
Thursday, January 31, 2019

URGENTšŸ”“ Collapse Has Already Begun Feb 2019 -Apocalyptic Debt Crisis In America

Apocalyptic Debt Crisis In America: 63 Of America’s Largest 75 Cities Are COMPLETELY BROKE
A new and horrifying report details the reason why 63 of America’s largest cities are completely broke… The debt crisis in the United States of America has reached apocalyptic proportions.  A new and horrifying report out details the reason why 63 of America’s largest cities are completely broke: debt and overspending.
According to a recent analysis of the 75 most populous cities in the United States, 63 of them can’t pay their bills and the total amount of unfunded debt among them is nearly $330 billion. Most of the debt is due to unfunded retiree benefits such as pension and health care costs.  That means those depending on that money, likely won’t see a dime of it. 
“This year, pension debt accounts for $189.1 billion, and other post-employment benefits (OPEB) – mainly retiree health care liabilities – totaled $139.2 billion,” the third annual “Financial State of the Cities” report produced by the Chicago-based research organization, Truth in Accounting (TIA), states. TIA is a nonprofit, politically unaffiliated organization composed of business, community, and academic leaders interested in improving government financial reporting.
Many state and local governments are not in good shape, despite the economic and financial market recovery since 2009,” Bill Bergman, director of research at TIA, told
The top five cities in the worst financial shape are New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Honolulu, and San Francisco. These cities, in addition to Dallas, Oakland, and Portland, all received “F” grades. In New York City, for example, only $4.7 billion has been set aside to fund $100.6 billion of promised retiree health care benefits. In Philadelphia, every taxpayer would have to pay $27,900 to cover the city’s debt. In San Francisco, it would cost $22,600 per taxpayer.
By the end of Fiscal Year 2017, 63 cities did not have enough money to pay all of their bills, the report states, meaning debts outweigh revenue. In order to appear to balance budgets, TIA notes, elected officials “have not included the true costs of the government in their budget calculations and have pushed costs onto future taxpayers.” –Hartford City News Times
To say that more simply: your children have been sold into debt slavery and owned by the governments; both local and federal. The government is officially punishing the unborn for their inability to handle money. What a time to be alive…
One major problem area TIA identifies is that city leaders are lying. (What a shock! A lying politician…) These political masters have acquired massive debts despite the balanced budget requirements imposed on them by scamming the public and enslaving them.
“Unfortunately, some elected officials have used portions of the money that is owed to pension funds to keep taxes low and pay for politically popular programs,” TIA states. “This is like charging earned benefits to a credit card without having the money to pay off the debt. Instead of funding promised benefits now, they have been charged to future taxpayers. Shifting the payment of employee benefits to future taxpayers allows the budget to appear balanced, while municipal debt is increasing.”
It’s only a matter of time until this system built on debt and theft comes crashing to the ground. How prepared are you?

Collapse Is Already Here

Many people are expecting some degree of approaching collapse — be it economic, environmental and/or societal — thinking that they’ll recognize the danger signs in time.
As if it will be completely obvious, like a Hollywood blockbuster. Complete with clear warnings from scientists, politicians and the media. And everyone can then get busy either panicking or becoming the plucky heroes.
That’s not how collapse works.
Collapse is a process, not an event.
And it’s already underway, all around us.
Collapse is already here.
However, unlike Hollywood’s vision, the early stages of collapse cause people to cling even tighter to the status quo. Instead of panic in the streets, we simply see more of the same — as those in power do all they can to remain so, while the majority of the public attempts to ignore the growing problems for as long as it possibly can.
For both the elite and the majority, their entire world view and their personal sense of self depends on things not crumbling all around them, so they remain willfully blind to any evidence to the contrary.
When faced with the predicaments we warn about here at, getting an early start on prudently shifting your own personal situation is of vital strategic and tactical importance. Tens of thousands of our readers already have taken wise steps in their lives to position themselves resiliently.
But most of the majority won’t get started until it’s entirely too late to make any difference at all. Which is sad but perhaps unavoidable, given human nature.
If everybody around you is saying “Everything is awesome!”, it can take a long time to determine for yourself that things in fact aren’t:
Real collapse happens slowly, and often without any sort of acknowledgement by the so-called political and economic elites until its abrupt terminal end.
The degree of rot within the Soviet Union went undetected until its final implosion, catching pretty much everyone in the West (as well as in the former USSR!) by surprise.
Similarly, one day people woke up and passenger pigeons were extinct. They used to literally darken the skies for hours as they migrated past, numbering in the billions. Nobody planned on their demise and virtually nobody saw it coming. Sure, just as there always are, a few crackpots at the fringes noticed, but they were ignored until it was too late.
Our view is that collapse of our current way of life is happening right now. The signs are all around us. Our invitation is for you to notice them and inquire critically what the ramifications will be — irrespective of whatever pablum our leaders and media are currently spewing.
While the monetary and financial elites strain to crank out one more day/week/month/year of “market stability”, the ecosystems we depend on for life are vanishing. It’s as if the Rapture were happening, but it’s the insects, plants and animals ascending to heaven instead of we humans.

