Guatemala to Iraq and Afghanistan, intervention has devastated societies and produced violent anti-American passion.
5) Generations of American foreign policy makers have made decisions on three assumptions: the US is the indispensable nation that must lead the world; this leadership requires toughness; and toughness is best demonstrated by the threat or use of force. Thus: America is inherently righteous; its influence on rest of world always benign.
6) Most American interventions are not soberly conceived, with realistic goals and clear exit strategies. But violent invasions always leave so-called “collateral damage”: families killed, destroyed towns, ruined lives, damaged land.
7) The argument that the United States intervenes to defend “freedom” rarely matches facts on the ground. Many (most?) interventions prop up predatory regimes. The goal is simply to increase American power rather than to liberate the suffering.
8) Foreign intervention has weakened the moral authority that was once the foundation of America’s political identity. Today many people around the world see it as a bully, recklessly invading foreign lands. The current invasion of Venezuela is such an example. The name “United States” is associated with bombing, invasion, occupation, night raids, covert action, torture, kidnapping, and secret prisons. Who wants to be saved by America? John Bolton recently threatened Maduro with prison in Guantanamo if he doesn’t get the hell out of Venezuela.
9) Nations lose their virtue when they repeatedly attack other nations. That loss, as Washington predicted, has cost the United States its felicity. Kinzer says that the US can regain it only by understanding its own national interests more clearly. He thinks it is late for the United States to change its course in the world—but not too late.

Federal Reserve Bank Colludes with Deep State to Crash Stock Market

The FED Is the Real Enemy
of the American People

It’s either We the People or the Federal Reserve;
there’s no room for both in a free nation.

How many times has it been said … … …
That Deep State is the enemy of the people.
That the Mainstream Media is the enemy of the people.
That the C.I.A. is the enemy of the people.
That the FBI is the enemy of the people.
The NSA is the enemy of the people.
That the DOJ is the enemy of the people.
That the Democrats and RINOs are the enemy of the people.
That most of the U.S. Congress is the enemy of the people.
That the whole SES (Senior Executive Service) is the enemy of the people.
Virtually the entire Legal Class (i.e. BAR attorneys) is the enemy of the people.

Who can argue with any of these self-evident statements?

Each one is entirely true as the election of Donald Trump has revealed.
In fact, Trump tweets alone have exposed the whole bloody system for what it truly is:


However …

And it’s a HUGE however, mind you!
It’s the FED, and especially the Central Banks worldwide, that are the REAL enemy of the people.
In fact, the whole world is now witnessing just how dangerous and deadly, reckless and feckless the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) can be.
Only the initiated really understand that the FED has always been this dangerous throughout its entire existence … … … as we all watch FED Chairman Jerome Powell intentionally trigger a stock market crash in real-time.
As a matter of historical fact, every stock market crash and economic depression has been caused directly by the actions (and inactions) of the central banks … and before central banks by the large private banks that constituted the International Banking Cartel.
The many bankster institutions that make up the current Rothschild Crime Syndicate are only the latest incarnation of a draconian system of currency control and manipulation that goes back over 5000 years.  Before the Rothschild clan there was the Black Nobility of Northern Italy in the late 1200s. And way before them there was the Babylonian Brotherhood of the ancient Middle East with many other bankster entities in between.

2018: The Year the FED Exposed Itself

True to form, President Trump has once again taken to Twitter to expose the single biggest scam in world history—the utterly fake Federal Reserve System.
Truly, it doesn’t get any bigger than the Central Banking Racket.  It also doesn’t get any more perilous since it is these international banksters who have purposefully engineered every single war in modern history.
That’s just what these perennial perps do: they look for new ways of wealth creation and it just so happens that war is a really great business.  The globalists also thrive on the disaster capitalism that results after the wars.  They also take advantage of war opportunities to put into practice their primary MO — Ordo ab chao — with which to fabricate new nations and societies.
This is why there is such a chorus of disagreement with Trump’s troop pull-out from Syria and Afghanistan.  The banksters need and want war to fuel their artificially propped up perpetual war economy the world over.
This is also why Powell has no reservations about triggering a full-blown stock market crash — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — this Christmas.  Nowadays the banksters don’t even care that the American people see their premeditated collapse of the entire Global Economic & Financial System.
That’s right: Powell is completely unconcerned that everyone knows he is carrying out the devastation of the various markets and national economies worldwide.  The FED has always exercised this much power and influence but surreptitiously implemented their secret agendas of monetary destruction under the radar…way under.
Not so anymore as people everywhere watch Powell insidiously raise the interest rate at a time of extreme instability and increasing insecurity, great risks and growing uncertainty, as well as general fear, apprehension and anxiety permeating the global investment community.  What a ‘perfect time’ to jack up the FED interest rate!
Why, pray tell, would the FED Chair make such a stupid move?  Actually a series of stupid moves throughout 2018.
Because he’s been told to by his Deep State handlers who have been coerced by their International Banking Cartel masters, that’s why.

