
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Q Anon Warned 🔴 Trump Planning Mass Arrests Of VIP ‘Deep State’ Traitors in 15 Feb 2019

Trump Planning Mass Arrests Of VIP ‘Deep State’ Traitors

President Trump is planning to carry out a series of mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strozk, James Comey, and Barack Obama. 
According to a number of government documents from the U.S. Federal Register, Trump will declare temporary martial law in order to fulfil his promise of draining the D.C. swamp.
The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him.
Once Kavanaugh is on the court, it will add the necessary support for constitutional “emergency powers” that concentrate power in the executive branch of government (currently headed by President Trump) during times of war and national emergencies.
FACT: The United States has been operating under a state of declared war since September, 2001, following the 9/11 attacks.
FACT: The United States has been operating under a declared national emergency, signed by President Trump, since December 20, 2017 (see proof document, below).
In this detailed video analysis, I lay out the evidence for President Trump’s plan to issue mass arrests of deep state traitors, then try them for treason under military tribunals. This is justified and lawful because the acts being committed against the United States of America by deep state traitors are acts of treason during a time of declared war. It is no coincidence that President Trump has deliberately funded the U.S. Pentagon with its most massive budgets ever conceived. This is because the Pentagon has agreed to run the military arrests of deep state traitors, under the direction of the Commander-In-Chief, President Trump.
President Trump, I believe, has decided to go to bat for America and utterly destroy the anti-American deep state crime ring that has been working for years to destroy this nation and end its national sovereignty. This will be Trump’s legacy. He may not even run for re-election after 2020, since his entire plan to arrest the traitors and restore the rule of law in America will require him to step aside once certain goals are accomplished (see detailed explanation below).
Note that in order to accomplish this, President Trump will need to declare temporary martial law. He will need our support during this time to maintain order and civility across the nation as the arrests and trials of deep state traitors are under way. We should all expect mass violence and chaos from the Left, which is following the “Rules for Radicals,” a blueprint for communist revolts and violent overthrow attempts of governments.
See the documents for yourself… this is all posted on the U.S. Federal Register government website
Here are the links to the documents cited in this comprehensive video:
Document #1Executive Order 13818, signed December 20, 2017. “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”
This document specifically describes the crimes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey and Robert Mueller under the “corruption” section, alluding to the Uranium One scandal and Obama’s multi-billion dollar money laundering operation that handed nuclear weapons capabilities to Iran. It says that the executive order targets, “any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Attorney General… to be a current or former government official, or a person acting for or on behalf of such an official, who is responsible for or complicit in, or has directly or indirectly engaged in… corruption, including the misappropriation of state assets, the expropriation of private assets for personal gain, corruption related to government contracts or the extraction of natural resources, or bribery…”
This describes precisely what Clinton, Comey, Mueller, Obama, Brennan, McCabe and others carried out under the Obama regime. These are more than just felony federal crimes; they are acts of treason against the United States of America, carried out during a time of declared war.
From that document, here is President Trump’s declared national emergency:
I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Document #2Executive Order 13618, signed July 6, 2012 by President Obama. “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions”
This executive order grants the President absolute control over all U.S. media, including internet tech giants (social media), news networks and news websites. It specifically names:
…communications that support Continuity of Government; Federal, State, local, territorial, and tribal emergency preparedness and response communications; non-military executive branch communications systems; critical infrastructure protection networks; and non-military communications networks, particularly with respect to prioritization and restoration…
Document #3Executive Order 13825, signed March 1, 2018. “2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States”
Although much more difficult to read, this document essentially establishes the preservation of the government’s right to prosecute crimes of treason and deep state collusion against America, all of which may be prosecuted via military tribunals under existing U.S. law.