Committing Ecocide

Be very skeptical when the cause of each new ecological nightmare is ascribed to “natural causes.”
While it’s entire possible for any one ecological mishap to be due to a natural cycle, it’s weak thinking to assign the same cause to dozens of troubling findings happening all over the globe.
As they say in the military: Once is an accident. Twice is a coincidence. But three times is enemy action.
Right now, Australia is in the middle of the summer season and being absolutely hammered by high heat. Sure it gets hot during an Australian summer, but not like this. The impact has been devastating:
Australia’s Facing an Unprecedented Ecological Crisis, But No One’s Paying Attention
Jan 9, 2019
It started in December, just before Christmas.
Hundreds of dead perch were discovered floating along the banks of the Darling River – victims of a “dirty, rotten green” algae bloom spreading in the still waters of the small country town of Menindee, Australia.
Things didn’t get better. The dead hundreds became dead thousands, as the crisis expanded to claim the lives of 10,000 fish along a 40-kilometre (25-mile) stretch of the river. But the worst was still yet to come.
This week, the environmental disaster has exploded to a horrific new level – what one Twitter user called “Extinction level water degradation” – with reports suggesting up to a million fish have now been killed in a new instance of the toxic algae bloom conditions.
For their part, authorities in the state of New South Wales have only gone as far as confirming “hundreds of thousands” of fish have died in the event – but regardless of the exact tollit’s clear the deadly calamity is an unprecedented ecological disaster in the region’s waterways.
“I’ve never seen two fish kills of this scale so close together in terms of time, especially in the same stretch of river,” fisheries manager Iain Ellis from NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) explained to ABC News.
The DPI blames ongoing drought conditions for the algae bloom’s devastating impact on local bream, cod, and perch species – with a combination of high temperature and chronic low water supply (along with high nutrient concentrations in the water) making for a toxic algal soup.
Watching the video above showing grown men crying over the loss of 100-year-old fish is heartbreaking. This fish kill is described as “unprecedented” and as an “extinction level event”, meaning it left no survivors over a long stretch of waterway.
We can try to console ourselves that maybe this was just a singular event, a cluster of bad juju and worse waterway management that combined to give us this horror — but it wasn’t.
It’s part of a larger tapestry of heat-induced misery that Australia is facing:
How one heatwave killed ‘a third’ of a bat species in Australia
Jan 15, 2019
Over two days in November, record-breaking heat in Australia’s north wiped out almost one-third of the nation’s spectacled flying foxes, according to researchers.
The animals, also known as spectacled fruit bats, were unable to survive in temperatures which exceeded 42C.
“It was totally depressing,” one rescuer, David White, told the BBC.
Flying foxes are no more sensitive to extreme heat than some other species, experts say. But because they often gather in urban areas in large numbers, their deaths can be more conspicuous, and easily documented.
“It raises concerns as to the fate of other creatures who have more secretive, secluded lifestyles,” Dr Welbergen says.
He sees the bats as the “the canary in the coal mine for climate change”.
A two-day heatwave last November (2018) was sufficient to kill up to a third of all Australia’s known flying foxes, a vulnerable species that was already endangered. As those bats are well-studied and their deaths quite conspicuous to observers, it raises the important question: How many other less-scrutinized species are dying off at the same time? Are these data points severe enough for you to recognize as signs of ongoing collapse?
Last summer was a time of extreme drought and heat for Australia, and this summer looks set to be even worse. This may be the country’s  ‘new normal’ for if the situation is due to climate change instead of just an ordinary (if punishing) hot cycle.
If so, these heat waves will likely intensify over time, completely collapsing the existing biological systems across Australia.
Meanwhile, nearby in New Zealand, similar species loss is underway:
‘Like losing family’: time may be running out for New Zealand’s most sacred tree
July 2018
New Zealand’s oldest and most sacred tree stands 60 metres from death, as a fungal disease known as kauri dieback spreads unabated across the country.
Tāne Mahuta (Lord of the Forest) is a giant kauri tree located in the Waipoua forest in the north of the country, and is sacred to the Māori people, who regard it as a living ancestor.
The tree is believed to be around 2,500 years old, has a girth of 13.77m and is more than 50m tall.
Thousands of locals and tourists alike visit the tree every year to pay their respects, and take selfies beside the trunk.
Now, the survival of what is believed to be New Zealand’s oldest living tree is threatened by kauri dieback, with kauri trees a mere 60m from Tāne Mahuta confirmed to be infected.
Kauri dieback causes most infected trees to die, and is threatening to completely wipe out New Zealand’s most treasured native tree species, prized for its beauty, strength and use in boats, carvings and buildings.
“We don’t have any time to do the usual scientific trials anymore, we just have to start responding immediately in any way possible; it is not ideal but we have kind of run out of time,” Black says, adding that although there is no cure for kauri dieback there is a range of measures which could slow its progress.
People are rallying to try and save the kauri trees, although it’s unclear exactly how to stop the spread of the new fungal invader or why it’s so pathogenic all of a sudden. It could be due to another natural sort of cycle (except the fungus was thought to have been introduced and spread by human activity) or it could be a another collapse indicator we need to finally hear and heed.
It turns out that New Zealand is not alone. Giant trees are dying all over the globe.
2,000-year-old baobab trees in Africa are suddenly and rather mysteriously giving up the ghost. These trees survived happily for 2,000 years and now all of a sudden they’re dying. Are the deaths of our most ancient trees all across the globe some sort of natural process? Or is there a different culprit we need to recognize?
In Japan they’re lamenting record low squid catches. Oh well, maybe it’s just overfishing? Or could it be another message we need to heed?
To all this we can add the numerous scientific articles now decrying the ‘insect Apocalypse’ unfolding across the northern hemisphere. The Guardian recently issued this warning: Insect collapse: We are destroying our life support systems. Researchers in Puerto Rico’s forest preserves recorded a 98% decline in insect mass over 35 years. Does a 98% decline have a natural explanation? Or is something bigger going on?
Meanwhile, the butterfly die-off is unfolding with alarming speed. I rarely see them in the summer anymore, much to my great regret. Seeing one is now as exciting as seeing a meteor streak across the sky, and just as rare:
Monarch butterfly numbers plummet 86 percent in California
Jan 7, 2019
CAMARILLO, Calif. – The number of monarch butterflies turning up at California’s overwintering sites has dropped by about 86 percent compared to only a year ago,according to the Xerces Society, which organizes a yearly count of the iconic creatures.
That’s bad news for a species whose numbers have already declined an estimated 97 percent since the 1980s.
Each year, monarchs in the western United States migrate from inland areas to California’s coastline to spend the winter, usually between September and February.
“It’s been the worst year we’ve ever seen,” said Emma Pelton, a conservation biologist with the Xerces Society who helps lead the annual Thanksgiving count. “We already know we’re dealing with a really small population, and now we have a really bad year and all of a sudden, we’re kind of in crisis mode where we have very, very few butterflies left.”
What’s causing the dramatic drop-off is somewhat of a mystery. Experts believe the decline is spurred by a confluence of unfortunate factors, including late rainy-season storms across California last March, the effects of the state’s years long drought and the seemingly relentless onslaught of wildfires that have burned acres upon acres of habitat and at times choked the air with toxic smoke.
Note the “explanation” given blames the decline on mostly natural processes: late storms, droughts and wildfires. I believe that’s because the article appears in a US paper, so no mention was permitted of neonicotinoid pesticides or glyphosate. Both of these are highly effective decimators of insect life — but they’re highly profitable for Big Ag, so for now, any criticism is not allowed.