Powell is Deep State’s inside man to execute the nuclear option—aka an engineered stock market crash!

As FED Chairman, Powell, himself, has no real power… it’s all perceived power.  In fact the POTUS can fire him in a heartbeat if he feels the necessity to do so. 

Back to the list above

However, it’s the extensive list posted above, each culprit of which is clearly an “enemy of the people”, which must be reconsidered in light of this critical analysis.
You see, each and every one of those exceedingly dangerous institutions runs on money.  With regular funding, they can carry out their nefarious deeds with impunity and then cover them up for decades.  And so they have… at the request of the banksters.
As the notorious and prototypical “enemy of the people” Mayer Amshel Rothschild once said:

December 2018: The Month of HUGE Happenings

Who can deny that this December has seen a blitz of major events and radioactive revelations?  The George H.W. Bush funeral alone has got people talking like never before. See Something quite HUGE is about to go down: Martial Law, Military Tribunals or Both?
Of course, before that unparalleled psyop, the American people were provided with indisputable evidence of a statewide black operation conducted in California.  It’s all spelled out at SMOKING GUN: Hard Evidence Shows Camp Fire Was Manmade, Genocide and Mass Destruction of Paradise Carefully Planned.
Then the nation was treated to a rapid series of Trump tweets and Deep State-busting initiatives that the Righthas correctly perceived as a Christmas present.  Each of these unprecedented moves and maneuvers was designed for the upcoming BIG EVENT. See: Trump’s been on a very serious mission preparing for the real battlefield after January 1, 2019
Even the well-timed government shutdown will have many unintended benefits for We the People.  Not only is this brilliant political move revealing the Democrats and RINOs as stone-cold traitors to the American Republic, it’s giving the Trump administration the legitimate pretext to jumpstart the military tribunals for mass treason.  The FED chairman and his fellow governors ought to be the first on the docket.

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: Good! Keep it shut down so that We the People …
… can see how worthless, wasteful and woeful it is.

KEY POINT: The Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, it’s supranational.  There’s no reserve; it’s actually in deep debt.  The FED is really not even a bank; it’s a printing press that makes Federal Reserve Notes, which are debt instruments not assets with real value, out of thin air.



Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3

Now the reader understands why the FED is truly the enemy of the people.
We are all watching it wreck and ruin the U.S. economy in real time and with purposeful design.
Therefore, Trump’s only alternative is to: Fire Powell Now … BEFORE HE CRASHES THE MARKETS!  And, to do so before a market crash sets up a cataclysmic domino effect that has been pre-planned by the New World Order globalist cabal for decades.
Special Note: It’s true that the stock market is nothing but a rich man’s casino.  It’s actually a global gambling casino where the house always wins and the bettor always loses…even when they think they won.  In this way the New York Stock Exchange, as well as all the other exchanges, serve to transfer massive amounts of wealth from the small investors to the moneyed class.  The degree of insider trading alone that’s done by the power elite is staggering as it translates into trillions of dollars of profits every year.  Truly, the world will be a much better place when the markets collapse, once and for all.  At the end of the day, it will be the 4 “Ds” that take down the system for good as explained in this prescient piece: The ‘FOUR HORSEMEN’ Herald the Death Knell of Global Economic & Financial SystemState of the Nation
December 24, 2018
DISCLAIMER: “… It is the Federal Reserve System, and its fatally flawed practice of debt-driven, fractional reserve banking that is the object of our scorn and derision. Likewise, it is the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) that deserves our condemnation and searing criticism. Why? Because the FED is not legitimate. It is not a properly constituted or correctly legislated organ of government, and it’s actually a privately owned consortium of banking agents whose ownership is more foreign than domestic. The FED is legally unfit to conduct business on behalf of the American people since, as a private entity, it lacks the congressional oversight necessary when appropriated funds have been allocated by the legislative branch of government. The printing presses of the FED produce notes – as in promissory notes – which are nothing but instruments of indebtedness for all who possess them. Not too unlike credit cards, actually. Therefore, the money that it prints is counterfeit. Is it surprising that an international, privately owned crime syndicate, which issues fake money, would be the biggest player in the worldwide funny money monopoly game that is bringing the entire world of commerce, finance and business to a virtual standstill? We are talking about the greatest ongoing financial crisis in recorded history. And the FED is institutional PUBLIC ENEMY #1 responsible for this multi-decade crime spree.

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