This would allow deep state traitors to be arrested by military police and subjected to military trials run by the Pentagon, completely bypassing the corrupt court system which has been deliberately stacked with complicit deep state traitors and “resistance” judges.
To accomplish this, President Trump must announce temporary martial law
For the record, I wholly support this effort to arrest and prosecute the thousands of deep state traitors who have become a cancer upon America. Were you aware that James Comey was a communist? John Brennan, of course, has remained a communist for his entire adult life, and Barack Obama was a radical Muslim who despised America and worked every day to undermine it through a variety of nefarious means (including allowing U.S. military encryption technology to be captured by Iran via the U.S. drone “GPS spoofing” incident).
For starters, Barack Obama personally authorized the illegal “spygate” spying on Trump campaign officials. Barack Obama also allowed China to hack 21 million U.S. military personnel records, effectively dumping the entire U.S. Pentagon database into the hands of Communist China.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, Loretta Lynch, Peter Strzok and a long list of other traitors have been conspiring for years to destroy America from within and see it replaced with a communist regime run by authoritarian globalists. Tech giants like Apple, Google and Facebook are all part of the plan, which is exactly why you’ve seen every one of them working closely with China to roll out authoritarian techno-tyranny infrastructure systems that plan to enslave every citizen of the world, making them powerless and obedient to a globalist technocracy that runs the “one world government.”
Trump’s plan to rescue America from the globalists will require temporary martial law
In order to halt this global dictatorship and defend America against traitors who are working to destroy it, President Trump must carry out the following actions:
1) Achieve the release of the declassified, unredacted deep state documents from within the FBI and DOJ that will reveal the full extent of deep state treason against America. (The FBI and DOJ are currently stalling this effort, furthering their treason against America and proving they have a lot to hide.) Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner have already committed acts of treason in calling on the FBI and DOJ to defy this presidential order.
2) Invoke the national emergency powers which are constitutionally granted to the executive branch of government. (Technically, this already happened in 2017.)
3) Invoke President Obama’s executive order 13618 and seize control of Google, Facebook, CNN, Washington Post and the New York Times to halt the treasonous lies, coordinated election fraud and political coup attempt which is being run by all these traitors of America.
4) Use all controlled communications channels to publicly declare the details of the crimes (and criminal actors) which have been committed against America. Disclose everything to the America people about how their country had been overrun and destroyed from within.
5) Order military police to find and arrest thousands of deep state traitors who have been deliberately undermining America from within. This will include hundreds of people inside the FBI and DOJ, plus hundreds more in the State Department and other agencies. Arrests must also include traitorous, corrupt federal judges who have deliberately undermined America by, for example, blocking Trump’s constitutional travel ban to protect America from enemy terrorists. Many traitors will attempt to flee the country, of course, and they will need to be located and brought to justice like former Nazi war criminals.
6) Issue an executive order demanding national voter ID for all future elections. No longer will America tolerate democracy being stolen by the votes of illegals who are granted voting rights by California and other complicit, anti-America states or cities.
7) Suspend elections during the military tribunals, but lay out a timeline for the restoration of elections and nationwide voting (with voter ID in place) to restore the rule of law and give America back to the American people.
8) Deploy the U.S. military along the southern border. Use the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall.
9) Promise to resign the presidency once the rule of law is restored in America, signaling to the American people that Trump plans to hand over power to the next elected President within a reasonable time period. Americans will rightly be concerned about martial law morphing into a military dictatorship. Trump needs to assure the American people that his job is to destroy the deep state, restore the rule of law, then get out of the way and retire as the greatest U.S. President in history — the President who saved America from traitors and communists.
The American people will not tolerate a permanent military dictatorship in America, but they will tolerate temporary martial law needed to drain the swamp, arrest the traitors and restore the rule of law.
During this time, by the way, the entire FBI likely needs to be disbanded and rebuilt from scratch. The agency’s credibility has been utterly destroyed by the actions of James Comey, Peter Strzok and others.

