
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Paul Craig RobertsALERT🔴 Imminent Invasion? US To Overthrow Maduro & Effect Regime Change?

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Has Appointed A President For Venezuela

Washington routinely meddles but now has gone far beyond mere meddling. How so, and what was Maduro’s crime anyway? Here’s Paul to explain… 

Editor’s Note: We sounded the alarm that something was about to pop-off in Venezuela one day before the US recognized Guaido as President. Here’s a chronological order of our original coverage over the last couple of days:
After listening since 2016 to the American presstitutes complain, without providing a mere scrap of evidence, of Russia meddling in US elections, a person would think that the last thing Washington would do would be to meddle in other countries’ elections.
Unfortunately, that is not the case. Washington routinely meddles but now has gone far beyond mere meddling. Washington has this day (January 23, 2019) declared that the elected president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, is no longer the Venezuelan president. Washington, not the Venezulan people, has decided who is Venezuela’s president. Declaring the elected government to be “illegitimate,” President Trump elected by diktat the Venezuelan president: “Today, I am officially recognizing the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.” 
Clearly, Gaido is in Washington’s pocket or Washington would not have chosen him.
Maduro, like Chavez before him, has committed the unpardonable crime of representing the Venezuelan people instead of American corporate and financial interests. Washington simply does not tolerate Latin American governments that represent Latin American people. As US Marine General Smedley Buttler said, he and his Marines made Latin America safe for the United Fruit Company and investments by US banks.
So, now Venezuela has two presidents. One elected by the people, and one appointed by Washington. How long before Washington does this to Russia, China, Iran, Syria, Turkey, India?
Washington managed to frame and remove from power the female reformist president of Argentina and to replace her with a right-wing Washington puppet.
Washington managed to frame, remove from power, and imprison the leaders of the reformist party in Brazil and to install a right-wing Washington puppet.
Washington managed to dispose of the reformist government in Ecuador, install a Washington puppet, and use him against Julian Assange.
Washington interferred in the French election by framing the likely socialist candidate, Dominique Strauss-Kahn on a bogus rape charge that fell apart after removing Strauss-Kahn from contention.
The American leftwing blames Washington for the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile, although my views on this are different. Nevertheless, the claim fits the pattern.
The reformist government in Bolivia is also under Washington pressure.
Somehow, the rest of the world does not become outraged by Washington’s massive interference in the political affairs of other countries. Even Russia’s Vladimir Putin accepts Washington’s interferrence in Russian elections and Ukraine’s elections. Washington’s bullying, like Israel’s bullying, is somehow acceptable to countries that are far too powerful to have to accept it.
Russia was in line for an airbase in Venezuela. Under the guise of guarding the air base, Russia could station a regiment of crack troops to guard Maduro while he arrests the obviously treasonous Juan Guaido and his entire political party that serves Washington, not Venezuela. How can Maduro govern when he is surrounded by traitors loyal to Washington?
China also has ties to Venezuela and could send crack troops to protect its investments.
But nothing happens.
When Chavez was elected president, Washington used the old Washington-allied Spanish Venezuelan elite, who still control the Venezuelan media, to overthrow Chavez. But before Washington could kill Chavez, the Venezuelan military and people intervened and forced Chavez’s release and reinstatement as President. Instead of arresting the traitors, Chavez left them be, and now they have poisoned the situation for Chavez’s successor.
As long as Latin American or any reformers fail to understand that Karl Marx was correct that there can be no reforms, no revolution, no improvement for ordinary people as long as the old order is left in place, Washington, not Latin Americans, will control Latin America.

Imminent US Military Invasion Of Venezuela To Overthrow Maduro And Effect Regime Change?

With 3 recent coups/assassination attempts on Venezuela/Maduro, and with US Deep State politicians beating the war drums, is military intervention next?