Sure a 97% decline since the 1980’s might be due to fires, droughts and rains. But that’s really not very likely. There have always been fires, droughts and rains.  Something else has shifted since the 1980’s. And that “thing” is human activity, which has increased its willingness to destroy habitat and spray poisons everywhere in pursuit of cheaper food and easier profits.
The loss of insects, which we observe in the loss of the beautiful and iconic Monarch butterfly, is a gigantic warning flag that we desperately need to heed. If the bottom of our billion-year-old food web disintegrates, you can be certain that the repercussions to humans will be dramatic and terribly difficult to ‘fix.’ In scientific terms, it will be called a “bottom-up trophic cascade”.
In a trophic cascade, the loss of a single layer of the food pyramid crumbles the entire structure. Carefully-tuned food webs a billion years in the making are suddenly destabilized. Life cannot adapt quickly enough, and so entire species are quickly lost. Once enough species die off, the web cannot be rewoven, and life … simply ends.
What exactly would a “trophic cascade” look like in real life? Oh, perhaps something just like this:
Deadly deficiency at the heart of an environmental mystery
Oct 16, 2018
During spring and summer, busy colonies of a duck called the common eider (Somateria mollissima) and other wild birds are usually seen breeding on the rocky coasts around the Baltic Sea. Thousands of eager new parents vie for the best spots to build nests and catch food for their demanding young broods.
But Lennart Balk, an environmental biochemist at Stockholm University, witnessed a dramatically different scene when he visited Swedish coastal colonies during a 5-year period starting in 2004. Many birds couldn’t fly. Others were completely paralyzed. Birds also weren’t eating and had difficulty breathing. Thousands of birds were suffering and dying from this paralytic disease, says Balk. “We went into the bird colonies, and we were shocked. You could see something was really wrong. It was a scary situation for this time of year,” he says.
Based on his past work documenting a similar crisis in several Baltic Sea fish species, Balk suspected that the birds’ disease was caused by a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency. Thiamine is required for critical metabolic processes, such as energy production and proper functioning of the nervous system.
This essential micronutrient is produced mainly by plants, including phytoplankton, bacteria, and fungi; people and animals must acquire it through their food.
“We found that thiamine deficiency is much more widespread and severe than previously thought,” Balk says. Given its scope, he suggests that a pervasive thiamine deficiency could be at least partly responsible for global wildlife population declines. Over a 60-year period up to 2010, for example, worldwide seabird populations declined by approximately 70%, and globally, species are being lost 1,000 times faster than the natural rate of extinction (9, 10). “He has seen a thiamine deficiency in several differ phyla now,” says Fitzsimons of Balk. “One wonders what is going on. It’s a larger issue than we first suspected.”
This is beyond disturbing. It should have been on the front pages of every newspaper and TV show across the globe.  We should be discussing it in urgent, worried tones and devoting a huge amount of money to studying and fixing it.  At a minimum, we should stop hauling more tiny fish and krill from the sea in an effort to at least stabilize the food pyramid while we sort things out.
If you recall, we’ve also recently reported on the findings showing that phytoplankton levels are down 50% (these are a prime source for thiamine, by the way). Again, here’s a possible “trophic cascade” in progress:
Fewer phytoplankton means less thiamine being produced. That means less thiamine is available to pass up the food chain. Next thing you know, there’s a 70% decline in seabird populations.
This is something I’ve noticed directly and commented n during my annual pilgrimages to the northern Maine coast over the past 30 years, where seagulls used to be extremely common and are now practically gone. Seagulls!
Next thing you know, some other major food chain will be wiped out and we’ll get oceans full of jellyfish instead of actual fish. Or perhaps some once-benign mold grows unchecked because the former complex food web holding it in balance has collapsed, suddenyl transforming Big Ag’s “green revolution” into grayish-brown spore-ridden dust.
To add to the terrifying mix of ecological news has been the sudden and rapid loss of amphibian species all over the world. A possible source for the culprit has been found, if that’s any consolation; though that discovery does not yet identify a solution to this saddening development.
Ground Zero of Amphibian ‘Apocalypse’ Finally Found
May 10, 2018
MANY OF THE world’s amphibians are staring down an existential threat: an ancient skin-eating fungus that can wipe out entire forests’ worth of frogs in a flash.
This ecological super-villain, the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, has driven more than 200 amphibian species to extinction or near-extinction—radically rewiring ecosystems all over Earth.
“This is the worst pathogen in the history of the world, as far as we can tell, in terms of its impacts on biodiversity,” says Mat Fisher, an Imperial College London mycologist who studies the fungus.
Now, a global team of 58 researchers has uncovered the creature’s origin story. A groundbreaking study published in Science on Thursday reveals where and when the fungus most likely emerged: the Korean peninsula, sometime during the 1950s.
From there, scientists theorize that human activities inadvertently spread it far and wide—leading to amphibian die-offs across the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Australia.
Frogs, toads and salamanders were absolutely critical parts of my childhood and I delighted in their presence. I cannot imagine a world without them. But effectively, that’s what we’ve got now with so many on the endangered species list.
This parade of awful ecological news is both endless and worsening. And there is no real prospect for us to fix things in time to avoid substantial ecological pain.  None.
After all, we can’t even manage our watersheds properly. And those are dead simple by comparison. Water falls from the sky in (Mostly) predictable volume and you then distribute somewhat less than that total each year. Linear and simple in comparison to trying to unravel the many factors underlying a specie’s collapse.
But challenges like this are popping up all over the globe:
Fear And Grieving In Las Vegas: Colorado River Managers Struggle With Water Scarcity
Dec 14th, 2018
On stage in a conference room at Las Vegas’s Caesars Palace, Keith Moses said coming to terms with the limits of the Colorado River is like losing a loved one.
“It reminds me of the seven stages of grief,” Moses said. “Because I think we’ve been in denial for a long time.”
Moses is vice chairman of the Colorado River Indian Tribes, a group of four tribes near Parker, Arizona. He was speaking at the annual Colorado River Water Users Association meeting.
The denial turned to pain and guilt as it became clear just how big the supply and demand gaps were on the river that delivers water to 40 million people in the southwest.
For the last six months Arizona’s water leaders have been experiencing the third stage of grief: anger and bargaining.
Of the seven U.S. states that rely on the Colorado River, Arizona has had the hardest time figuring out how to rein in water use and avoid seeing the river’s largest reservoirs — Lakes Mead and Powell — drop to extremely low levels.
Kathryn Sorenson, director of Phoenix’s water utility, characterized the process this way: “Interesting. Complicated. Some might say difficult.”
One of the loudest voices in the debate has been coming from a small group of farmers in rural Pinal County, Arizona, south of Phoenix.
Under the current rules those farmers could see their Colorado River supplies zeroed out within two years.
The county’s biggest grower of cotton and alfalfa, Brian Rhodes, is trying to make sure that doesn’t happen. The soil in his fields is powder-like, bursting into tiny brown clouds with each step.
“We’re going to have to take large cuts,” Rhodes said. “We all understand that.”
Oh my goodness. If we’re having trouble realizing that wasting precious water from the Colorado River to grow cotton is a bad idea, then there’s just no hope at all that we’ll successfully rally to address the loss of ocean phytoplankton.
That’s about the easiest connection of dots that could ever be made. As Sam Kinison, the 1980’s comedian might have yelled – IT’S A DESERT!! YOU’RE TRYING TO GROW WATER-INTENSIVE CROPS IN THE FREAKING DESERT!  CAN’T YOU SEE ALL THE SAND AROUND YOU?!? THAT MEANS “DON’T GROW COTTON HERE!!”