The DNC Leaks and Crossfire Hurricane: A Timeline

The media's and the Democratic Party's obsession with the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory originates from events of April-June 2016.  Media operations by the Democratic Party and its media echo chamber have distorted not only the information about the relevant events, but even the background political picture of April 2016.
The DNC and Hillary constructed a conspiracy theory in which Putin ordered the hacking of the DNC network and subsequent mass distribution of the exfiltrated documents to help Trump beat Hillary.  Such actions were against Russian interests and very unusual for Russian intelligence.
Driven by their conspiracy theory, Hillary indulged in anti-Russian rhetoric, and the Obama administration drove relations with Russia to the worst point in the last 40 years.  Since the elections, the Democrats, the hard left, and the institutions owned by them have been pushing Trump to aggravate the conflict, started by Obama and Hillary.  But let's proceed in chronological order.
• Summer 2015 – The FBI warns the DNC about alleged Russian hacking.
The DNC ignores the warning.
• April 28, 2016 – The DNC discovers suspicious activity on its network.
...and calls its lawyer, Marc Elias.  On May 6, after more than a week of waffling, the DNC brings in cyber-security contractor CrowdStrike, selected based on affinity rather than on merits.  CrowdStrike "determines" there were two breaches and names the culprits behind them – Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear – claimed by CrowdStrike to be Russian elite hacker units of FSB and GRU, respectively.
The DNC refused to allow the FBI to access its computers, which it thought had been accessed by FSB and GRU.  Apparently, the FBI consented to be subordinate of FSB and GRU on this issue.• June 12, 2016 – Assange of WikiLeaks declares that he's got internal documents from the DNC.
...and is going to publish them.  Surprised, the DNC and Hillary's campaign decide to pre-empt and even exploit this publication.
• June 14, 2016 – The DNC announces the network breach through a WaPo article.
CrowdStrike publishes alleged technical details on its website.  Both blame the Russian government.  The DNC says that only a few documents had been compromised, including opposition research on Trump.  This is an open invitation for WikiLeaks to publish that research.
• June 15, 2016 – Guccifer 2.0 claims the hack and posts several DNC documents on 
Guccifer 2.0 wasn't known before that.  The opposition research is among the published files.  Independent analysts discover Russian fingerprints – the opposition research file shows an error message in Russian and had been last saved on a computer with Windows in Russian by Феликс Эдмундович.  Феликс Эдмундович refers to Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (1877-1926), the founder of the Cheka, the predecessor to the KGB.  Gotcha!  The ecstatic media form the narrative: all leaked DNC-Hillary documents come from the Russian government; Guccifer 2.0 is a front for a Russian intelligence operation.
Just a few weeks or days earlier, the DNC hired Fusion GPS, which hired Christopher Steele to produce dirt on Trump.  The outcome was a series of absurd pieces, which became known as the "Steele dossier."  It was called "a garbage document" by Bob Woodward.  The only known version of it was published by BuzzFeed.  The first "Steele report," dated June 20, makes bizarre claims and leaves the impression that Steele was unclear about what the client wanted him to write.
• July 16, 2016 – Guccifer 2.0 offers WikiLeaks about 1GB of leaked DNC documents.
Hillary, convinced that Guccifer 2.0 was a front for the Russian government, concludes that Putin had betrayed her.  I think that at that time she decided to invent a narrative that she is tough on Russia while Trump is Putin's puppet.  It was the summer of 2016, and people didn't know that the MSM had shifted from being biased to being shameless fake news.  Hillary's plan worked.