Something very strange is going on.
But I don’t yet know how to connect the dots.
In 2017, famous Venezuelan actor and pilot Oscar Perez went on some sort of helicopter rampage and “attacked” various parts of the Venezuelan government, apparently calling for the Venezuelan people to “rise up” against the government.
Needless to say, Perez and some of his group were killed in a raid on January 15, 2018.
The MSM propagandist coverage on Venezuela then shifted focus to the human suffering and abject misery seen in daily life in the resource rich utopia turned socialist dystopian nightmare.
That is, until August of 2018, when, wouldn’t you know it, there was a drone attack and presumed “assassination attempt” on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro?
Of course CNN spins it as if this drama in Venezuela occurs as frequent as the monthly meetings of the Benevolent Order of Antelopes.
Why wouldn’t CNN spin it like that?
Fast forward to just this past weekend, here in late January, 2019, and low-and-behold we have yet another “uprising” against the Venezuelan government, but this time, it is an uprising apparently conducted by the actual Venezuelan military.
Let’s set the stage with US Senator Marco Rubio:
Did anybody notice that?
“We have troops all over the world, and Venezuela is not very far away.”.
Art of the deal?
Syria for Venezuela?
That little nugget, no pun intended, kind-of puts any actual US troop rotation (which so far has been all talk and no action) in a certain light, doesn’t it?
President Trump gets to withdrawal the troops from Syria = WIN!
The US Deep State warmongering neocons get to fight another day with this all-of-the-sudden and out-of-the-blue “imminent” need for the US to do something = WIN!
That’s like a Win-Win.
Said differently, the US war machine is a beast that must constantly be fed, and the beast’s appetite is never satisfied, so any reduction in US forces in one area of the globe necessitates the intervention and installation of US troops in some other area of the globe.
And why not Venezuela?
Heck, it doesn’t take all day to get there for the photo-ops, and Venezuela does have some of the nicest beaches around!
Besides, China has pivoted to Africa, and China looks to be dominating the resources there, despite the US military build-up of Djibouti, so unless the US acts fast against the Venezuelan government, the Chinese, the Russians, the Saudis, or Heaven forbid the Turks end up swooping-in to Venezuela and gaining control of those Latin American resources (like soil, timber, gold, oil, workers, etc).
Therefore, true to American war machine style, if we are going in, we’re not going in with business investment spending, infrastructure build-outs, and research & development.
We will go in, guns a-blazin’, and we will first destroy the infrastructure, secondly devastate the landscape, and then hopefully turn plenty a town into rubble, all the while testing out our latest and greatest military gadgets, so that we can pay Misters Kellogg, Brown & Root to move-in and rebuild Venezuela later on.
Then we’ll make sure Nicolas Maduro, the “Illegitimate President” (Rubio’s words, not mine), is either removed from power, Qaddafi style, or, put on trial, Saddam style.
Either way, it will be quite the show, and the US will have saved Venezuela from an evil tyrannical dictatorship.
But wait, there’s more!
Because in addition to freeing the Venezuelan people, The US will be installing and configuring Western democracy to the formerly enslaved 3rd-world crap-hole.
But don’t take ‘Ol Half Dollar’s word for it, hear it from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo himself, speaking about Venezuela just two weeks ago (bold added for emphasis):
The Maduro regime is illegitimate and the United States will continue … to work diligently to restore a real democracy to that country,” he said. “We are very hopeful that we can be force for good to allow the region to come together to deliver that.”
That’s right, Venezuela!
You’re gonna get some old-fashioned Western democracy, US style!
Congratulations Venezuela, you’ve won the lottery!
Or am I missing something here?
I’m not smart enough to know.
I am, however, smart enough to know one thing that went missing from all the United States’ regime change endeavors, and that thing was Saddam’s gold.
And also that of Qaddafi.
And while we do know where “Maduro’s gold” is (say it again, out loud, and hear just how evil that sounds – “Maduro’s gold”), we must also understand that there is a constant scramble by cartel governments and cartel central banks to bring physical gold to market, you know, in order to continue the price suppression schemes and maintain the brainwashed sheeple’s confidence in our debt-based fiat currency.
Regardless, tin-pot dictators are literal goldmines.
And formerly tin-pot dictators?
Don’t worry.
I’m asking that as a rhetorical question.
And it doesn’t require an answer.
Like someone requires gold.
Stack accordingly…

Russia Warns US Intervention In Venezuela Would Have “Catastrophic Consequences”

“Russia is not the only country…Syria, Turkey, and China have also declared intentions to stick by Maduro “

Editor’s Note: We sounded the alarm that something was about to pop-off in Venezuela one day before the US recognized Guaido as President. Here’s a chronological order of our coverage over the last couple of days:
FIRST: Imminent Invasion? – US to overthrow Maduro and effect regime change?
from Zero Hedge
Russia has dismissed the political crisis engulfing Venezuela as an attempted coup while expressing concern over the role external states and the potential for foreign military intervention, calling Juan Guaido’s move to declare himself president illegal.
Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday, “We are very concerned by statements that don’t rule out some kind of external intervention,” as cited by Bloomberg“We consider such intervention unacceptable,” Peskov added while describing the internal unrest spilling into the streets after the catalyst of Monday’s failed military revolt of 27 officers in an opposition neighborhood of Caracas an “attempt to usurp power”.

Prior meeting at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow on December 5, 2018. Image source: AFP
This follows President Trump’s declaration that the US would only recognize the unelected head of the opposition-held National Assembly as “the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.” A senior Trump administration official followed by saying “all options are on the table”.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said further in website statement that Washington’s joining a growing list of a bout a dozen other countries to recognize Guaido “is aimed at deepening the split in Venezuelan society, increasing the conflict on the streets, sharply destabilizing the internal political system and further escalation of the conflict.” And in words eerily similar to the brief international exchange of words over prior US action in places like Libya and Syria the ministry said that external armed intervention would be “fraught with catastrophic consequences.”
The foreign ministry further described that the situation “has reached a dangerous point” and called on the international community to engage in diplomacy and mediation between the Maduro government and opposition.
And separately, a senior Russian official on Thursday warned the Trump administration against what he called the “catastrophic scenario”of military intervention in the region.  “We warn against this,” Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, said in an interview with International Affairs magazine, as cited in USA Today. “We believe that this would be a catastrophic scenario that would shake the foundations of the development model we see in the Latin American region.”

Wednesday clashes with police, image via Rafael Hernández
In early December of last year President Nicholas Maduro visited Moscow to meet with President Vladimir Putin at a time when tensions with both countries and Washington were soaring. The leaders discussed Russia’s offering to throw cash-strapped Venezuela a multi-billion dollar life-line despite Caracas in the past being unable to pay its debts.  During that trip, Maduro had called Russia a “brother country” with which Venezuela had “raised the flag for the creation of a multipolar and multicentric world.”
This meeting was followed by Russia briefly deploying two nuclear-capable “Blackjack” bombers to Venezuela as part of a joint training exercise meant to underscore the two countries’ growing military relations.
Meanwhile Russia is not the only country to express fear of external meddling and an “illegal” coup attempt, but predictably Syria, Turkey, and China have also declared intentions to stick by Maduro while voicing that the Venezuelan people alone should decide their fate.

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