A World On The Brink

The bottom line is this: We are destroying the natural world. And that means that we are destroying ourselves. 
I know that the mainstream news has relegated this conversation to the back pages (when they covered it at all) and so it’s not “front and center” for most people. But it should be.
Everything we hold dear is a subset of the ecosphere. If that goes, so does everything else. Nothing else matters in the slightest if we actively destroy the Earth’s carrying capacity.
At the same time, we’re in the grips of an extremely dangerous delusion that has placed money, finance and the economy at the top spot on our temple of daily worship.
Any idea of slowing down or stopping economic growth is “bad for business” and dismissed out of hand as “not practical”, “undesirable” or “unwise”. It’s always a bad time to discuss the end of economic growth, apparently.
But as today’s young people are increasingly discovering, if conducting business” is just a lame rationale for failed stewardship of our lands and oceans, then it’s a broken idea. One not worth preserving in its current form.
The parade of terrible ecological breakdowns provided above is there for all willing to see it. Are you willing? Each failing ecosystem is screaming at us in urgent, strident tones that we’ve gone too far in our quest for “more”.
We might be able to explain away each failure individually. But taken as a whole?  The pattern is clear: We’ve got enemy action at work. These are not random coincidences.
Nature is warning us loudly that it’s past time to change our ways. That our “endless growth” model is no longer valid. In fact, it’s now becoming an existential threat
The collapse is underway. It’s just not being televised (yet).

Davos As Destiny

And don’t expect the cavalry to arrive.
Our leadership is absolutely not up to the task. If the Davos conference currently underway in Switzerland is a sign of anything at all, it’s that we’re doomed.
The world has been taken over by bankers and financiers too smitten by their love of money to notice much else or be of any practical service to the world.
By way of illustrative example, here’s the big techno-feel-good idea unveiled on the second day of the conference.  The crowds there loved it:
Yes, folks, this is what the world most desperately needs at this time! /sarc
While I’m sure drone-delivered books is a heartwarming story, it’s completely diversionary and utterly meaningless in the face of collapsing oceanic and terrestrial food webs.
Sadly, this is exactly the sort of inane distraction most admired by the Davos set in large part because it helps them feel a tiny bit better about their ill-gotten wealth. “Look!  We’re supporting good thngs!” The ugly truth is that big wealth’s main pursuit is to distort political processes and rules to assure they get to keep it and even amass more.
Drones carrying books to Indonesian children provides the same sort of dopamine rush to a Davos attendee as Facebook ‘like’ gives to a 14-year-old. Temporary, cheap, superficial and ultimately meaningless.
The same is true of their other feel-good theme of the day. “Scientists” have discovered an enzyme that eats plastics:
That’s swell, but you know what would be even better? Not using the bottles in the first place. Which could be accomplished by providing access to safe, potable water as a basic human right and using re-usable containers. Of course, that would offer less chances for private wealth accumulation so instead the Davos crowd is fixated on the profitable solution vs. doing the right thing.
In viritually every instance, the Davos crowd wants to preserve industry and our consumer culture as it is, using technology and gimmicks in attempt to remedy the ills that result. There’s money to be made on both ends of that story.
The only thing that approach lacks is a future. Because it’s not-so-subtly based on continued “growth”. Infinite exponential growth. The exact same growth that is killing ancient trees, sea birds, insects, amphibians, and phytoplankton.
Who wants more of that? Insane people.
In other words, don’t hold out any hope that the Davos set representing the so-called “elite” from every prominent nation on earth are going to somehow bravely offer up real insights on our massive predicaments and solutions to our looming problems. They’re too consumed with their own egos and busy preening for prominence to notice the danger or care.
As they pointlessly fritter away another expensive gathering, the ecological world is unraveling all around them. The oceans are becoming a barren wasteland. The ancient trees are dying. Heatwaves are melting tar and killing life.  The web of life is snapping strand by strand and nobody can predict what happens next.
In other words, if you held out any hope that “they” would somehow rally to the cause you’d best set that completely aside. It’s no wonder social anger against tone-deaf and plundering elites is breaking out right now.
From here, there are only two likely paths:
(1) We humans simply cannot self-organize to address these plights and carry on until the bitter end, when something catastrophic happens that collapses our natural support systems.
(2) We see the light, gather our courage, and do what needs to be done. Consumption is widely and steeply curtailed, fossil fuel use is severely restrained, and living standards as measured by the amount of stuff flowing through our daily lives are dropped to sustainable levels.
Either path means enormous changes are coming, probably for you and definitely for your children and grandchildren.
In Part 2: Facing Reality we dive into what developments to expect as our systems continue further along their trophic cascade. Which markers and milestones should we monitor most closely to know when the next breaking point is upon us?
To reiterate: Massive change is now inevitable and in progress.
Collapse has already begun.