• July 18, 2016 – Hillary/DNC launch Trump-Putin conspiracy theory through WaPo and N.Y. Mag.
WaPo publishes an article titled "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine" (Josh Rogin), and N.Y. Mag "Is Donald Trump Working for Russia?" (Jonathan Chait).  The N.Y. Mag piece is a purported analysis.  It mentions the WaPo article, but it couldn't have been written in a half-hour.  Thus, these articles were part of a media operation by Hillary and/or the DNC.  The WaPo article falsely claimed that Trump's campaign had weakened the GOP platform regarding support for Ukraine against a Russian invasion and briefly mentioned Paul Manafort.
This DNC-Hillary media operation has achieved its apparent goal – establishing a crazy conspiracy theory of Trump-Putin collusion as a dominant media narrative.
• July 20-25, 2016 – Third Steele report mentions DNC files on WikiLeaks.
It's possible that Steele learned the new party line from the July 18 WaPo article, from copycats in other outlets, or directly from Hillary's boys.  None of the previous "reports" had mentioned a DNC hacking, WikiLeaks, Guccifer 2.0, or Paul Manafort.  But this one talked extensively about Manafort and the DNC documents on WikiLeaks.  Manafort and the DNC leaks had been placed together only in the WaPo article, which was largely retold in this Steele piece.  Examples:
"Suggestion from source close to TRUMP and MANAFORT that Republican campaign team happy to have Russia as media bogeyman[.]"
"TRUMP associate admits Kremlin behind recent appearance of DNC e-mails on WikiLeaks, as means of maintaining plausible deniability[.]"
Don't ask me which "Trump associate admits" something on behalf of the Kremlin – the whole Steele dossier consists of such rubbish.
• July 22, 2016 – A WikiLeaks dump reveals:
The DNC had cheated Bernie out of the votes in the primaries to make Hillary the presidential candidate.
• July 25, 2016 – The Democratic National Convention starts with a huge scandal.
The revelation of the dirty collusion between the Hillary campaign and the Democratic National Committee against Bernie rocks the Democratic National Convention.  Hillary blames Russia and Putin; the MSM echoes.  Hillary, the DNC, and the media become deluded into the consensus that Putin is behind Trump.  Now it's official: Hillary runs against Vladimir.• July 26, 2016 – Fourth Steele report is almost entirely devoted to alleged Russian cyber-operations.
Note that the "Steele reports" were received by the DNC, and any piece might have been leaked to the media at any time after receiving.
• July 31, 2016 – FBI launches operation Crossfire Hurricane.
After watching the Democratic convention for days, reading media reports and Steele fantasies conveying the Democratic narrative, Peter Strzok decided to act.  Within two days, he and a few other Obama loyalists in the FBI started the operation Crossfire Hurricane, initially spying on Trump but then attempting a full-spectrum suppression of Candidate Trump and the Republican party.
Within a couple of weeks, CIA director John Brennan and other members of the Obama administration joined Crossfire Hurricane.  Obama-Hillary loyalists in DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI, and DHS incited Republican senators against Trump, spread anti-Trump propaganda through media leaks, and even broadcasted support to the DNC-Hillary conspiracy theory of in a joint DNI-DHS statement merely a month before the elections.  These efforts continued after the elections and morphed into a coup d'état.
A longer analysis of the DNC leaks and origins of the Crossfire Hurricane from 2015 to August 1, 2016 is available from Leo Goldstein and the Science for Humans and Freedom Institute.

Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Is Ready for Civil War

world is having a Roger Stone moment. I know this because Stone tells me so. “We live in the age of Stone,” he says, in the lobby of SiriusXM’s midtown New York office building. He repeats the line in an Uber uptown to his Harlem apartment and once more while he slurps down a martini.
It’s a moment for sure. What kind of moment depends on whom you ask. The right-wing political consultant and lobbyist has been instrumental in the rise of Donald Trump. The two met during Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign, and Stone would go on to advise the New York real estate mogul—formally and informally—on his casino deals and during Trump’s failed run for president in 2000.
Still, it’s been an on-again-off-again relationship, with Trump relying on Stone one minute and turning on him the next. In pot-calling-the-­kettle-black fashion, Trump said in a 2008 New Yorker profile: Roger is always “taking credit for things he never did.” Trump ultimately fired Stone during the 2016 campaign. The statement of explanation at the time: “[Stone] has had a number of articles about him recently and Mr. Trump wants to keep the focus of the campaign on how to Make America Great Again.” Stone says he quit.
One dubious distinction he can certainly take credit for: pioneering the art of influence peddling, back in the ’80s, when he and Paul Manafort co-founded the lobbying firm Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly. The headline for a 1985 New Republic cover story on Stone says it all: “State-of-the-Art Washington Sleazeball.”
A new generation discovered him via the lively 2017 Netflix documentary Get Me Roger Stone , which captured the dark genius of branding in all his reprehensible glory. Among other things, he has a portrait of Richard Nixon tattooed to his back. (Once called one of Nixon’s “dirty tricksters,” Stone says he did nothing illegal during Watergate.) In May, he released his sixth book, Stone’s Rules: How to Win at Politics, Business, and Style —and, really, why not capitalize on all his new fans and foes? The 140 rules include advice like “Don’t hide your scars, they make you who you are…but don’t fight the last war, either,” and “Never ride in a white limousine.” Stone is equally serious about both.
The bigger news, of course, is that Stone is now bracing for an indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. Of particular interest is his alleged relationship with the Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0, who stole emails from the Democratic National Committee. But even as the investigation homes in on him—Mueller has begun interviewing his close associates (like former social media guru Jason Sullivan)—Stone is resolute about one thing: He won’t flip on Trump.
But whatever. He’s more famous than ever! During our time together, on a May afternoon in New York City, people stop him on the street, and some take discreet photos as he passes. “The documentary changed my life exponentially,” he tells me. “I’m getting a greater level of my well-deserved recognition. I cannot be anonymous anymore, even when I try to be.”
Such recognition has, in his words, “its aspects,” and notoriety is perhaps a better description than popularity. “When you’re having dinner with your children and grandchildren on Sunday at an Italian restaurant, and someone comes and shouts, ‘You motherfucker,’ it’s not great,” he admits. Last year, two women came up to him during a dinner in Harlem and told him to “burn in hell.” He dismisses such haters as “Upper West Side Trotskyites.” Still, every public ­interaction I witnessed (and there were a few) was relatively pleasant. “Things aren’t as bad now as they were last year,” he says.
Earlier, when I arrived at Stone’s apartment, shared with his second wife, Nydia Bertran, he was wearing a Hugh Hefner–style smoking jacket and slippers. Inside, it’s floor-to-ceiling Nixon and Reagan memorabilia. During a short tour of the place, he opens his bedroom door and tells me to look around, “just so you can see there are no Russians hiding in here.”
Over the course of four hours, as I accompany him to various appointments, we naturally discuss the Mueller investigation (though at one point, en route to SiriusXM, he says he’ll throw me out of the car if I ask one more question about it). Stone ­considers the scrutiny “logical” since he worked for Trump for 30 years, and because, as he puts it, he’s a showman who exaggerates aspects of his life, and that gets him into trouble. “I’m speaking to 300 screaming Republicans and saying I’ve communicated to [Julian] Assange through a back channel. I’m dramatizing it,” says Stone, who claims never to have met the WikiLeaks founder. (A subsequent investigation by The Wall Street Journal found that Stone asked an acquaintance to contact Assange about incriminating Clinton emails, but never received them). “But dramatization is not inaccuracy. It’s just dramatization. The point is, people like dirty laundry. They like it. They’re entertained by it.”
·         Roger-Stone