URGENTšŸ”“ Deep State Cover-Up Of The Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing

Mark Skidmore: Deep State Cover-Up Of The Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing

The entire US federal budget has been turned into a national security issue, complete with two sets of books, and the truth well hidden…Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore is being refused access to data that could explain $21 trillion in “missing money” from HUD and DOD. Now, the entire federal budget has been turned into a national security issue. There is literally no more public access to what the government spends your tax money on. Skidmore says, “Now, as of October 4th, we have effectively two sets of books. We have a set of books that can be manipulated and changed by a group of people that determine it’s a national security issue. They can alter the numbers and move things around within . . . or shift funding all the way to hide it. What we are going to do is produce a financial statement that is fake, and we will have no idea how much money was moved around, and we are all going to pretend we are going to have a real report. We will also have an actual report that will remain hidden. . . . It seems self-explanatory that if the government can’t track $21 trillion, there is something deeply wrong.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore, who discovered $21 trillion in “missing” money at the DOD and HUD.


Martial Law Is A Con Game That Is Not Acceptable Under Any President

If Pandora’s Box is opened, there is no turning back. Here’s why martial law is not acceptable under any president…In the midst of the three ring circus known as the false Left/Right paradigm it is sometimes easy to forget that there is a motive behind the chaos; that there is an intended end game. Part of that end game, I believe, is the eventual erasure of individual liberties and the implementation of martial law in the US.   However, the establishment quest for government lockdown requires something very special in order to succeed – They need a considerable percentage of the population to support and defend it.
Governments rarely attempt outright martial law. The reason should be obvious; no military, no matter how advanced, has the capacity to suppress a unified citizenry. If the public is armed, the task becomes even more impossible. The laws of attrition alone would make the conflict bloody and costly.
Martial law is a mechanism that cannot be exploited in a vacuum. The-powers-that-be understand that it can only be used when a large percentage of the public is conned into supporting it. This is usually accomplished through the triggering of engineered crisis events, but there is also another method for getting the masses to back martial law, and that is to push both sides of the political spectrum to extreme zealotry until one side decides to use government as a weapon against the other.
Whether by disaster or political division, the public can be influenced to rationalize government dominance of every aspect of life.
The agenda to engineer crisis is evident. In past articles such as ‘The Federal Reserve Is A Suicide Bomber With A Deeper Agenda’, I have outlined the facts behind economic decline and how it is often utilized by central banks and their international banking partners to accumulate and centralize wealth while also manipulating society into accepting reduced living standards for generations to come. There is another more important motive, though. The banking elites also use the controlled demolition of the economy as a tool to create fear.
The Hegelian Dialectic of problem-reaction-solution is a powerful potion that mesmerizes the unaware population. Those who are dependent are easily frightened because they have no control over their own futures. They become reactive rather than proactive; they seek to be led rather than to lead. They will readily accept promises and solutions from anyone in apparent authority rather than maintaining their objectivity and reason. They become slaves to the social and political tides, always waiting for someone else to fix the problems around them.
This conundrum also transfers over to political conflict. In my article ‘Order Out Of Chaos: The Defeat Of The Left Comes With A Cost’, published just after the 2016 election, I explored the dangerous possibility that Trump supporters were being fooled into participating in the false Left/Right paradigm while believing that they had transcended it.
When we refer to the “false Left/Right paradigm” in the alternative media, we are referring to the fact that the political gatekeepers within government actually tend to share the same beliefs and agenda regardless of the “party” or ideology they claim to support. That is to say, Republican and Democratic leaders play their respective roles and their battles are scripted, not legitimate. The Trump campaign was a rather different animal, in that Trump was a candidate without a longstanding political record. He was a relative unknown compared to Clinton, and this made him enticing to conservatives and liberty activists that had all but abandoned participation in US elections.
It takes time to identify a political fake or controlled opposition. With Trump, we had no point of reference. Two years have changed this…
Trump’s campaign was built upon two very important positions: First, Trump promised small government conservatives that he was going to “drain the swamp” in Washington of the kind of globalists and banking elites that Clinton was notorious for associating with. Trump’s background already had at least one red flag in this regard – his empire was bailed out by the Rothschild banking family in the 1990’s during his debt crisis and Taj Mahal casino failures. This alone was not enough to discount him, though. Many businessmen have at least some interactions with banking elites by necessity and the way the system is designed. Unfortunately Trump’s relationship with the bankers did not stop there.
Trump’s cabinet picks were a perfect opportunity for him to establish his independence from globalists, bankers and their think tank partners. This did not happen. Trump brought in Wilber Ross as Commerce Secretary, the same Rothschild agent who arranged his bailout in the 1990’s. He brought in people like Steve Mnuchin, formerly of Goldman Sachs, Larry Kudlow, formerly of the NY Fed, and John Bolton from the Council On Foreign Relations. Trump was adding to the swamp, not draining it.
Second, Trump also argued for economic transparency during his campaign, which for many of us was a breath of fresh air. Trump pointed out the fallacy of the stock market and the fact that the Fed had been supporting a fabricated rally for years using artificially low interest rates and stimulus. Trump argued against false economic stats like mainstream unemployment numbers, which ignore the 95 million jobless people in the US that are no longer counted by the BLS.