Roger Stone on Steve Bannon's 'Hobo' Aesthetic

·         trump

Stone: Trump Pardons Send Message to Mueller

·         GettyImages-686971834

Roger Stone Thinks Trump Might Not Run for Re-election

Even his clothing is performative. His preferred outfits are Gatsby-­esque: double-breasted suits and straw boaters, suggesting an easy-mannered dandy. But he often works 12-hour days, and he feels the stress of them. Before we leave his apartment for Sirius, he changes into a suit and his signature round black sunglasses. He’s often seen puffing on an extra-long cigarette holder, like Noël Coward or the Penguin. “Today, would I have preferred to wear jeans and a tweed jacket?” he says. “Yeah, but then I wouldn’t be Roger Stone.”
When I ask if he’s heard from Trump recently, Stone says no. “I’m pretty sure his lawyers have urged him not to talk to me.” But, he insists, “mutual friends have told me, ‘I was with the president the other night, and he wanted you to know he was asking about you and wishes you well.’ So I know I’m on his good list.”
He continues to believe that Trump had no personal involvement with Russians or their operatives, if only because of the president’s management style. Stone says one guy who worked on Trump’s campaign told him that “it was so fucked up, they couldn’t have colluded if they wanted to. They couldn’t get anything done.’”
After he threatens to kick me out of the car, I move on, to Stormy Daniels. “Are you asking me if Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels? Absolutely, that’s my opinion,” he says. “First of all, she’s his type. Look at his wives. He likes tall, busty women.”
At the same time, Stone doesn’t get Rudy Giuliani’s insistence that paying her off wasn’t political. Otherwise, why get it wrapped up before the election? “It doesn’t make sense to me,” says Stone, who sees a possible federal election law violation: “The reimbursement thing has been problematic.”
Spending time with Stone is vertiginous. We change locations quickly, with random people appearing and disappearing without explanation. At one point, a baby—his godson, I later learn—briefly shows up in his arms: “This is going to be our next president,” Stone coos, before he’s swept away by his mother. “I’m training him.”
The first lesson might be: Presentation is paramount, substance optional. Stone’s perfect candidate? Libertarian Rand Paul “in a different body. He’s just not a candidate for the television age. He looks like Harpo Marx.”
In Trump, he found all the elements in one swaggering package: “someone who is telegenic, persuasive, articulate, somebody who is clean and very, very, very, very rich.” Unfortunately, says Stone, the president has “surrounded himself with war hawks and neocons. Trump admires their uniforms and likes their crisp efficiency, but I’m not sure he understands that they’re not bending to his policies.” Adding more men in Afghanistan is “not what the president got elected on,” he says. “That is not Trumpism.”
Stone is particularly upset about the confirmation of Gina Haspel—who oversaw waterboarding interrogation in Thailand—as CIA director. “At heart, Trump is an anti-interventionist,” he says, “but he has this thing about torture. He thinks it signifies toughness. Haspel really does represent the deep state, and that’s concerning to me.”
If he had to predict, Trump will run again in 2020. But if the economy is booming, or he gets a reasonable deal with North Korea, or a peace agreement in the Middle East, “he also has every right to say, ‘Well, folks, I made America great again. Now, I’m going out to the golf course.’”
A serious impeachment threat  might be another deterrent, says Stone, even if Trump overcame it. “I could see him say, ‘OK, I’ll see you around.’ Why does he need the grief, given everything he’s accomplishing?”
He was perplexed by Trump signing the congressional $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill into law and somehow surmises it was based on the threat of impeachment. How else to explain the increase in defense spending, “which is off the charts in the budget,” says Stone. “Perhaps he signed because he thought he was getting the allegiance of the military if there was some kind of showdown.”
I ask him to clarify. “If there is an illegal attempt to remove the president,” he says, “you’re going to have a civil war in this country.” Meaning actual violence? “There’s white-hot hatred for Trump,” Stone answers, “and there is white-hot opposition to an attempt to [re]move him. Anything that is judged to be doctored or cooked up, it’s not going to go well.”
Who, then, will fire the first shot in this civil war? “Who[ever] wins the House,” he says.
On that note, it’s time for martinis. We’ve returned to the apartment, and Stone mixes up a batch of what he calls the Silver Bullet, based on a recipe he got from Nixon. He’s made one small change: Russian vodka instead of Tanqueray gin. It’s a little too on the nose, but that’s Roger Stone for you.


  1. President Trump needs to arrest all deep state traitors.

  2. Hopefully it's for real this time and not another false countdown.