Yet, as soon as Trump entered office, all of this changed. Trump immediately started taking credit for the bull market rally in stocks as if it was his own rather than a product of Fed manipulation. He took credit for fraudulent jobs numbers too, despite the tens of millions of people still listed as “non-participatory”. Trump has tied his administration to the performance of a fake economy sitting atop a massive deflating bubble.
I would also note that during Trump’s campaign and in the two years since Trump has barely mentioned the word “Constitution”. This is rather odd to me. A liberty advocate should be defending constitutional protections regularly, driving home the need for the Bill of Rights to be secured and honored. Our very society depends upon the survival of such principles, after all.
It has become clear that Trump is not the “savior” that the liberty movement was hoping for, but many people will continue to applaud him all the same because of a specific factor: The increasingly deranged political left.
Consider the endless absurdity of Russiagate; a conspiracy theory with absolutely no evidence to back it. It never seems to die despite all logic and reason, but the motives behind this are not what conservatives usually assume. Russiagate is a drug, a drug for leftists. They love it, they need it, it dulls the pain of their loss in 2016 and it confirms their biases. They didn’t “fail” in 2016, and they aren’t the biggest losers of all time; the election was “stolen” from them by Trump and his Russian handlers. Therefore, they are now justified in any level of insanity they display in their activism and opposition. They believe they are righteous.
At the same time, conservatives are ever more bewildered by the cultism and zealotry of the left. Each new incident pokes at their ribs with a pointy knife. Trump is being “railroaded”, they think to themselves. The left must be planning a coup. They won’t let him build the border wall. They try to delay or obstruct his State Of The Union Address. They spew nonsensical drivel and froth at the mouth and scream and wail and act like overgrown toddlers. They are dangerous. Drastic measures might need to be taken…
And so we are confronted with a perilous choice; do we as conservatives becomes zealots ourselves in order to defeat the zealotry of leftists?
But this is a false choice. The left hand of the paradigm has reached full bore lunacy, but this is designed to push conservatives into our own brand of blindness. The goal? To get conservatives to champion actions that are completely contrary to our principles. The goal, I believe, is to condition us into cheering for greater government power and centralization in the name of stopping the leftist menace.
Three weeks from now the government shutdown fight is set to return. The mainstream media has been avidly reporting that the uncertainty is over, but this is a preposterous conclusion. What the nation faces now is even greater confusion as the shutdown fight prepares to return in February or a national emergency is declared, or both. My concern is that this is leading to conservative support for extreme measures.
Consider the current geopolitical environment in the western hemisphere today.  South America is on the verge of potential implosion, in no small part due to the failures of socialism, but also due to Trump’s globalist infested administration seeking destabilization of an already fragile region.  Increasing US sanctions on Venezuela, Trumps support for Madruro’s political opponent (John Guaido), and John Bolton’s notepad snafu would suggest there are military plans being made to take advantage of the chaos.
I have warned in the past that the ongoing breakdown in South America is suspiciously similar to the martial law scenario described in the US government’s secretive Rex 84 plan which was exposed during the Iran/Contra hearings.  To summarize, it suggests that a South American crisis would lead to mass migrations to the southern US border, and that this would be used as a rational for martial law measures in America.  I have to say, this sounds a lot like what is happening now.
If you think the border wall debate is a hot button issue this year, just wait until a collapse in Venezuela or an economic disaster in Brazil or Argentina results in millions of people seeking refuge illegally in the US.  Trump’s wall will be all that any conservatives talk about, while leftists will be blaming his administration for the very calamity that brought about the migrant hordes in the first place.  Both sides would be fully disillusioned with each other if they are not already.  Conservatives would certainly support a declaration of national emergency for the wall.
The cleverness of this ruse is that both sides would be partly right, but also mostly wrong.
What would a national emergency entail? Simply building a border wall? Building a border wall using the military? What about martial law on the border? Why stop there?  Why not have martial law throughout the entire country?  That would finally put an end to leftist interference, right?  Knowing what we now know about Trump’s associations with banking elites, how can we trust that it will end at the border?
It seems to me that the fight between left and right is being driven beyond the information wars and beyond activism into a realm that could include actual civil war. If the current trend continues, I see no other outcome. But as always we must ask who benefits the most from this?
While the left has gone off the deep end into cartoonland and must be stopped, the real threat to America is the banking cabal which influences both sides of the paradigm.  The fact is, Trump works with them everyday in the White House. Economic crisis and geopolitical crisis are inevitable catalysts for greater centralization and totalitarianism, and the left is being used as a cattle prod to ensure that the political right is infuriated enough to jump on the bandwagon.
The only right answer, the only solution is to refuse to support martial law under any circumstances or under any president, and to fight against it should it ever arise.  Borders can and should be secured without giving government carte blanche to do whatever it pleases without restriction.  In fact, any problem can be better resolved without selling our souls to big government in exchange for temporary power over our political opponents.
I would remind liberty activists that by opening such a Pandora’s box, there is no going back. It is a power that would allow for infinite and irreversible corruption, a power that can only be used for evil and never for good.  Even if you truly believe Trump’s motives to be honorable, there are no guarantees that these measures will ever be rescinded once they are started, nor can we be sure that they will not be used by a future president with ill intent once Trump is gone. Some people might argue that my concerns are unwarranted; that it will never come to martial law. We shall see. The trend developing today is certainly not encouraging.

URGENTšŸ”“ Trump Can Authorize Military to Build Wall- National Emergency Not Needed!

Defense Official: Nothing Stopping Trump from Authorizing Military to Build Border Wall

President Trump can build a border wall using the United States military to stop mass illegal immigration and drug trafficking without funding approval from Congress and without having to declare a national emergency.

During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
The exchange went as follows:
BROOKS: I want to direct your attention to 10 United States Code § 284 which authorizes President Trump to deploy the United States military to the southern border to build fences and to do a lot of other things, and for clarity, if you look it up in the dictionary the word fence includes the word barrier and the word barrier includes walls made of a wide variety of different materials.
So that having been said, it seems to me that 10 U.S. Code § 284 can be used by the President of the United States to direct the United States military to build a wall. Now as of today, you’ve mentioned military forces along the southern border, have any of them been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284? 
ROOD: Congressman, I don’t believe any of our forces have been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284. You are correct, however, that that use of authority would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling.
BROOKS: Does 10 U.S.C. § 284 as you understand it, require the declaration of a national emergency before it is implemented?
BROOKS: It does not?
BROOKS: Has President Trump, to your knowledge, ever used 10 U.S.C § 284 to direct the military to build the wall that is necessary for border security?
ROOD: No, not to my knowledge, Congressman.
BROOKS: If President Trump were to direct the Pentagon and the United States military pursuant to 10 U.S.C § 284 to build such barriers as are necessary to secure our southern border from drug trafficking and international crime cartels would the United States military obey that order?
ROOD: If we judge it to be a lawful order, yes sir. And I assume it would be.
For the past two years, Trump has asserted that he needs funding approval from Congress to build a wall at the southern border. This has resulted in the administration building the same steel bollard barriers that Presidents Bush and Obama built during their tenures.
The Trump administration’s main distinction, officials have said, is that their bollard fencing at the border is 30 feet high in some areas, about 10 feet higher than the barriers built under Obama.
Most recently, Trump reopened the federal government by signing a funding bill that continues government spending at current levels. The funding measure did not include any border wall funds and thus there have been no additional construction projects announced at the southern border.
While the spending bill will fund parts of the federal government through February 15, there are about at least 30,000 illegal border crossings that are expected to occur during the next few weeks.
This is equivalent to about a caravan of Central American and Mexican migrants crossing the border every day for the next 22 days.
The estimate could be upwards of  44,000 illegal border crossings for the next few weeks if there are 2,000 crossings a day, as there were in November 2018, the last month for which DHS has released total border crossings data. Federal immigration officials have said only about half of illegal aliens who cross the southern border are caught.
Mike says if Trump fails to take action, Trump could end up in prison, or dead, and the US would rapidly collapse into a Venezuelan-style police state…It is becoming increasingly obvious to nearly everyone that the anti-Trump deep state is utterly out of control. A rogue, lawless cabal of treasonous criminals is now horrifyingly close to overthrowing democracy and achieving the permanent installation of a corrupt authoritarian regime that will rule over America like the KGB.
The recent armed raid carried out against Roger Stone using 29 jack-booted federal thugs decked out in tactical gear — Stone is a harmless elderly citizen with no criminal record and no history of violence — proves once and for all that the left-wing deep state is a tyrannical, lawless regime that must be defeated and destroyed for America to survive.
As a side note, it is also abundantly clear that even those of us who are pro law enforcement can no longer defend the tyranny of rank-and-file FBI agents who went along with this. The corrupt FBI has now become the private army of Robert Mueller, carrying out lawless acts of domestic terrorism against innocent Americans, all while plotting with CNN to stage the theatrics for the news cameras.
Yes, I said it: The FBI, under the corruption of Robert Mueller and James Comey, has become a rogue agency engaged in domestic terrorism targeting political opponents.
As I cover in detail in my video below, it is now apparent that:
1) The left-wing media are now enemy combatants waging a civil war against the American republic.
2) The tech giants are running a lawless, malicious censorship campaign to silence all those who defend America and national security.
3) The justice system is fatally broken beyond all repair and cannot be restored to anything resembling due process or law and order.
4) The government itself is paralyzed, incompetent and filled with spineless conformists who have no ability to make the tough decisions needed right now to defend America.
5) The FBI is a rogue agency, and the DOJ is still run by the lawless deep state. Jeff Sessions is a traitor, and the incoming William Barr looks like yet another deep state actor who took part in the Bush administration’s false flag cover-ups and police state encroachment on the liberties of Americans.
Every institution that was previously trusted to defend America against foreign and domestic enemies has now become a domestic enemy itself.
Watch my full, extended episode of CounterThink for a detailed analysis and a call for President Trump to declare a “New American Revolution” to defeat the deep state:

The only remaining solution is for Trump to declare a national emergency and activate a citizens’ response to defend America

At this point, there is only one remaining solution: President Trump must declare a national emergency, for starters. Here’s the sequence of events he must invoke to save America:
1) Release the FISA warrant documents and the massive trove of previously classified docs that expose the outrageous criminality and abuse of power of the Obama deep state regime. If personnel at the DOJ refuse to release the documents, order the military police to arrest them. Have them replaced with someone willing to follow the law and release the documents.
2) Declare a national emergency due to an attempted political coup being carried out against the democratically-elected President. Importantly, the deep state operators who conspired to carry out this political coup must be designated “enemy combatants” in a war being waged inside the United States. This would justify the use of military force to locate and arrest them, then hold them for military tribunals.
3) Subsequently, order the military police to seek out and arrest all deep state traitors and treasonous actors, including Barack Obama, Robert Mueller and all those still taking orders from the Obama treason headquarters (which is very active and still issuing commands to anti-America traitors that Obama embedded throughout the bureaucracy).
4) Declare Antifa and gang-related illegal aliens — engaged in human trafficking, drug trafficking and the black market weapons trade — to be terrorist organizations, then order the arrest and indictment of all mayors and governors of “sanctuary” cities and states that are protecting those terrorists from prosecution.
5) Most importantly, activate all military veterans, law enforcement and patriotic citizens to rise up in defense of America. Offer bounties for the citizens’ arrest of deep state treasonous actors, and provide lists of active enemies of America to be stopped from committing any further damage to our nation (see next step).
6) Call for citizens to occupy and dismantle the enemy propaganda operations (NY Times, WashPost, CNN, etc.) and enemy tech giants which are conspiring with the journo-terrorists to overthrow America and silence all patriots. This list would naturally include Facebook, Google, Twitter, Apple and many others who have taken part in a massive, coordinated conspiracy to destroy freedom of speech for Trump supporters. (These tech giants have also committed coordinated economic sabotage against all Trump supporters across the independent media.)

Tech giants and “enemy media” are no longer operating in good faith; they are not part of civil society

Remember, the tech giants and media giants are not operating in good faith and are deliberately working against the American people. Media organizations that deliberately lie to the public have no right to operate in a civil society. Tech giants that deliberately censor speech to silence the political opponents of the authoritarian Left have no right to operate in a free society. Those institutions that deliberately work to poison the minds of the people while silencing freedom of expression for selected political targets must be identified as enemies of our society and halted from carrying out further damage.
In summary, we no longer have a “free press” in America. We have a lunatic fringe propaganda / journo-terrorism cartel and a techno-tyranny regime that silences all opposing views. Neither of these corrupt institutions has any remaining right to continue to operate in our society.
“A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.” — Samuel Adams

ANALYSIS: Millions of Americans citizens would rise up to defend America, protect our borders and defeat the enemy combatants trying to overthrow this republic

What follows here is an analysis of what might unfold once Trump declares the New American Revolution and activates the citizens to defend this nation. As a disclaimer, I do not call for vigilante action, nor do I endorse violence to resolve problems. I am calling for the President to declare a national emergency and for the citizens to respond in a non-violent way to defend their nation and halt the attempted political coup and censorship agenda now being waged against America.
Once activated, millions of Americans would rise up in defense of America. They would flood into Washington D.C. and Virginia, New York City and California to occupy and defeat the enemy combatant organizations (tech giants, enemy media, etc.) that are actively attempting to see America destroyed and overrun.
Pro-America patriots would be met by two primary opposition groups:
1) Antifa terrorists and other left-wing militant terrorists.
2) Liberal city police officers who are operating under orders from treasonous liberal mayors and governors.
Antifa terrorists would be tactically defeated very quickly for the simple reason that they are pathetic, weak crybullies who have no personal fortitude or even spiritual dedication to any cause. The toppling of city police wouldn’t take long, either, as liberal city police officers have near-zero firearms training and absolutely no will to carry out anything other than paperwork and sucking-up exercises to their local politicians. The only exception to this is SWAT team members (who actually are well trained), but most SWAT guys tend to be pro-America and pro-Constitution. Many of them will choose to fight for America. By the way, even then, remember that nearly all police and SWAT members are almost exclusively trained in extremely short-range engagements of less than 100 yards.
Continuing my analysis of this “what if” scenario, county Sheriffs departments would likely need to pick a side very early in the fight, and those who side against America would almost certainly be quickly eliminated by local citizens. Most sheriffs and deputies, thankfully, will fight for America.
As all this is happening, the enemy media would, of course, falsely report that Trump has declared himself a “dictator” and that his supporters are “domestic terrorists.” This underscores the need for rapid occupation and dismantling of the anti-America media propaganda centers, which must be seized under orders from the President and halted from spreading poison and lies across the nation. The ultimate goal would be the restoration of honest news media engaging in actual journalism rather than the destructive, poisonous left-wing activism that currently pretends to be “news.”

Barack Obama would immediately call for UN occupation of America

The moment this action gets under way, treasonous actor Barack Obama — who spent eight years attempting to undermine America, arm the Iranians with nuclear weapons and stack the deep state with communist-leaning loyalists — would call for United Nations occupation of America. This means that American military personnel, patriots and armed citizens would soon find themselves in the cross hairs of UN troops who are shooting to kill. Door-to-door gun confiscations would be immediately ordered by the UN military commander, and the real battle for the future of America will get under way.
(This is the moment when all of those who live in New Jersey would likely dig up all the weapons they have buried in their back yards.)
Under this scenario, UN troops would likely target the East Coast, with a special emphasis on Washington D.C. To defeat this enemy military occupation, pro-America patriots would probably send hundreds of thousands of dedicated, armed citizens to defeat this enemy. This battle would convince many military commanders that backing Trump is the only way to save America against being overrun by foreign troops. Various National Guard units would also be called up by pro-America state Governors and dispatched to the D.C. area to eliminate occupying U.N. troops and protect pro-American forces.
Somewhere during all this, the Demon-possessed child-molesting Pope Francis would no doubt announce that Trump is Satan and that God wants the UN occupying to win, or some such nonsense.
Much of the action at this point would probably consist of guerilla-style engagements, with armed citizens running sabotage operations to cut off U.N. supply lines (by attacking supply depots, for example) while carrying out hit-and-run attacks against UN troops at random times and locations. American patriots would become the French Resistance of World War II, defeating tyranny by accosting the enemy at every opportunity.
This guerilla campaign would consist of a whole lot of highly capable union workers, because if there’s anything that union workers are really, really good at, it’s damaging heavy equipment.
Notably, there would remain a large population of citizen traitors throughout the bureaucracy, media propaganda publishers and tech companies who would actively conspire with the United Nations to see America defeated and overthrown. These citizens — who have already been heavily propagandized by a toxic left-wing media for the last decade — largely consist of unarmed, weak-willed crybullies whose effectiveness is near-zero once they are cut off from their poison propaganda hubs. They do not represent any significant tactical threat to American patriots in the real world. Their weapons are primarily propaganda, and they can be stopped by seizing their propaganda centers (such as Twitter).

SUMMARY: Fighting for America now appears to be the only remaining way to save America

I could go into a lot more analysis detail about the tactical engagements likely to occur if this scenario unfolds, but the discussion is pointless unless President Trump is willing to declare a national emergency and go to bat for America. Should he fail to take the necessary actions to defend this republic, it is abundantly clear that he will lose the 2020 election and be destroyed — even imprisoned or executed — by the same deep state cabal that will then have achieved unbounded dictatorial power over the United States of America.
Should that occur, you can expect a rapid escalation of FBI terrorism raids on independent media and patriots, the installation of Hillary Clinton (or a similarly evil anti-American traitor) into power, government seizing of all independent media web domains, and a rapid collapse into Venezuela-style police state tyranny, complete with secret torture gulags run by Democrats, all in the name of “tolerance” and “love,” of course. (If Democrats could re-write history, they would have placed “Love Wins” stickers on the Holocaust ovens while calling for all Jews to be more aggressively disarmed and labeled “anti-government terrorists.”)
Those same Democrats will pass nationwide gun confiscation laws and demand the American people turn in all their guns. Should the people be stupid enough to surrender to that demand, the government execution squads will then be put into action, with the incineration ovens running 24/7 to eliminate the tens of millions of Americans who are designated “patriots.” The radical Left — already whipped up into an irrational, murderous rage over MAGA hats — will cheer and celebrate the efficient extermination of all those with whom they disagree. This ethnic cleansing will specifically target people of white skin color, with Christians being prioritized for mass executions along with FBI-run terrorism raids on churches. (Yes, the FBI will begin bombing churches in America, while Robert Mueller picks the targets and declared, “The Russians have churches too!”)
Whether the American people will, at that point, rise up on their own and fight to defend America is anybody’s guess. Most of America has already stood by and said nothing as the First Amendment has been obliterated by the radical left-wing tech giants… will the people also remain silent as the Second Amendment is destroyed? Part of my thinks that as long as professional football is being televised — Bread and Circuses, anyway? — the vast majority of Americans will do nothing but drink beer, eat pizza and debate NFL performance statistics. On the other hand, it doesn’t take very many patriots to defend America. Everything I’ve described here could likely be accomplished with as few as 100,000 dedicated Americans following their patriotic President.
I, for one, will not surrender to tyranny, and I will not stay silent about what is unfolding before us. I am an American and a Texan. Even if Trump fails to defend America, that won’t stop me from remaining committing to this nation, its Constitution and the rule of law. I will work to defend this great nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic.